What is a "Pirate" game?

  • @thagoochiestman said in What is a "Pirate" game?:


    But IMO it's sad that this game has made central to their gameplay certain things that other games consider to be toxic.

    What do you mean? PvP isn't toxic...PvE isn't toxic...what's toxic in your opinion? Stealing other people's treasure??

    It definitely has its market, as evidenced by everyone here, it's just annoying as someone who loves the game and it's artistic style to be unable to convince people to overcome the steep (and demoralizing) learning curve.

    You want a steep learning curve game? Try Shadow of Mordor or No Man's Sky. Have fun!

    Luckily my friend got it off of Game Pass though so it's not like she is out $60. It really is a phenomenal deal especially just for trying out new games, especially ones that you might not buy or try otherwise.

    Really shows what kind of games that you can play. Looks like Sea of Thieves may not be one of those games for you.

  • It’s simple. You either get better or you don’t. I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and yeah I’ve been sunk by “toxic” players but I’ve also sunk players. If you get better you’ll be less likely to sink. With custom servers now you can play pve all you want. But part of the reward is being able to win against toxic players

  • @manicowl88 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    It’s simple. You either get better or you don’t. I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and yeah I’ve been sunk by “toxic” players but I’ve also sunk players. If you get better you’ll be less likely to sink. With custom servers now you can play pve all you want. But part of the reward is being able to win against toxic players

    Define toxic for me in Sea of Thieves perspective.

  • @manicowl88 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I’ve been playing for 3 weeks and yeah I’ve been sunk by “toxic” players but I’ve also sunk players.

    Did they use language? If so, then that is toxic. Killing a player to get loot isn't toxic. Spawn camping is ok in select situations, such as stopping ships from chasing you, or preventing ships from coming after you.

    If you get better you’ll be less likely to sink. With custom servers now you can play pve all you want.

    Without gold/rep/doubloons/commendations, and probably will have to pay for a private server

    But part of the reward is being able to win against toxic players

    Again, toxic players are the ones who rub it in your face.

  • @supersnipper60 to be honest getting sunk isn’t toxic imo but to have players mic yelling you’re trash gt’o and things of that nature when they sink you is toxic. It is a pvp game with pve elements. Rarely are players toxic in that way but sure people go after others because it’s easier to pvp than to pve

  • @manicowl88 Thank you. That is actually a good definition to a toxic player. Many newer players complain about how 'toxic' players are when they get sunk.

  • @supersnipper60 no it is a pvp pirate game. Getting sunk is part of the learning curve. Toxic players are the once who shout profanity. Camping and sinking is all strategy

  • @supersnipper60 Well what are your intentions when you shoot over? Honestly.

  • Define griefing...
    In my exlerience over 2 years I have had very few moments where I felt like I was personally attacked or targeted. A big part of the game is learning how to deal with the environment that is SoT. A few people play the game just to really "mess" with people bit the large majority of the players are simply playing how they see fit, which is to be expected of. There is a team sence to the game, it's not real life where it would be in your interest to recruit people. It's specifically not in your interest to let people on your ship.
    If you want to experience the good in this game (life too) you have to embrace the bad and use ot to ypur advantage or at least take in into account in how you play.
    You can't change reality to fit your needs. You need to use reality to fit your needs.

    P.s. spawn camping is only trolling/griefing if they gain nothing out of it.
    Ex: if they are trying to sink your ship or stall you to escape or get loot or supplies off, not something to complain about.
    If your a fresh-spawn and they are useing you for target practice for half an hour... then you can skuttle your ship any time, you have nothing to lose anyway. I don't unserstand these people (the emotionally unstable few there are) but you have an out.

  • I logged in tonight just to troll.

    And troll I did. I met a galleon... and maybe some spanish guys. and a brig turnign in loot.

    I just sailed towards every mast I could put my spyglass on.

    So much fun. The brig burned let me help them burn their boat.... and I even got to turn in skull for them.

    So "toxic".

    Sorry for the poor grammar... vodka cranberries :)

  • Has anyone else noticed that the OP, so far, has mostly responded only to the largely negative posts? I find that a bit odd, and even a bit unsettling.

  • @manicowl88 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @supersnipper60 no it is a pvp pirate game. Getting sunk is part of the learning curve. Toxic players are the once who shout profanity. Camping and sinking is all strategy

    That's what I meant.

  • @thagoochiestman said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @supersnipper60 Well what are your intentions when you shoot over? Honestly.

    Find out what loot they might have, stop them from chasing me, stop them from potentially chasing me, helping new players, getting revenge, etc.

  • @gunner646 that makes sense, but what if you’re currently embroiled in a PvE challenge like the new ashen boss they added? It can be extremely difficult and time consuming to take out not to mention it can attack your ship directly, and the added challenge of another person coming to take advantage of your already stretched thin capacity is nothing short of frustrating. I tell you this from personal experience: I had no loot, was making no aggressive moves, just fighting the skeleton and my ship was burned to a crisp and I had to abandon the boss fight just for the player’s enjoyment. That’s part of the game, sure, but I’m surprised a boss that can attack your ship isn’t sequestered off where other players can’t attack you similar to the gold hoarder

  • @capnace2 its not supposed to be like the gold hoarder. This is an event to fight over(not a tall tale to experience). The game is designed to have these kind of interations and players need to learn how people play the game. If your at a fort or ashen lord etc. Then you need to sweep the Horizon every now and then, check for Tucker's, etc. There os no such thing in thos game as "minding my business." Everyone is everyone else's business, wheather it be loot, supplies, whatever. Its annoying when people attack you for nothing bit most of the time they dont know you have nothing until mid battle, which at that point you might as well sink them for poor PvP practices, ex: looking for ships/ players so you can defend your ship and not have it burnt to a crisp.
    And of it is but to a crisp, you lost. Good luck next time, one of the best things about this game is the ability to learn with every encounter.
    Ex: why did me ship burn down? Well did I not see a ship incoming? Did I lose a fight with a player? Did I not have a full crew? The list goes on, bad things happen, they "need" to so players can be better.

    All the players that PvP and sink ships for little to nothing have already gone through this to some degree. Its time you understand the silver lineing to these seemingly unfortunate situations.

  • @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

  • @gunner646 that’s the point I was trying to make. I was doing an ashen lord. As I approached another sloop was coming in too. I did not hesitate to send over and see what they had. They had nothing. Would they try and sink me? Who knows... I shot first 😁. Did I want the ashen loot for myself. You bet. Did they sink? You bet. Did I think it was over, yep (my mistake) did one guy backspawn and hide till he found a keg on the island then proceed to use it on my ship, YOU BET. I sank I gained nothing from my 30 min. But that’s life I wasn’t salty or mad that he made a smart move. That’s just how this game is

  • @gunner646 not to mention, the developers keep telling everyone and I mean EVERY website or person out there that their game is designed to be a “wholesome, friendly experience”, with mechanics designed bring players together not to fight, but to work together. They intentionally designed it so that players don’t see everyone as enemies immediately but no this player base has taken it the opposite direction and you’re called an idiot if you think anyone should want to make friends before killing people in this game smh

  • @capnace2 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

    Well if that isn't the biggest load of 🐂 I have ever heard of, then I don't know what is.

  • @capnace2 some people say that. They are not wrong and neither ate you. You can play the game however you want but you can't expect others to do the same.
    The game was made with the idea of people creating storys together. Not whatever you said. They encourage friendly behavior because if they didnt then no friendly people would exist on the seas. People Will naturally take the PvP rout so there needs to be an extra nudge of goodness too.
    Creating these stories can involve alliances and friendship and some of the best ones do, but PvP os not only just as enjoyable to many people but much easier.
    The devs had PvP well in mind when making the game. Without it it would be half of the game it is now.

  • @capnace2 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

    Real question, when did Rare ever advertise that most PvP should take place in arena?

  • @galactic-geek said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @capnace2 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

    Well if that isn't the biggest load of 🐂 I have ever heard of, then I don't know what is.

    Hardcore PvE proponents love to call games with PvP in them "dead". They imagine this mass exodus of people just like them who can't emotionally handle having their pixel boat sunk. Somehow all of these "dead" games keep rolling on in spite of their predictions.
    Your assessment of his post is correct.

  • @capnace2 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

    Other people already called this out but this is directed at me so...

    The only place they show (not say) people together is when multiple ships are in ome area and not shooting cannons. Where there are just as many scenarios in marketing that show ships shooting the hell out of each other. If you cherrypick things you want to see and you dont see them then you blame the devs. The game is best experienced as a pvpve
    Equal balance between both is the best way to habe fun with the game. Along side that you need to not be upset if you lose a fight (whether you wanted to be in it or not) because in the end its just a game, better luck and planning next time.

    If you want your story to always be friendly then you better look for the bright people because a reaper ship isn't suddenly going to change its ways just for you, our perfect little angel.😁

    Edit: the arena not only was never advertised as all PvP goes here but is kinda dead. Adventure PvP is much more rewarding and enjoyable because you can do it as a part of your whole storytelling experience between krakens and event bosses, you can find a ally to help you or a Mark to hunt down bc they have a ton of loot, or maybe a lvl 5 emissary flag you want for the PvP based commendations in adventure.
    Yin and yang my friend.

  • @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I have a crew of all older women. We will sink you if you attack us. We will sink you if you look like you might attack us. We will sink you if you're someplace we need to be, or if we think you have something we want. We will sink you if you invade our space near a fort, fleet, or any other cache of juicy loot. We might even sink you just because we feel like it and you're unlucky enough to cross our path.

    See, OP. If a bunch of spinsters and cat ladies can hack it, you should be able to hack it.

  • @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I have a crew of all older women. We will sink you if you attack us. We will sink you if you look like you might attack us. We will sink you if you're someplace we need to be, or if we think you have something we want. We will sink you if you invade our space near a fort, fleet, or any other cache of juicy loot. We might even sink you just because we feel like it and you're unlucky enough to cross our path.

    See, OP. If a bunch of spinsters and cat ladies can hack it, you should be able to hack it.

    I'm married and I don't have any cats. Don't stereotype.

  • @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I have a crew of all older women. We will sink you if you attack us. We will sink you if you look like you might attack us. We will sink you if you're someplace we need to be, or if we think you have something we want. We will sink you if you invade our space near a fort, fleet, or any other cache of juicy loot. We might even sink you just because we feel like it and you're unlucky enough to cross our path.

    See, OP. If a bunch of spinsters and cat ladies can hack it, you should be able to hack it.

    I'm married and I don't have any cats. Don't stereotype.

    Oh, I was joking. Laugh a little.

  • @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I have a crew of all older women. We will sink you if you attack us. We will sink you if you look like you might attack us. We will sink you if you're someplace we need to be, or if we think you have something we want. We will sink you if you invade our space near a fort, fleet, or any other cache of juicy loot. We might even sink you just because we feel like it and you're unlucky enough to cross our path.

    See, OP. If a bunch of spinsters and cat ladies can hack it, you should be able to hack it.

    I'm married and I don't have any cats. Don't stereotype.

    Oh, I was joking. Laugh a little.

    I'll laugh when I hear something funny.

  • @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @genuine-heather said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    I have a crew of all older women. We will sink you if you attack us. We will sink you if you look like you might attack us. We will sink you if you're someplace we need to be, or if we think you have something we want. We will sink you if you invade our space near a fort, fleet, or any other cache of juicy loot. We might even sink you just because we feel like it and you're unlucky enough to cross our path.

    See, OP. If a bunch of spinsters and cat ladies can hack it, you should be able to hack it.

    Oh yeah because a crew of females must be spinster cat ladies, I get it was a joke but rather sterotype cringe one.

    I play video games, I am married but I do have cats. When I was single walking into my apartment was like coming late and getting your seat at Cats the musical on Broadway, glowing eyes in the dark upon entering, everywhere, high, low. Rumor has it men would enter and never leave, all neighbors would hear were cries amongst meowing, then silence. Hmmm maybe im not the best example.

  • @capnace2 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @gunner646 then Sea of Thieves is living a double standard. They advertise immersive stories and having fun with friends. The ads show ships working together, sailing together, claiming that the arena is where most pvp should take place. If the adventure mode is supposed to be pvp with a side of pve then they suffer from a huge bout of false advertising, which is why outsiders will say this is a dead game. Because it’s not what the devs say it is

    The E3 reveal trailer has PVP between 2 player galleons in it. This game has never hidden that there is full blown PVP in adventure.

  • If you really are tired of getting ganged up on with pvp players join a discord group there’s a lot of them out there with players looking for other people to even the odds. Random groups can be a pain because there’s a lack of communication. The game is % better when you sailing sinking and being sunk with people who genuinely wanna play and not just mess around. Although there’s plenty of fun in messing around also.

  • @galactic-geek Care to actually refuting anything that he said rather than simply dismiss it (with an emoji)?

    If he's wrong and you can demonstrably counter @CapnAce2 's argument, why not enlighten us all and tell us specifically where and how he's wrong?

    And "it's a pirate game" doesn't count as specific, imo.

  • @thagoochiestman said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    @galactic-geek Care to actually refuting anything that he said rather than simply dismiss it (with an emoji)?

    If he's wrong and you can demonstrably counter @CapnAce2 's argument, why not enlighten us all and tell us specifically where and how he's wrong?

    And "it's a pirate game" doesn't count as specific, imo.

    LOL, like such an absurd argument needs any further addressing as nearly everything he said about the promotion of the game is false, selective, and viewed through biased eyes.

    @Galactic-Geek was spot on in his response, as it was a load of bull plop. Unless he can show ANY marketing material the backs up his statement (which he can't unless he edits out all the other parts he chooses to ignore), I stand behind the Geek on this one.

  • @dlchief58 just an update, I joined open sloop and was met by someone who wasn’t very good to begin with but all they did was say “you’re trash get the f—- off my boat, quit playing my game trash. Go f——g kill yourself piece of sh-t.” So I spent a good half hour blunder bombing him off the ship. He must have been new because the first time it took him a while to figure out what mermaids were. Players like that are toxic to the game. If you’re going to be upset over anything be upset by people like that who’s sole purpose is to talk to others that way. Don’t be mad at skilled players who sink you but aren’t total piles of you know what human beings

  • I love when people say the PvP community is toxic -which, they can be- and then you look at the PvE community.
    PvPer:sinks person after they finished Athena
    PvEer: Your so effing bad. No one loves you fa***t get a life and a wife. Your an accident!
    Like, how is the PvE community not considered toxic by lots of people?

  • @vin-delanos said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    • Do you agree with this "pirate game" sentiment, and the laissez-faire, "boys will boys" attitude that many of the players seem to have?

    This is my favorite part.
    And the answer is "Yes", OP. I'll just answer for the devs, because it's literally how the game was designed - the game you bought and singed-up for.

    @cotu42 said in What is a "Pirate" game?:

    This is a game about becoming the pirate you want to be, not how to be a sailor... learn to play the game to be the pirate you want to be. If you want to explore instead of fight, watch the horizon and avoid others. If you want to collect gold instead of fight, watch the horizon and learn to sail. It really isn't that hard, make good choices and respond based on what you want to achieve.

    Not only do I want to give this response a thumbs-up, but it reinforces what I said earlier about the mast and the spyglass. On any ship especially, but mostly on a solo sloop, a very healthy portion of your time should be dedicated to watching the horizon for other players, and acting/reacting according to their positions and activities.

    One common thing you'll find in most YouTube videos of people successfully playing the game is that they are constantly using their spyglass and maintaining situational awareness above all else.

    As cotu42 said - sometimes, things just don't work out. You miss a mast on the horizon, you stumble upon a ship who was reefed behind a large island, whatever. You deal with it. And if you lose - you suck it up and drive on.

    Usually there is so little PvP in this game that the only way to engage in some is to go out and find it.

    I agree with this.
    From experience most of my pvp encounters are ones I initiate myself.

    It's rare I actually get a "chase" now. But I love it when it happens.

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