Just some Ideas!

  • A few gold sinks would so wonders for replay value, and add incentive for players to engage each other in new and interesting ways.

    1. Allow players to change their character style for gold. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a post, subthread, or heard a conversation pining for the option to change the physical look of their character. I think Rare has toyed with the idea, but isnt sure how they want to implement it.

    2. Better access to lower ranked, or even alternate voyage types. There have been many times where I have wanted only to play for a half hour or an hour at a time, but if I want to do a voyage, I have to settle for PL level voyages.
      Don't get me wrong, the payouts are rather nice, but usually require a couple hours, even when playing with a crew sometimes. Sometimes I just want to hit a couple islands, with some cheeasy skellies and hop off. Getting accosted for 30 minutes at the 1st island out of 7 on a 4 chapter mission when going solo is unbearably agitating. Let us go back and do voyages at lower tiered levels if we desire.

    3. I also like the idea of being able to purchase supply crates (however I think they should be empty upon purchase, because gathering supplies is kind of a core game component) and would like to see that extended to Merchant Alliance voyages as well. This would eliminate the need to find random bottle/tattered voyages and HOPING that you get a wood crate or PK delivery.

    4. Dubloons. Rare gives us the opportunity to exchange dubloons for gold, it seems only logical to have it the other way around. This would give people who maybe dont want to do mercenary voyages a chance to still get dubloons for time limited cosmetics, but maybe have already capped out on commendations.

    5. Discontinued cosmetics- Now hear me out on this because I know it will be an unpopular opinion. They should give new or returning players a chance to get old cosmetics, but set them at a higher price range than your average skin price so that the player has a goal to works towards.

    Now I know a large part of the community will say that cheapens the experience for them because they put in the time and dedication to make it happen. But how about the players that maybe couldn't finish out the 5th mercenary voyage? What if someone couldnt get access to the game for one of a myriad of reasons during the time those cosmetics were available? Again, it's an just an idea.

    1. Exchanging ship types without having to leave server. I love playing with friends, but restocking is a drawback when I already spent 20 minutes loading up the sloop, and then my 3 buddies want to play. I would gladly throw away 20k to keep the server and supplies by swinging by a sea post or outpost and making a quick switch.

    2. The ability to purchase ships from other players on server. Occasionally my crew 'purchases' ships from other players by offering treasure or Athena voyages (sometimes both) to players in exchange for open spots on their crew. Finding treasure though can be a long process, and not only are PL's a dime a dozen these days, but Athena voyages are lengthy, often risky endeavors to complete. The process could be expedited by just offering a lump sum of gold between players at their discretion.

    I also have a few ideas for ingame content that could feasibly be entered into the game by using mechanics that are already in the game.

    1. New barrels types- I would love to see something along the lines of a Barrel of Kracken ink that you could drop and detonate like a PK, but instead of damage it could either slow a ship or maybe blind a crew. I think a Barrel of chum would be interesting too, and allow players to summon sharks or possibly a megoladon. Imagine the possibilities for solo's to make a clean getaway, or the chaos PvP crews could inflict.

    2. Capture the keg OR Plant the PK- This is a focus for the Arena, which is in sore need of new match types. This one plays on the CTF/plant-the-bomb game types that are popular in games like Halo.

    Crews would start off on a large island with a shipwrecked or decommissioned vessel to use as a base. They then have to recover a chest of 1000 grog, and return to their base to score a point while avoiding enemy players and/or skeletons. Plant the PK would work inversely as you would have to plant and detonate a PK in the enemy vessel.

    1. We need a bounty/escort system. I would really like to see this implemented because it would encourage player interaction WITH PURPOSE. Sink too many ships on the server? Your infamous deeds have now garnered you a cutthroats reputation, and players can cash in on that by sinking you or sending you to the ferry.

    Can't find a crew, or maybe you just need a little extra protection? Hire an escort ship to watch your back while you explore and/or grind voyages. (This could be a good opportunity for a gold sink, but I guess that could lead to instances of escorts holding players for ransom or opportunities to shanghai players)

    Dont like picking on PvE players who only fish or dont put up a fight? Become a bounty hunter and take the fight to those who would reciprocate the endeavor to fight you, and get paid for each vessel of scallywags sent to Davy jones.

    1. Bring back the multi-crew events. We did this before, and sure the reception was mixed, but newer players still havent gotten that experience since the Cursed Sails update nearly a year ago.
      Let's see some skeleton armies that need two or three crews to repel. I would really love to see an ancient temple on the back of a roaming sea turtle that takes maybe 6-8 players to solve epic puzzles and fight the Big Bad at the end.

    Let's also talk about microtransactions, because yes those are going to help with game longevity.

    1. PvE servers. I say this one for a few reasons, one being that I am kind of tired of seeing posts clamoring for this. Sure everyone has a their own playstyle, and not everyone wants to PvP. However, it's important to remember that PvP is an intrinsic concept for the game, kind of a core support if you will. By eliminating this, you are effectively playing a completely different game than what SoT is supposed to be. I think that by giving access to PvE only servers by means of microtransactions is a way to balance this. You should pay for the privilege of safety.

    2. Pets. Obviously a great idea. With the variety of fauna that could be available in the future, it only makes sense to put certain cosmetic types behind a paywall.

    3. Customization creator- I'm really hesitant with this one, because whenever you give a community the ability to create content, there will always be players who use it nefariously (i.e. inappropriate content or using it to gain access to the title's source code, which is how we get cheaters and hackers) There are lots of great conceptual artists that could potentially make some great cosmetics artistically. I think a paywall would encourage the community to not abuse this, while at the same time feeling up some of the team to focus on platforming content rather than getting bogged down in creating aesthetic content.

    Please feel free to use any ideas as talking points, whether or not you like them is fine. I figure if more people hear about these ideas and present them to Rare, maybe we can see some great things in-game that we as a community helped initiate.

    May the wind be ever at your back, and the waves rise to break favorably on your prow!

    GT: "SelcouthRogue" & 'The Brethren of the Coast'

  • 5
  • Better access to lower ranked, or even alternate voyage types. There have been many times where I have wanted only to play for a half hour or an hour at a time, but if I want to do a voyage, I have to settle for PL level voyages.

    Cough, there are the little tiny orders inside those bottles and kegs, you know?

  • @goedecke-michel you are correct. However getting access to lower ranked voyages gives you the option to choose, instead of getting the luck of the draw. Many times I get simple voyages, but they end up being in the DR.

    I dont always run with a crew, so it would be nice to not have to waste time sailing cross map to do a voyage with a high probability of sinking, whether it be from Volcanoes, meg, pirates, kracken, or skelly ships. It's mainly supposed to be a draw for players who may not have 2-3 hours to sink into a voyage.

  • Someone recently threw out the idea of having a Tall Tale that included the Fountain of Youth. Someone completing this Tall Tale could change their character- was the idea, and a pretty good way to implement it into the game in my opinion.

  • A lot of great ideas but could you put one main idea so that we can get what you like the most

4 out of 5