So much (more) potential

  • The last big anniversary update was amazing. I love fishing and all and the campaign mode. But once youve played any game for a time uyou get bored and i feel like maybe you could add more to the fishing. Like deep sea fishing and or more fish in open water. Or shark catchingand stuff like that would make it more exciting and have more to do. Also adding upgrades for ships rather than only cosmetic would be awesome. Because right now you spend hours of play time hardly making any gold and only to be able to buy a flag or a new ship color. Which is cool but i think adding maybe upgrades to cannons and ahip hulls to ram people. You know. Just my thought but im not a game producer so i dont know how it all works. Although if i could work at rare i would.italicised text

  • 8
  • @linedmitten1707 yeah man I agree, we get so much gold for only cosmetics... I get why they do it but they don't even do the cosmetics well to say it's the only thing we can buy. We choose from some pre made hulls that we cannot customise... and there are not even that many. To day cosmetics are the main use of money in the game it could be wayyy better. It wont even be that hard to replace it.

  • @linedmitten1707
    The lack of progression is a design choice. Rare doesn't want to force people to grind to be able to play on the same level as everyone who does.

  • @blazedrake100 Exactly. The purchasing of any upgrades designed to enhance combat, speed, or anything along those lines goes against Rare's vision of a level playing field. That's what's great about Sea of Thieves. You can play for a few months, put it down for several months more, and then come back and feel like you're playing a new game without the hassle of needing to catch up.

    That's not to say that I'm against finding ship upgrades in the wilderness. Or Rare adding new ship upgrades to our preexisiting ships like they did with the harpoons. I think it'd be great to get an ice based biome one day. It'd be awesome if we could find an icebreaker (ram) that could be used to punch through ice as well as enemy hulls.

    At any rate the upgrades we buy for our ships should and more than likely will remain purely cosmetic.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie
    Even being able to find upgrades would require people to catch up.

  • @blazedrake100 In a way yes but not in the way that Rare sees it, so your statement isn't entirely true. The idea is that everyone joins a server on the same playing field. It would be the same concept as finding a rowboat. A rowboat offers several advantages to players that have already found it versus a freshly spawn crew which has not yet found it.

    With the logic that even being able to find upgrades would require people to catch up then the players that have been on a sever for 3+ hours stockpiling resources have a clear advantage over a freshly spawned crew and thus the game is now unbalanced or unfair.

    Starting off exactly how everyone else in the server did and then building your resources up is exactly how Rare designed this game.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie
    It sounded like you were suggesting permenant upgrades that were findable. If you weren't, I apologize. Rowboats and such are balanced because everyone still starts the same, even though they end differently. Once you add permenant upgrades, such as keeping Rowboats, you'd be adding advantages.

  • The fishing is meh. Meh at best.

3 out of 8