Private Server

  • Okay, so I just spent 10 minutes reading this....wonderful wonderful wonderful topic and all of its....comments....I see this a lot...the problem is...I seriously cannot relate lol. It sounds like some people just can't PVP? or don't want to? Like which is it, it can't be both. I would LOVE to be in these "toxic" and "griefing" servers. It truly sounds like you guys are just in the wrong server and refuse to leave I wrong? I am a PvEvP player I enjoy both aspects and the only positive thing about a private server is well....uh...I mean...uh...yeah. These players you are encountering are the last of their breed lol. And they usually run Galleons avoid them. Every now and again a brig. But honestly, there have been days of sailing the seas where not a single person attacks me and my crewmate, I duo sloop, unless we stray to close to them which is different. What servers are y'all in? next time you get in one invite me lol.

    P.S. Me and my crewmate often sink sloops, brigs, and galleons. It is not hard if you know your ship...and honestly if you know your ship and how it works then you've already won the battle

    Edit: not trying to sound hostile but there's this dude in a bunch of threads right now including this one....there is only so much broken English I can take without my brain screaming lol.

  • @caixaderemedio No

  • @chronodusk said in Private Server:


    So I am one who thinks that Sea of Thieves core design should be preserved.

    In my opinion, Sea of Thieves should not cater too much to PvE or PvP. The game is and always has been based off of a mix of friendly and hostile interactions between players. It is what Mike Chapman describes as "seeing a sail on the horizon and not knowing it's intentions."

    Rare should not attempt to make the game more driven for friendly behavior, nor should they encourage more fighting and hostility. The proper way to expand on this game's player to player interactions is to add more layers to how interactions can play out. Alliances are a great example of that - you can choose to cooperate with others in a formalized way and profit from that behavior, but you can also weaponize the feature for your own gain but the game doesn't tell you how you should be using it.

    So "tools, not rules" is very important. Keeping everyone playing together no matter their choice of play style is important. I'm not the type who looks for easy targets or seeks to ruin other players' experiences intentionally. What made me fall in love with this game in the beginning is the fact that I could attack another player and steal from them, and in the same environment I can choose cooperate to take on a larger threat, be it a PvE event or another crew that happens to be a common enemy. It's that randomness that creates the stories, and this is also very much what Sea of Thieves was created to be from the very start.

    If players are allowed to divide themselves based on how they want to play, I feel this very important aspect of the game would die. At the same time, with the freedom that Sea of Thieves offers, people will use that to excuse poor sportsmanship and verbally abuse others which is something that I find to be disgusting. What we need is more ways to ensure that players are being good sports about what they do in the shared world rather than thinking of ways for players to be able to escape from Sea of Thieves' core concept.

    I like the mix of possibilities myself. However, there should be the freedom of choice of how to play. More play styles and players are being ruined by the no rules. There needs to be both tools and rules. SoT also needs a stronger stance on all the bad players bring to the sea and more importantly actually consistent tools, rules, a meaningful code of conduct and enforcement to protect and preserve the sea and all those who sail on it.

  • @x-crowheart-x Can you define the bad players? I hope it is not the guys who are PvPing. And what I mean by that is- if you are at a fort, free game, if you are at an outpost and you have been sitting there for five (5) minutes, free game, If you sail too close to the other ship, free game, act aggressively toward another player/ship, free game, board a random ship because its funny, free game, if they feel like you are a threat to them, free game. that last one happens quite a bit, I and my fellow crewmate often go and sink another ship in fear they will come over and try to rob us of our loot as we typically do Athenas. As far as rules: you can find them there, though there is no guarantee that everyone will follow each and every rule to the point. example: Rules 1,2,3, and 6 are broken on a daily basis.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    What rules would u add?

  • So I am going to list a few things here so bear with they cover a huge range of items in this thread.
    First and foremost. To the people wanting a PvE server, you would have to accept everything being harder, everything respawning faster. The Kraken, which is a joke from when it first came out, would have to be a lot say 10 or 20 times harder than it is now. The megs would have to spawn more and possibly hit harder as well. Skeleton ships would have to spawn more as they are already annoying with their cursed balls they don't need a strength buff. The skeletons on land would have to have more HP (health points).
    Secondly, I have played since the Closed Alpha and a lot has changed on the seas. But never once in my entire playtime have I thought "oh well gee this game is too hard and the players are just jerks and I want a way to earn money and reputation without being attacked". In fact, IMHO the NPCs are more annoying and a nuisance than the players. If you all spent half the time yall spend complaining about and wishing for PvE or Private servers you might learn how to control your ship and evade danger.
    Here some helpful hints from a solo/duo slooper (that means I don't really play on Brigs or Galleys): the sloop, when going against the wind is FASTER than any other ship. Against the wind means the lines are in your FACE! point your sails dead ahead and keep on sailing and you'll lose the brig or Galley in no time! for those in a brig again you are faster than the galley against the wind. for those in a galley: if a brig or sloop is coming go with the wind. If it is a fellow galley either or, just head in the opposite direction of the galley. if they are going east you go east so on and so forth.
    I'm pretty sure my rant is over. Stop complaining and start learning. The game isn't that hard. There is a learning curve and if you refuse to learn you are gonna have a bad time.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    You do have a freedom of choice. You just have to deal with the dangers of your playstyle. If you only do pvp, prepare to be bored for a while and not always get something. If you only pve, prepare to run away at a moments notice.

  • Private server? NO :O

  • I've read through a lot of the comments and will only say this once.

    Sea of Thieves is supposed to let you "live the pirate life you've always dreamed about."

    Sea of Thieves is also geared to "offer something for everyone, no matter how they like to play."

    So, that having been said, let me explain this.

    1: I will NOT pay for SoT EVER as long as they cannot make good on the promises listed above. (On the Xbox store page mind you). So that is money that Rare isn't getting out of me, not just for SoT, but for all their games because if they can't keep a promise for SoT, why should I believe them about anything else.

    2: I understand that this is a pirate's life game. But here is something people don't seem to realize. Pirates had honor, they had respect, and they had dignity. 98% of the time, a pirate would take the treasure and leave, killing ONLY those they had to and leaving the ship in one piece so the people could continue on. The [Mod Edit] that pvp, they're NOTHING like this. I speak from experience as I just got trolled by 4 on a galleon. They didn't care that I was willing to give them the treasure, they didn't even care about sinking my ship. All they cared about was boarding me, killing me, and doing it over and over till I had no choice but to scuttle my sloop so I could continue alone.

    3: Rules/Code of Conduct (something EVERYONE seems to miss:

    At the door to leave EVERY TAVERN is a sign, it reads:

    ARTICLE 1: The Sea Calls to Us All
    ARTICLE 2: The Sea Unites Us as One Community
    ARTICLE 3: Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves
    ARTICLE 4: All Crewmates Are Equal
    ARTICLE 5: The Crew Bond is Sacred
    ARTICLE 6: Respect New Pirates and Their Voyage Ahead
    ARTICLE 7: Those Who Cheat Shall Be Punished"

    To this, you say "Aye, I agree to the code!"

    Now, I have NEVER been respected by another player or ship. And I've been playing since launch.

    I have also been repeatedly sank by people who find it funny to attack me. One such instance is where I even gave them the chest, and afterwards, they decided to sink me, laughing about it.

    Because of [Mod Edit] like this, I seldom ever play the game anymore, preferring to play in the dead of night when little to no one is online or turning to Sid Meier, because at least with him I can play the way I want to play.

    Fact of the matter is that yes, pvp is part of the game, but it's the trolls who will kill the game. It's the trolls who are why people keep screaming for a private server. And it's the trolls that keep people like me from enjoying the game and buying it or other online games. So yes, if Rare and the SoT community doesn't do something about it, people like me will simply move on to other games that give us what we want and it will die anyway.

    Am I against pvp? No! The game is a pirate game.

    Do I want private servers or at least some measure taken so I can enjoy the game? Yes!

    Unfortunately, there is no way to determine who is a troll, so ultimately, the only safe solution is to offer people a private server or some way to only do PVE because of the [Mod Edit] who find it funny to stand on the deck of your ship and repeatedly kill you as you spawn in.

  • @gul-marcet I get that you're upset, but that doesn't give you the right to curse others or revive old threads.

    It's actually incredibly easy to determine if someone is trolling. If they're on your crew and either AFK, wasting supplies for no reason whatsoever, or refusing to get off of a part of the ship (such as the wheel) or help with voyages - then they're trolls. If they aren't on your crew and doing these things, then they're not trolling because it means they're simply playing the role of a pirate the way they choose to and are otherwise not hindering your ability to play. If they're not on your crew, then the only real way for them to troll you is through excessive language - which is a reportable offense, BTW. Worst case scenario? You report them and leave to find another server. If you don't want to deal with trolls, I highly recommend playing with friends, or using XBL's LFGs, or even Discord.

    Also, while pirates may have been honorable IRL, it's probably a good idea to remember that this is based off of PIRATE FANTASY, not IRL pirates.

    Private servers are not a solution, but rather are an escape that goes wholly against Rare's vision of a shared pirate world. If you're having trouble succeeding, learn from your mistakes - but you can't do that until you try again.

  • @galactic-geek I have continued to try, that is the ONLY reason I still play SoT.

    And a possibility my wife came up with, 2 servers:

    1 PVE and 1 PVP
    No character can cross between the two servers. In other words, you'd have to have 2 characters if you want to do both. Then there's no cross over with gold or rank.

  • NO, the point of the game is that you have to be sharp, keeping an eye out to the sea. Is that ship on the horizon friendly? Is it hostile? Part of the difficulty to do the voyages even includes the chance encounter with other players. Take that out of the equation and it ain't sea of thieves anymore. My suggestion? Want private servers? Find a different game, this ain't the right game to privatize the seas, they belong to everyone. Either that or deal with no progression, it's not fair that everyone has to put in the work, gain the experience and become a legend, while u simply work ur way up with minimum threat

  • @gul-marcet Here's the thing - you can't force PvP. If a player chooses to, they can simply not engage others in a PvP server. You can force PvE, but that won't stop trolling, and on top of that, it would be a lot less fun and a lot more boring because spontaneous and unpredictable social interactions would go out of the window.

  • @red0demon0 yeah, it's a lot of work to sit on a galleon with 4 cannons and pick apart sloops as they try to come into port. Sooooooo much work. I mean, they scour the island, they fight off the snakes and the skeletons, solve the riddles and they transport the goods. All you gotta do is kill them, 4v1, pretty difficult, take their treasure, and sell it.

    Yeah... That's really difficult..... Seems to me like people favoring this style of play are the ones looking for the easy way.

  • @galactic-geek It's not as simple as choice. That's my point. I didn't choose to be attacked today. But I did choose to tell them to simply take my treasure and leave me alone, to which they replied, "no, this is more fun." (After the 4th time they killed me btw)

    It is that kind of behavior that I am against. You people are missing the point though. It's not about PVP vs PVE.

    It's about making the game fun for as many as possible, which is what any game company should have as their best interest, and if a large portion of the community is saying they're not having fun, (through game ratings, reviews, emails, surveys, forums, etc. ) Then the company needs to consider what to do to solve the problem. I did not say get rid of PVP. I did not say, create private servers. What I said was come up with a solution to the problem of people who find it fun to troll so that people, like myself, who don't play for PVP, can still enjoy the game.

    Because the fact of the matter is simple: As it stands, they are not holding true to their sales pitch, which makes them liars. And if they are liars, why in the hell would I ever buy from them? See how it works? Now, I write a review for their game, (which you should take some time and read some of them) and that review is now bad because they failed to keep their promise (like Bethesda with Fallout 76). Now, other people see this and it deters them away from the game. That's now bad for business.

    I don't give a [Mod Edit] if they do private servers or not. What I do care about is being able to play the kind of experience that I want to play and the [Mod Edit] I witnessed today, is why I found this forum in the first place. I play to sail, find treasure, and fight skeletons. That is my pirate fantasy. If the only way to get that is a private server where I don't get ranks then I don't really care. But I don't enjoy having to go dig up 1 chest (on an island with 3-5) and then have to run to port to sell it because I'm afraid of some dillhole coming to steal it, just so I can go back to the island and do it again.

    And just to prove that I'm not against the PVP aspect, there was one time I was hauling some chests, guy rolled up in a galleon and caught me off guard. Fired once at me, I told him to go ahead and take my treasure, just leave me alone. He said okay, took it, and left. I'm perfectly fine with that cause yeah, I should've paid more attention. But to stand there, repeatedly killing me and laughing at me about it, that [Mod Edit] is wrong and needs to be stopped. And if private servers is the only way to stop it, then I'm all for it. Because as it is, people like that are going to kill the game a lot faster than private servers.

    Anyway, I am done discussing this. Believe what you want. Your opinion isn't going to change and neither is mine.

    I wish you the best and maybe, just maybe, you'll have this happen to you and then you'll understand.

    Good day!

  • If you're asking for private servers and safe zones, realize that you don't want to play Sea of Thieves. You want a different game. Find that game.

    Trying to change this game to suit you by forum posting, wanting massive changes to the current game to make it suit you and your streamer isn't the solution. Finding the other game that works for you and already has what you want is the solution.

  • @gul-marcet
    You can never be caught if you dont want to. Sounds like you need some practice.
    Why would you sail up to a port with a galleon there?
    Use your megaphone and see if they respond. If they dont, sail away. They can never catch you in a sloop.

    Anyway private servers will be here eventually. But dont expect any gold or rep. The devs are against this.

    Btw pirates were not honorable. There is no honor amongst thieves. They killed, did bad things to women, and pillaged. There is a reason pirates are hated. Stop acting like they were nice ppl who only robbed the rich like Robin Hood

  • @gul-marcet Two problems here- one, resurrecting threads over a month old is not allowed in the forum rules. The thread will now be locked for this reason.

    Two, and more important, profanity is not allowed, especially attempts to bypass the filter already in place. This is a temp ban offense. Please refrain from swearing on the forums.

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