Hiya Sea people.

  • Hi, I'm new to the game and have only just started the introduction.
    I hate pvp but love the idea of sailing on the high seas, finding treasure and stuff, and as it so happens, blue is my favourite colour.
    I guess if pvp is compulsory I will just have to do my best to blow your ship up and try my hardest not to cry when I get blown up.

    Sea you around. \o

  • 4
  • @manydoors1046

    Welcome to the Seas!

    Keep a weather eye on the horizon and may all yer winds be fair - if you need any help or advice then there are plenty of salty pirates with heaps of experience, just throw a question their way!

  • @katttruewalker
    if I have a copy of Sea of Thieves for XBox, DO I HAVE to buy a new copy for pc? Or can I install it free of charge?

  • @manydoors1046

    Welcome aboard.

    Just bring a thick skin and dont take anything seriously.

    Know that the sea is a cruel mistress but rewards communication, fortitude, and perseverance in spades.

    Die well.

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