Start winning Arena basic tips!

  • Basic tips for newer players trying to win at arena in pick up groups

    1. Your ship is your home, fix and protect your home, lower and raise your curtains
    2. Don't drop your anchor for anything except a speed turn around
    3. Work as a team, communicate as a team, don't be the selfish loner who thinks he can take out all the ships on the map single handed while your ship is sinking
    4. Always be conscious of how fast you are traveling vs how fast you need to be traveling. If you are trying to sink someone don't have every single sails down against the wind, you will miss shots, waste resources, and do hardly any damage to the other team
    5. Try to never side by side fight another ship, always get an angle on the opposing team
    6. Do not put your ship in a position to get sandwiched
    7. Abuse your enemies psychology. Example, if you see someone running with a chest, shoot them, they will either keep running with it, or stop an drop the chest as a natural reaction. Keep in mind of bad habits you do, then apply it to who you are fighting against. Don't allow your moves to be predictable at all.
    8. If you are the first to an island stash your chest if there is no time to get them on the ship an pretend you are going to sell them at an outpost if you have others coming straight for you.
    9. Always watch your ladders, especially when shooting canons
    10. Stopping at ten with the absolute number one reason people lose. .. You quit everytime something bad happens you don't like. All this implies is that you are looking for people to carry your work load for you.

    Had a much larger write up in mind, but I have come to notice people do not do some of the simpler things and maybe they don't know any better.

    Hope this helps someone

  • 3
  • I'd say incomplete crews and players just dropping out half-fight are the number one reason a Ship loses.

    Arena is just not good unless you are playing with friends. Or you have extreme luck and get a full, communicating crew of Rando's dedicated to teamwork. Which has happened to me exactly once..... :(

    On the flip side. If you are playing with 3 friends using voice, winning is so ridiculously easy that Arena gets boring pretty fast. Arena is not challenging at either end of the spectrum and the middle-ground is far too narrow.

    You have some good tips here. But unfortunately they will be falling of deaf ears.

  • @viperishemu2992
    Yeah, that's why I don't play. I hope they'll add a mode for each crew size soon.

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