Two things for PvE people

  • @schneebaer17905

    This will not deny PvP, but give people the option to refuse it

    This is a contradiction, lol... Not that it matters.

    Refusing PvP would be to deny it from the aggressors... I mean this already happens with Scuttle ship, so this entire part of your suggestion is kinda redundant. : /

    This will not limit PvP, but prevents people being others' treasure cattle, enabling them to fight back or to move aside.

    It deletes the treasure from play for what reason? Out of spite?

    This limits PvP, SEVERELY, mate.

    They are of course not invincible and can be killed on land or sunk on water if they pay no attention; their only mean of escaping will be to sail under water for a high price.

    You see, this isn't about catering to the PvE playerbase... Because being pure PvE or pure PvP is WRONG, the only way to play this game, is to be a PvEvP player... Because this is a PvEvP game.

    if we were to implement a function like that, it would have to be equally available to everyone, at all times.

    So, for instance, what if your crew could vote to make an offering? 50% of each individual crewmates gold, and you can sail underwater for... say 2 minutes?

    That way, everyone has to weigh their pros and cons and see if it's worth it... Tools, not Rules, and all that. Now, theoretically, you can submerge your ship even if you only have 10 gold to your name, the offering consumes 50%, so technically, you will ALWAYS be able to afford doing it.

    The less gold you have, the cheaper it is to submerge, so it would technically benefit new players the most... But the most hardcore pirate legends can essentially do it for free, because they have literally bought everything in the game, and don't need gold for anything else.

    The submerge would have a 2 minute cooldown before it can be used again.

    This is something i would personally agree to.

  • Sounds like your treasure is already lost by this point, so there isnt much to sacrifice.

    Also, fish are I assume being considered as supplies? I see them as loot.

  • @schneebaer17905 this is the WORST idea I've ever heard of in SOT. I'm not super into pvp, but the "delete my loot" so they can't have it garbage, is basically because someone is mad that they are getting attacked. SOT is fine the way it is, the only major change that should take place, is that a sunk ship should take 5 minutes to respawn. That way the sunken crew(defenders OR attackers) can't come back 3-4 minutes later and sink you without any regard to their fresh empty boat.

  • @SchneeBaer17905 Please refrain from remarks intended to bait or troll other users. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your post was edited accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

  • @hintofsarcasm4 said in Two things for PvE people:

    @schneebaer17905 this is the WORST idea I've ever heard of in SOT. I'm not super into pvp, but the "delete my loot" so they can't have it garbage, is basically because someone is mad that they are getting attacked. SOT is fine the way it is, the only major change that should take place, is that a sunk ship should take 5 minutes to respawn. That way the sunken crew(defenders OR attackers) can't come back 3-4 minutes later and sink you without any regard to their fresh empty boat.

    Hmm... Might be onto something with that respawn timer. We'd have to make the ship of the damned a bit more interesting to be in meanwhile though if we were to implement something like that, of course. :)

  • @sweltering-nick

    Hmm... Might be onto something with that respawn timer. We'd have to make the ship of the damned a bit more interesting to be in meanwhile though if we were to implement something like that, of course. :)

    Isn't this already resolved by having adequate respawn distance from where the fight took place. What is spending 3-4 minutes on the Ferry compared to just spawning 3-4 minutes worth of travel time away? At least the sailing is more involved than being idle on the Ferry. Add onto the fact that if the distance is proper, where the victor can't see the respawned ship, the victorious crew shouldn't know which direction they need to search. They might head north to find them, meanwhile they spawned south of them.

  • @nabberwar said in Two things for PvE people:


    Hmm... Might be onto something with that respawn timer. We'd have to make the ship of the damned a bit more interesting to be in meanwhile though if we were to implement something like that, of course. :)

    Isn't this already resolved by having adequate respawn distance from where the fight took place. What is spending 3-4 minutes on the Ferry compared to just spawning 3-4 minutes worth of travel time away? At least the sailing is more involved than being idle on the Ferry. Add onto the fact that if the distance is proper, where the victor can't see the respawned ship, the victorious crew shouldn't know which direction they need to search. They might head north to find them, meanwhile they spawned south of them.

    It allows you to socialize with the other crews on the server, discuss fights, share stories, bla bla bla... It's not like the game gives you a lot of social options whilst you are alive atm, so it might as well give it to us while we're dead.

  • @sweltering-nick yeah or just spawn the pirates at the island and spawn the boat there in 5 mins. Depending on when they sunk their boat might already be there. They could even have a countdown timer in the top right or something

  • @lady-aijou sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @SchneeBaer17905 Please refrain from remarks intended to bait or troll other users. It is a violation of our forum rules, and your post was edited accordingly.

    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Would you then be so kind to tell me which remarks are against the rules? It would help to avoid it, but I am sure you know it already?
    Ah! Found it! Well, would a link to the post in question not a nice thing? When there are more posts than one in a thread, one has to look at all of them for the subtle [Mod edited]: somewhere.

    @hintofsarcasm4 sagte in Two things for PvE people:

    @sweltering-nick yeah or just spawn the pirates at the island and spawn the boat there in 5 mins. Depending on when they sunk their boat might already be there. They could even have a countdown timer in the top right or something

    That would also be a good thing to have more time, but the waiting can get very boring.

    @sweltering-nick sagte in Two things for PvE people:


    This will not deny PvP, but give people the option to refuse it

    This is a contradiction, lol... Not that it matters.

    Refusing PvP would be to deny it from the aggressors... I mean this already happens with Scuttle ship, so this entire part of your suggestion is kinda redundant. : /

    This will not limit PvP, but prevents people being others' treasure cattle, enabling them to fight back or to move aside.

    It deletes the treasure from play for what reason? Out of spite?

    This limits PvP, SEVERELY, mate.

    They are of course not invincible and can be killed on land or sunk on water if they pay no attention; their only mean of escaping will be to sail under water for a high price.

    You see, this isn't about catering to the PvE playerbase... Because being pure PvE or pure PvP is WRONG, the only way to play this game, is to be a PvEvP player... Because this is a PvEvP game.

    if we were to implement a function like that, it would have to be equally available to everyone, at all times.

    So, for instance, what if your crew could vote to make an offering? 50% of each individual crewmates gold, and you can sail underwater for... say 2 minutes?

    That way, everyone has to weigh their pros and cons and see if it's worth it... Tools, not Rules, and all that. Now, theoretically, you can submerge your ship even if you only have 10 gold to your name, the offering consumes 50%, so technically, you will ALWAYS be able to afford doing it.

    The less gold you have, the cheaper it is to submerge, so it would technically benefit new players the most... But the most hardcore pirate legends can essentially do it for free, because they have literally bought everything in the game, and don't need gold for anything else.

    The submerge would have a 2 minute cooldown before it can be used again.

    This is something i would personally agree to.

    This is the first useful answer to highlight the possible issues and flaws and I agree with you in many points.

    On your last point, yes, the submerged ship thing were intended to be a double-edged sword.

    But the first one, that is no contradiction, as it was intended to diminish the rewards of PvP and to alleviate to refuse to PvP. I wanted a compromise with both sides of a conflict to get less out of it: people who refuse to fight lose all treasure and keep a part of their resources, but the aggressors get the victory, but get less of the treasure.

    There could also be the modification, that it works like "scuttle ship" but does not destroy the treasure, rather keep it on the sinking ship preventing it from floating up, so the winner still has the chance to get all or some treasure. The goal was to make blunt PvP attacks less attractive, but not impossible.

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