Crew islands

  • This is just an idea I had and wanted to see how everyone felt about it. What if we could create "crew islands" where you would spawn at the begining of the game when you were playing with friends in your crew. It would be in the fog so only your crew could access that specific island. You'd be able to go to your harber and switch to bigger ships as more friends joined the game without having to reset. You'd also be able to go back to the island to drop of resources for future adventures. I don't think there should be the full outpost, but it should have the bar and all the item shops.

  • 5
    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • I would love to have a switch ship option at each harbor, but a personal island, nah.

  • I am trying to figure out what this would do. Is it so someone can't sink you after you stocked up supplies? Ships do not come out of nowhere and as long as you are keeping an eye out you can escape as an vessel using the wind to your advantage. Or if it is just a place to relax then a normal Outpost could do just fine. And if you could store up supplies the game would get super unfair to new players. There is a reason why everything you can buy in the game is cosmetic. Outposts do just fine and I rarely find I am attacked at one long as a I only stay as long as I need.

  • @noahlew0307 for me the biggest benefits would be that I could switch in and out of ships as my friends get on or off. I don't think the danger is the issue I'm trying to solve. It's more about gathering resources at the beginning of the game. I had a few friends start playing this past weekend and they almost immediately lost interest when we had to gather stuff.

  • @noahlew0307 but I completely agree that it could become unfair if there weren't limits to supplies.

communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
2 out of 5