Why am I getting very little rep for cargo runs??

  • I have rep level of 34 in merchants alliance and when I do a cargo run with perfectly conditioned cargo, it gives me very very very little xp. Like 2-5 percent of a level per cargo item. What scares me is that there is a double gold and double rep event going on as of when this was posted. So if I do a cargo run it after the event ends, then I will literally never be able to get to pirate legend. Pls help me fix this

  • 4
  • Well there is also other stuff to deliver for merchant rep.
    You can use mermaid gems, sugar, rare tea, spices , woodcrates, canomball crates, fruit crates ..
    All just wash up on nice sandy beaches :")
    Forts also have a lot merchant stuff and you even get merchant items from skellyboats and monsters!
    You will get there im sure. I do hope the cargo was double xp and not forgotten..

  • Lol wait till you get in the 40s. As all the old legends say. Your not even half way done with ur merchant lvls. If rep is what u want go golden animals and grab anything else that can help along the way

  • Fastest way to level up merchants nowadays is with the stronghold gunpowder barrels

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