How to move installation to SDD. Which drive is Sea of Thieves installed on Windows 10 (MS store).

  • You probably know, there is a difference in having the game on SSD or HDD. After 6 months of gameplay, I realized there is something fishy about my installation. Notice windows app install location could be changed and I only realized I have my installation on HDD instead of SDD (I assumed my installation is on same disk as OS, which is SDD, but it was not).

    You can check (and move) your installation in "Apps & features", search Sea of Thieves (Filter all drives), click the icon and there is an option to "Move" the installation to other disk.
    I hope this is helpful to someone.

  • 3
  • This was helpful to me. When I searched up "How to change sea of thieves drive location" this was the first result. Be proud that you are the first result on Google :D

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