Suggestion for sloop only!! Minor adjustments to voyages as well please!

  • Okay so I feel pretty confident in this one.. I enjoy a little solo slooping here and there. I know others do to.. what about adding a way to control the sails while on the helm. For example you could say "the shipwrights have noticed pirates have a hard time managing their sails by themselves.. or even with a crewate during combat. So they've 2 pedals that you can use to control your sails." Not sure how anyone else feels about that but might as well shoot your shot right? As for voyages please just make them a little more worth it. Remove bottle and parchment quests. Also guildeds?? Please :)

  • 7
  • @kingmickey2120

    Not feeling it matey.

    And about the bottles also NO certain voyages for commendations only come from bottle quest.
    Without it u wouldnt be able to complete them.

  • both of those just sound like bad ideas.

    the sloop would be too easy to control, it's already the easiest.

    bottles and parchment quests are fun, think of them as bonus loot when you get to the island they are at.

  • @captain-coel the point of taking away the bottle quest is to encourage more questing.. which would be better if they were worth more.. right now the only thing worth doing is the events.. the rest of it isn't worth it.. IMO questing isn't worth my time for how repetitive it is.

  • Sloop is already too easy.

    Muscle memory is all you need.

    Play enough and you should develop habits such as not turning the wheel ALL THE WAY, instead, MOST of the way.

    Immediately adjust sails you’ll find you turn perfectly.
    I swear, im more efficient than a 2 man sloop sometimes.

    Get practise because its all about the Brig and you cant handle a brig solo if u need the sloop to be easier.

    You’ll get there tho.

  • @kingmickey2120 i dont like the idea of this being possible on the sloop. but i have suggested they add a smaller ship that is an actual solo ship, that does allow you to adjust the sails from the wheel. although i also suggested a solo ship that doesnt need its sails adjusted, cause it just turns really good, and so to line the sails up you would have to just turn into the wind.

    also adjusting sails isnt that hard as a solo player anyways. you just need to learn the game, doesnt take long to learn it.

  • @kingmickey2120 said in Suggestion for sloop only!! Minor adjustments to voyages as well please!:

    @captain-coel the point of taking away the bottle quest is to encourage more questing.. which would be better if they were worth more.. right now the only thing worth doing is the events.. the rest of it isn't worth it.. IMO questing isn't worth my time for how repetitive it is.

    How would removing quests make people quest more?

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