Rare should partner with One Piece!

  • I got into this game after watching a bit of One Piece and I think it would be REALLY cool if we can get a Tall Tale or something related to One Piece. Maybe sailing into the Grand Line, or whatever comes later in the series.

    I'd definitely drop some shiny doubloons on this sort of content!

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  • @fota1885 I have a mighty need for the straw hat and ship set! Oh and floating tavern!

  • YAaarrrggggg now this would be pretty cool. Should at least get that straw hat an maybe a shipset to go with it would be pretty cool. Wonder what the ship would look like? Definitely some Frankie lookin cannons lol

  • @fota1885 One piece is an anime that doesn't really fit the theme of Sea of Thieves. Pirates of the Caribbean has influenced the game for years which is probably one of the reasons for their partnership. A tall tale would integrate one piece into the lore of the game, which I highly doubt rare would ever do.

    It's been asked on the forums many times and from the arguments you can see that one party loves it and the other truly despises it. I haven't watched it so I can't really give my opinion on the show, but I do think crossovers should be kept to a minimum.

    Rare would also have to get a partnership with One Piece because of copyright.

  • Ever since disney Partnered up....players are gonna be asking for more partnerships. Sigh.

  • @burnbacon five nights at flameheart's?

  • @drizkillz bring it on, in the roar, dense fog

  • I don't really know anything about that sorta thing but if it brings a straw hat to the game it's hard to say no

  • One Piece is an anime. This would not integrate well with the Sea of Thieves world and art style. Pirates of the Caribbean has been an influence for Sea of Thieves for a long time so it was done. I personally do not think any more universes should crossover. Sea of Thieves has its own lore which is progressing.

  • @illbushido305 said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    One Piece is an anime. This would not integrate well with the Sea of Thieves world and art style. Pirates of the Caribbean has been an influence for Sea of Thieves for a long time so it was done. I personally do not think any more universes should crossover. Sea of Thieves has its own lore which is progressing.

    Their is literally nothing wrong with them having a crossover for ship skins or a pirate costume. If a tall tale was possible (along with cosmetics), then the game is all the better for it as it would still make them money. I don't see them doing anything too elaborate at all, but they've done plenty of game crossovers that aren't pirate related. So a pirate themed show that is quite popular isn't entirely out of the question just because it isn't within your taste.

  • @beerisicecold said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    @illbushido305 said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    One Piece is an anime. This would not integrate well with the Sea of Thieves world and art style. Pirates of the Caribbean has been an influence for Sea of Thieves for a long time so it was done. I personally do not think any more universes should crossover. Sea of Thieves has its own lore which is progressing.

    Their is literally nothing wrong with them having a crossover for ship skins or a pirate costume. If a tall tale was possible (along with cosmetics), then the game is all the better for it as it would still make them money. I don't see them doing anything too elaborate at all, but they've done plenty of game crossovers that aren't pirate related. So a pirate themed show that is quite popular isn't entirely out of the question just because it isn't within your taste.

    Not about my taste. The art style of anime characters and themes of that show do not fit the art style of this game. Cross overs should be kept to a bare minimum as any crossover would add that world to the lore of the game. The only thing that’s made sense is Pirates of the Caribbean as it actually fits the style of the game in terms of the clothing and the characters.

  • The only thing really similar between one piece and sea of thieves is ships and a jolly roger. I'd like to see it, but it would be a massive culture shock for those who haven't seen the show. There's a lot of fantastical elements like devil fruit, haki, and even sword grades that wouldn't mesh well with Sea of Thieves.

  • I personally don’t see anything wrong with a dedication or show of appreciation towards one piece. A crossover would be unlikely and wouldn’t necessarily blend well with sea of thieves. The cosmetic side of things I can see as being very possible however.

    I would be lying if I said one piece hasn’t been successful and a great alternative view on a pirates life and it’s own lore. Like I said, cosmetically awesome. Not sure about partnering like the pirates life.

  • @illbushido305 said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    @beerisicecold said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    @illbushido305 said in Rare should partner with One Piece!:

    One Piece is an anime. This would not integrate well with the Sea of Thieves world and art style. Pirates of the Caribbean has been an influence for Sea of Thieves for a long time so it was done. I personally do not think any more universes should crossover. Sea of Thieves has its own lore which is progressing.

    Their is literally nothing wrong with them having a crossover for ship skins or a pirate costume. If a tall tale was possible (along with cosmetics), then the game is all the better for it as it would still make them money. I don't see them doing anything too elaborate at all, but they've done plenty of game crossovers that aren't pirate related. So a pirate themed show that is quite popular isn't entirely out of the question just because it isn't within your taste.

    Not about my taste. The art style of anime characters and themes of that show do not fit the art style of this game. Cross overs should be kept to a bare minimum as any crossover would add that world to the lore of the game. The only thing that’s made sense is Pirates of the Caribbean as it actually fits the style of the game in terms of the clothing and the characters.

    Borderlands art style doesn't fit either as well as it not being pirate related what so ever and yet we have a ship set so...

  • A " Haki " - curse that makes you look semi-metallic would be cool. ;)

  • Bink's Sake as a shanty please : )

  • In an interview at e3, when the pirate life was added, the creators said that they were inspired by the game legend of Zelda, so you can't say that one piece doesn't fit the format. It is obvious that the creators, if they listen to the discussion, will not add things that can upset the balance. I mean, in my opinion, everyone who asks for a one piece crossover just wants cosmetic items like costumes, ship décor and all. This will be enough and those who love this anime will be very pleased. In the end we have a "first team" nose figure which is very similar in style to the anime.

  • As thread necro is against our forum rules, we will be dropping anchor on this thread here. Thank you.

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