Hi I'm New Here :)

  • Ahoy Fellow Captains! The names Fogstar!

    I'm new here and in game but guys the addiction is real..... I'm from the UK and been streaming for about 1yr and half now on twitch and streamed a variety of games but have now decided to settle with Sea Of Thieves. I'm so excited to be playing the game and hopefully meeting other players a long the way. I still have loads to learn and would love to get some advice off some more veteran players. So if anyone wants to play chat or come over to my Twitch let me know!

    Glad to be here!
    Gamertag fogstar3109
    Stream every Wed, Thu and Fri from 8pm GMT Twitch

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  • @fogstar3109 Hi.

    Sell often! Don't carry anything of value for too long, or risk losing it!

    There. :)

  • @jeroenix

    See I want to do the complete opposite the thrill of being a pirate is looting for a whole session and fighting off any enemies willing to try take it!

    I cry a lot but sometimes they are happy tears!

    Thanks for the advice!

  • @fogstar3109

    Watch the Horizon! - Most important rule in SoT
    never carry anything you arent willing to lose - (sandbox ffa pvp rule No. 1)
    second progression and focus on having a adventure
    dont cheese, dont exploit, keep the pirate code alive
    No its not a funny guideline it's a code of honor among real pirates
    serverhopping is cheesing and exploiting the game - remember: adventure!
    That means you dont have control over things you aren't meant to have control over
    e.g. active event, emissary ship to hunt, active Fort of the damned to ambush, your buddies to set up a premade alliance etc...
    Adventures and amazing moments happen, when you accept what the sea has for you today and make the best out of it.

    thats my advice and i say i'm a veteran becuause i play since alpha, didnt do big breaks, but only 4 weeks in the end of 2018 due to holidays, but i'm also not a hardcore gamer or everyday player.

    unfortunately many streamers did no good to the community, but in fact and imho they did harm the community a lot with what they do and propose is a good playstyle.

    There is only one intended and real pirate playstyle and that is PvEvPirate and follow what i said above!

    good winds to you
    have fun - Stun

    why do you have a founder account?

  • @stundorn

    Thanks for the advice :) I honestly do just play what's in front of me at the time and just do what I feel is best at the time. I tend to plan out what I'm doing for the stream so that might be Tall Tales which I've only just started and having a blast or I'll decide to do PVP that stream or something but something always distracts me haha. So much to do in the game as I've not played in so long!

    As for the Founders Title I have a feeling that maybe because I had the game on launch on Xbox years ago but quickly finished playing the game because of lack of content. I'm so glad to be back now and look forward to all the new content ahead!

    Again appreciate the advice!


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