the blunder....

  • the blunder is really the most unskill weapon of the game.
    There is no skill AT ALL to use this "weapon" and oneshot players.
    Go nerf/delete this aberration, and the naaabs will vanish from the game.

  • 14
  • @bloo-d-barhic right

    minus the fact you have to be close and rely on hitreg for 10 pellets to count not to mention even just hitting all the pellets is harder than you think

    have you ever used this weapon?

    or is this the typical "i got killed now i must rant and get something nerfed because i refuse to improve" type post?

  • @jollyolsteamed said in the blunder....:

    @bloo-d-barhic right

    minus the fact you have to be close and rely on hitreg for 10 pellets to count not to mention even just hitting all the pellets is harder than you think

    have you ever used this weapon?

    or is this the typical "i got killed now i must rant and get something nerfed because i refuse to improve" type post?

    Judging by this being his first post and he has never blocked a strike with a sword and then sworded someone down, never stolen someone's captain's chest despite playing for nearly a year, I am going to guess he is a pistol/sniper arena main that gets mad when he gets blundered for getting too close.

  • @Bloo-D-Barhic I play almost every day and have since the closed alpha - and guess what?

    I am 💩 with a blunderbuss. It's not as easy as some may think, especially since there's almost 30 different ways to avoid being 1-shot by it.

    Oh, wait - you didn't know that?

    Too bad.

  • @bloo-d-barhic sagte in the blunder....:

    the blunder is really the most unskill weapon of the game.
    There is no skill AT ALL to use this "weapon" and oneshot players.
    Go nerf/delete this aberration, and the naaabs will vanish from the game.

    i thought the cutlass is the weapon for people without skill and you can only spam a button?
    now i am confused

  • I only use the blunderbuss myself so if i get surprised boarded, i atleast have a shot at getting rid of them without trying to be the perfect swordsman. long/mid/short range guns currently, i never one shot anyone with it, if anything they are far enough away from me to 2 shot me with a pistol and thats makes me more mad then one shotted with a shotgun lol, usually you cant one shot with anything in games which is bothersome.

  • I'm a diehard flintlock guy, but I use the blunder to prevent boarding sometimes. I prefer the cutlass to the blunder, but that's not to say that the blunder doesn't require skill. The reason I only use it to prevent boarding is that you have to be super close to even do any damage. That's the point of a shotgun in any game. Higher damage at the price of distance. Its 100% fair.

  • @bloo-d-barhic let me guess, you go below deck when you are in a fight

  • If in the future various types of throwing weapons are added, and one day you are sent to the ferry, will you also write that this needs to be removed from the game?

  • you can outplay every other weapon if you're caught off-guard by dodging / blocking and counterattacking, but there is always a high chance even a complete newb will one shot you in the back with a blunderbuss. I can see how this weapon can cause some people frustration. I think it's maximum damage should be on par with the sniper, or maybe a little more but no weapon should one shot.

  • @zergy1139 If it wasn't capable of 1-shotting up close, it would automatically be too weak because if it doesn't kill them, it knocks them back, which would automatically make your next shot even less likely to hit and kill them. It essentially becomes a tool rather than a weapon at that point.

  • It would be on par with a sniper/pistol where in most situations you have to close the gap and finish them off with a sword (waiting for reloads is often too slow with other guns). Remember there is still a reload window to gain ground on them if you do choose to go for the blunderbus reload... Still to your point perhaps it could be tuned so that the second shot has a chance to kill even with the small-ranged knockback.... Maybe it does like 80 damage? At least then a player has a small window to react the same way they can to sniper/sword ...

    Another idea - I think it would be cool if blunderbus/sniper (guns with a stock) could have a way to melee someone with the stock (butt) of the weapon for a knockback effect so knocking people off ships was more deliberate and not random. Perhaps after a shot the melee attack could kill and just remove the regular knock-back from blunderbus.

  • IMO blunder damage is fine, only thing that doesn't make sense is the knockback. Even if you hit just one pellet for 5% damage it still throws the person off the boat.. that doesn't make any sense.

  • @korpp1s I do believe they fixed that.

7 out of 14