The Journal of Mark The Attuned, The Lion

  • If ye mateys reading this notice are, er, readin' this notice, I have composed and will continue to update my personal journal of my true tales of my adventures at sea. ((The journal is written as my character's 'in-game' personal journal of their happenings at sea. It is meant to not just be lore friendly but as though it was actually within the world itself. Here is the wattpad link, I deeply appreciate the read! I'm brand new at the game but very excited!))

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    fan artstory & lore
  • Yarr, a third entry has made its way now. Without me left hand writing be messier, apologies for me sloppy writing mateys! I be a left handed lad but today me left hand was blown off by a blunderbuss.

  • I be at least 8 chapters deep now. My plan next is to do The Seabound Soul tall tale, though every time I try someone without fail has sank me ship while all I have is quest items, gotta set up a proper day in full dedicated to grinding out the mission. So far as a new player my least favourite part is running into other players as the game always comes to a halt for me as a rookie pirate thus far. Been feeling discouraged but that won't stand in my way for long, mateys! Yo ho!

  • I indeed found a sailor to act as a friend to me, both for the first time coming across friendlies (Who betrayed me and got murdered but you'll have to read the journal for that!), and also I sailed with a crewmate for the very first time, how exciting! We kicked it off extremely well and I helped him also find the fabled shroudbreaker, as I attempted to for the rival crew we had to sink. It makes up chapters 9 and 10 of me pirate adventures for ye all!

  • Yo ho! I beat The Seabound Soul today, solo! Chapter 12 it be!

  • @luhjgh i love this i wish you could do this in game

  • @closinghare208 Haha, there are some features I definitely wish were around for Roleplaying purposes - Like if I could have buried those skulls so other people could dig 'em up for one. Or having a journal/note leaving system in-game would be neat. I've been a DM in D&D for 10 years now so storytelling is definitely a passion of mine, and I find Sea of Thieves to be very immersive and great for storytelling. Most my journal entries are pretty much just accounts in-game (with some narrative changes for lore and things) after all.
    Yo ho and what have ye!

  • @luhjgh said in The Journal of Mark The Attuned, The Lion:

    @closinghare208 Haha, there are some features I definitely wish were around for Roleplaying purposes - Like if I could have buried those skulls so other people could dig 'em up for one. Or having a journal/note leaving system in-game would be neat. I've been a DM in D&D for 10 years now so storytelling is definitely a passion of mine, and I find Sea of Thieves to be very immersive and great for storytelling. Most my journal entries are pretty much just accounts in-game (with some narrative changes for lore and things) after all.
    Yo ho and what have ye!


  • Ahoy mateys!
    I began my journey as a simple Lone Journeyman, making my rounds about the seas. I learned of the Order, of magic, and artifacts. I indeed became a Liberator of the seas, killing around a hundred skeletal captains at least now. I even sailed with an ally and killed the Shadowmaw and many other Megalodons, and even succeeded in defeating other pirates - and even lost to some. It's been quite an adventure, but now I must say: THIS FIRST ARC OF MY LIFE IS OVER. In 16 chapters, I heartily have made a copy of my journal and placed it in the tavern on Golden Sands Outpost for all to read ((lol I wish that was for real)) about my adventures as a newbie upon the seas! Perhaps one of ye can even find my sunken log from The Wedge.

    I have become an Emissary of The Order of Souls now, and with this I think it is fitting for me to begin a second volume of my journal now. My adventures as a representative of The Order of Souls will truly be a new chapter of my life.

    ((And that's a wrap on arc 1 bois, had a blast writing it! Not sure if I should start a new followup thread or keep it all contained here. I'm super addicted to SoT and glad to be here. I was discouraged initially but learned how to deal with players a lot better now, making the game obscenely fun for me now. From the bottom of my heart, I love ye all. A pirate ye have truly made out of me and I'm glad to be here. Stay tuned for The Journal of Mark The Attuned, The Mystic))

  • It's been a while but I thought I should give you all an update! Volume 2 is completed! Hear my tales of battles with Skeleton Lords, haunted dreams, and my most distressing stranding yet!
    With 30 chapters all in all, the fanfic is really shaping up.

    Funny enough, Tencent Lit gave me a contract offer over this. It's not even their game?

fan artstory & lore
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