Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]

  • the overachiever sails are one of the worst in the game imo , no worry to those that missed out

  • @vapor1080 Those banana sails tho…..

  • 240 wins is going to take most players a very LONG time to achieve. (look at the statistics saying less then 5% of people have even done the first tall tale) Anyone that has the 240 wins already shouldnt be worried because you'll most likely be the only ones with the weapon skin for a very long time in most of your games so still have months and months of showing it off before even the more dedicated players start showing up with it. By then the game will have all new cosmetics anyway so you shouldnt be upset. @Berserk-Grifith You are one of the only players ive even seen so far that was rocking the jacket AND the 100 wins title. You will have plenty of time to flaunt your cosmetic before anyone even catches up.

  • @callmebackdraft Exactly! I got 240 wins yesterday and now in a few months I'll be the same as any other noob. Stop pandering Rare.

  • @demonicmonkey7 That's because tall tales give 0 loot, which is why people play sea of THIEVES. I've got 240 wins already. It shows I have a 95%+ win rate and no life, but now that theres no time limit it will show I only have no life.

  • @moronicstraw So the cosmetic will be there even after the update right..? so if we don't have 240 wins before the update we can still get the reward for getting to 240 right? Did I read that right? so its not a 1 time reward..you can still get it after the update by reaching the goal everyone else had to reach before the update?

  • @tart-tee said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @demonicmonkey7 That's because tall tales give 0 loot, which is why people play sea of THIEVES. I've got 240 wins already. It shows I have a 95%+ win rate and no life, but now that theres no time limit it will show I only have no life.

    I'm confused. Why do you deserve to be rewarded for having more free time in a small window? A 95% win rate is awesome. Most strive for that, and many have it. Many who don't have as much ample time as you and more obligations. The sense of "I deserve it" and "I am special" is so thick in this thread. (Both sides)

    I think cosmetics should be hard and a grind. I think most players that cheesed their way to Athena 10 will take over a year to get 100 wins. I'd be down if you are saying rare should bump it to 500, make it take 2 years. But folk travel and go on vacation, work more, have obligations. Let us folk do it... Just next month.

    My crew has a good win rate, we just don't have the ample free time you want to be rewarded for.

  • @tart-tee I also have almost a 100% win rate, however I do not have the time to get 240 wins by the 24th. Perhaps if rare would create different tier levels of cosmetics that were geared toward win rate, that would be awesome. But it would need to actually be announced ahead of time, and not arbitrarily like this. Perhaps an Arena "season" that went on for a month that rewarded different gear based on win-rate or some other skill based metric. (maybe win rate after 100 games, to prevent from people just playing one game obviously) Those in the top tier earn the best tier of loot, with the loot changing to be perhaps "less interesting" as it drops. That will give us players that are proud of our "skill" to achieve specific gear that isnt just locked behind a time metric.

  • Having more free time doesn't make any one person more dedicated to the game than another. It just means they have more free time...

  • @till-kamakazi Well I grinded for it because I got school starting in a few days, so yeah, I feel a bit entitled, perhaps. I'll give you that.

  • I was initialy let down by these news, feeling like this game needs somthing to pursue in short and long lenght. However I understand it needs adjusting.
    There should however be a time limit on the 240 wins skin just like with the overachiver sails, because I see no reasons this is different. Then yes, of course it would be too little of a timespan for many players, but thats why there is a limit right?

  • @archangel-timmy said:

    Having more free time doesn't make any one person more dedicated to the game than another. It just means they have more free time...

    ... Yeah! Spending one hour at the gym a week doesn't make me less of an athlete than somone who spends 15! ... or?

  • @jack3ast said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @archangel-timmy said:

    Having more free time doesn't make any one person more dedicated to the game than another. It just means they have more free time...

    ... Yeah! Spending one hour at the gym a week doesn't make me less of an athlete than somone who spends 15! ... or?

    You may have missed the point. The person who has to work 40-50 hours a week has less time than someone who works part time. Or a student. If someone has 10 hours of free time. And they spend 9 of those free hours playing sea of thieves... But someone else has 40 hours and spends 20 of those hours playing sea of thieves...

    Who is more dedicated the person who put more time in 20 hours or the person who put in 90% of their free time?

  • @till-kamakazi
    ... well this person who has more spare time could choose to spend it othervise, but doesnt?
    This person who works alot could get a job that doesnt require that much attention? Not saying thats a good idea, but the one can't alter the definition of dedication just to prove a point... there are people who change jobs to play more games - and I call that as much dedication as it is obsession, but whatever makes you happy.

  • @jack3ast said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    ... well this person who has more spare time could choose to spend it othervise, but doesnt?
    This person who works alot could get a job that doesnt require that much attention? Not saying thats a good idea, but the one can't alter the definition of dedication just to prove a point... there are people who change jobs to play more games - and I call that as much dedication as it is obsession, but whatever makes you happy.

    I mean sure, I could quit, find a relative that will let me live in their basement and just play sea of thieves. I am sure that is a behavior that deserves rewarding.

    Life situations aren't usually things you can pick and choose easily. Are you saying you changed jobs to get more free time than others to earn those arena matches? (Showing more dedication by sacrificing irl for the game) Or did you just happened to have a lot of free time at the same time as this most recent patch?

  • @till-kamakazi
    I'm saying one who spends 6 hours doing somthing is more dedicated to it than somone who spends 2 hours. Life is full of priorities and time is limited, that must be the essence in the definition of dedication.

  • @MoronicStraw @TakuBoto @Till-KaMaKaZi

    With removal of the immediate time-gate needed... we are left with Arena wins still being a time-gate in there current form. I have seriously recorded every single arena game and about 90 percent of them are complete ROFL-stomps with opposing crews finishing with 0's to a couple hundred silver down the board (if they even stick around that is)

    So this 240 Wins really isn't going to be as impressive as it would be if there was some kind of match-making rank system in place to where winning crews get pulled from their servers to match other winning crews , rinse and repeat, backing the task of getting to 240 that much more exciting, challenging, and prestigious.

    Please consider adding a Match-making Rank system if you are going to be lowering the bar so low. ANY crew with a bit of experience can dominate in arena in its current form, and with so many servers and no rank system, all of use crews looking to fight other good crews is just completely random and very very rare. maybe 15 to 20 of my 211 games was there any close resemblance of a challenge from an opposing crew. We want good fights!!! not ROFL-stomps *yawn * and an MMR would give this to us plus making the titles and cosmetics actually stand-out but still something obtainable for all if they earn it.

    Or at least give us a version with chests removed so everyone can just ship to ship combat (Which is what 98% of games are between the 3rd, 4th, 5ht place crews... Like they only just wanted to shoot at other ships to begin with... I want same lol) Cause heck even a bad crew can have an entertaining for all impact in a game of just ship vs ship, three ship lives, last ship floating wins... with an ever shrinking red sea to force the action. Yaaargh!

    Oh and one more consideration please... if making it available for all who reach 240 wins wihtout a time frame... then please please consider the Glowing Blue Ghost Blade from Rare's Sea of Thieves Promo Art

    Thanks for your time and all you do.

    *Tiphat *
    Capt'n Wesley Sanguin

  • @jack3ast said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    @archangel-timmy said:

    Having more free time doesn't make any one person more dedicated to the game than another. It just means they have more free time...

    ... Yeah! Spending one hour at the gym a week doesn't make me less of an athlete than somone who spends 15! ... or?

    Going to the gym any length of time doesn't make one an athlete, so that was a bad example.

    Say two people each spend 90% of their time playing, which is more dedicated than the other?

    Both these people are equally skilled and go toe-to-toe with one another, who is more dedicated?

    Both people are equally active in every aspect of the game and know all of the lore, who is more dedicated?

    One of these players has no life and lives with his mom, which allows his to play 10 hours a day. The other has a full time job and small family, and spends 2-3 hours a day playing a game he loves. Who is more dedicated?

    Answer: Neither one is not more "dedicated" than the other as more free time does not matter in this regard at all. On top of that, the argument of being more dedicated or "hardcore" in most aspects of this game is a bunch of BS used by elitists who only care about the size of their epeen to mock others.

  • @jack3ast said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance:

    I'm saying one who spends 6 hours doing somthing is more dedicated to it than somone who spends 2 hours. Life is full of priorities and time is limited, that must be the essence in the definition of dedication.

    Disagree. One who has more free time or moves things around to get more free time, simply has different priorities. Different priorities do not make one more dedicated than another.

  • I'm glad that Rare decided to keep the initial milestone of 240 wins as a long term goal with an exclusive and unique reward.

    That was the best move in my opinion.

  • Yeah everything is good and fine, I’m glad with the 100 Wins for Grade V! I played I think 17-20 Matches and not achieved one Single Win, so the 100 Wins are a lot for me! But 240 were ridiculous!

  • @callmebackdraft wrong it can be done after june 24th "Any Legend looking to claim this unique weapon cosmetic after that point will be able to unlock it with 240 wins, as per the original Commendation target."

  • @yura-dead yes they changed it, it used to be a deadline on the 24th on the day of the rebalance announcement but they pandered and now everyone will just be able to get this exclusive cosmetic instantly stopped making it exclusive

  • Hmmm maybe give it out for trying arena at least once problem solved. That sound better!

  • So a special cosmetic is being offered for the Arena to those who are grinding it, but you only need to turn in 50 fish for the legendary athena commendation for with no Cosmetics? This really needs rebalancing as Legend of the Deep is even less impressive than catching 100 trophy fish outside of the Athena commendations for Hunters Call. Given that fish are so easy to catch and turn in, why not make this 500 like the merchant animals?

    Also, a legendary fishing rod perhaps for 500 fish perhaps?

  • @vapor1080 those are awesome tho!

  • It’s sad that Rare feels the need to constantly reduce targets... there is nothing wrong with 240 wins, there would be nothing wrong with 500 wins. We need and want long term goals... to achieve 240 in this limited time you need to be winning for almost 3 hours a night (maybe 2 if you started right away). This doesn’t count losses or if you want to work on tall tales or hunters call.

    Some of us have jobs or studies etc. Long term goals are great, stop lowering the bar. But don’t cut the current ones and release limited time weapons on them.

  • @nathanuserectus correct, you can still obtain it after the update.

  • @omnipotence13 personally I'm fine with it being lowered because now there's another cosmetic for getting 240 wins!

  • There is another cosmetic for wins only if you finish by June 24th (date May be incorrect)

  • So it's only a blunder skin? Also. Now that your keeping it 240. Theres still no time limit right?

  • @jgriffin812 Yeah I believe they said no time limit on the item anymore, but you still have to reach the original 240 to get the item like everyone else. But from what I understand it is in the game to stay! So you can take your time getting to 240 arena wins! :P

  • @nathanuserectus thanks mate

  • @omnipotence13 I think the 240 gives me something to fight towards I'm okay with it

  • @wesley-sanguin I want this blade so bad. But June 24th isnt achievable to some of us the work more than we would like to. Maybe July 24th. Either way this sword is great I've always envisioned it but never seen a artist rendering of it. look just as good as I've always knew it would

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