It's about time to alter respawning

  • @mystic-nefro Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @daringclarky [mod edit] I was willing to admit, that 3 sec shield was a bit too much, so I said 1 sec would be fine to be protected from the insta kill. Calling one second respawn protection a safety blanket is something, [mod edit] it just doesn't make sense, [mod edit] so I'll pretend you didn't say that. [mod

    If you were invulnerable for 2 seconds you could just start running within those two seconds you spawned and use the opportunity to run to a choke point and whip out your blunderbuss.

    Now imagine the frustration of being a solo or duo doing this on a 4 man gally.

    Boarding would be pathetically frustrating.
    Its a safety blanket.

    Its a clear advantage in favor of the ships crew, which already have advantages of spawn points and resurrections.

    If you dont think thats a safety blanket then simply put you are lying to yourself.

  • @daringclarky Sure budy, mod edits my post into nonsense and you are talking big league, in what world is 1 sec a safety blanket? You truly are delusional, keep talking and avoiding me on the app, you play big guy here, but too scared to back up your word in the game, sad...

  • @mystic-nefro said in It's about time to alter respawning:

    @daringclarky Sure budy, mod edits my post into nonsense and you are talking big league, in what world is 1 sec a safety blanket? You truly are delusional, keep talking and avoiding me on the app, you play big guy here, but too scared to back up your word in the game, sad...

    Ive not been online tonight. You could likely see that if you actually bothered to try. Then again, you think forum ranks are a representation of your in game rank so im not surprised at all.
    You’re the one being very sad. Pretending im avoiding you when in actual fact ive not been online at all. 🤔 Are you unwell?

    Ive already explained myself. Re-read the posts til it sinks in.
    The moderators mod edited you for a reason though and it would be wise to take their advice on board.

  • This thread has devolved into petty sniping and isn't conducive to respectful conversation, so I'm going to lock it. Please refrain from further instigating of conflict with members of the community, even when you passionately disagree on something, in order to avoid further disciplinary action from the mod team up to and including a ban.

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