Capture or kill

  • I've seen a few threads asking for animals and whatnot and I really enjoy the idea of doing X amount of animals to go and find a huge boss that we have to tame or kill.
    Ive seen rock paintings with big boars and bears so someone must have been thinking about it during the development.

    Ancient Scales
    Just imagine after 20 snakes are delivered you can go up to snake Island where a big snake (small enough to get through the caves though) spawns and patrols the island, maybe it slivers around between bushes then like the kraken with a ship it starts to wrap your feet. Perhaps the player can't move to begin with, then as the coiling snake reaches your body you get poisoned and as the snakes eyes reach yours, your bones get crushed and the snake munches you top to bottom and continues on.
    Once the snake is defeated it starts to coil around itself on the floor, it is now your choice to capture or kill, one way to capture it may include 2-4 players playing music and keeping him calm. Even though you have just battled he's still not happy with his situation.

    Tusks of the wild
    Pig boss would be fun. X amount of pigs and then he spawns somewhere like shipwreck Bay. Using mostly charge attacks the pig could charge you for a start of half damage. If the pig charges into a wall he is stunned and prone to more damage. The more health the pig loses the greater speed and attack damage to keep things different.
    This could result in the pig falling back to its hind legs where you are met with two options, capture or kill. Capturing it will require many bananas. You thought pigs were greedy, well how about a giant pig.

    Feathers of plenty
    When the chicken boss sees you it become startled but because it it so fat it is forced to remain still. Beacaue of this, the chicken furiously flaps it wings and a deathing call is let out. Now small chickens on the island are your enemy and will peck at your feet for minimal damage (an annoying side affect to spice up the fight.)
    When flapping its wings, if the chicken boss is hiding in a cave such as on cannon cove, lone cove, cresent Isle, sailors bounty or smugglers Bay, rocks will fall from the ceiling which will damage players if hit on the head. Or when it flaps it wings feathers expload from its body temporarily visually impairing the player much like the snakes poison.
    When captured the chicken still has energy and will occasionally flaps it wings causing X amount of holes to appear on your ship. This is just to counteract the fact there is no interactions with chickens once captured.

    Crabbers Craze
    I dont think I need to explain really. Big ol' side steppin'crab that originally looks like a rock and then jump scares you. The little ones could act as face huggers like in half life.

    An oversized Eagle has been spotted flying over the original three regions and perching on high mountains; plunder valley/outpost, devil's ridge, marauders arch, crooked masts.
    Keep your cannon facing the sky and watch out for the swoop attacks.
    The Eagle picks up players and takes them up into the air and drops them 2 maximum. He could damage the boat by tackling it or by perching in the crows nest and shaking the boat. To get him off shoot with pistols and snipers or just shoot the gun powder in the crows nest for some real damage.

    I'm sure I could thi k of a few more but what are they all without rewards

    If you capture;
    Snake - Gold, Titles, snake themed boat cosmetics (serpents as the helm ect)

    Pig - Gold, Titles, pig themes boat cosmetics (porkchop sails, ivory details on the helm, cannons ect.)

    Chicken - Gold, Titles, chicken themed boat cosmetics (drumstick/feathered sails and feathered details.)

    To Kill rewards
    Snake - snake skin clothing (small resistance to snake poison, maybe)

    Pig - Porkchopper the Ivory sword as well as other ivory equipment

    Chicken - feathered clothing (maybe reduce fall damage)
    The drumstick a new chicken drum that is played with a chicken bone.

    I'll let you guys get creative with the Crab and Eagle.
    What would you enjoy most and ideas for fighting styles or rewards for the mini boss ideas

  • 10
  • @sailorkek love the ideas

  • @closinghare208 I've honestly too many ideas but could never be bothered to write them all down. Chances are noone would read anyway.

  • @sailorkek This is great! I've seen thoughts before on land bosses, but never as well-structured as this. 10/10 hope someone at Rare casts an eye at this for inspiration at least!

  • This is great, hopefully we'd get some specific loot for each as the generic ones are a bit immersion breaking right now. Something valuable and unique like a Golden beak, Twisted tusk, etc..

  • @deashkiin I didn't even think about Loot specifics

  • @sailorkek well I did

  • @sailorkek Great idea dude! This would actually breathe so much life into merchant missions, now that I'm pirate legend there is no incentive to do merchant missions beside's the commendations.

  • @deashkiin I'd like to get a jacket covered in chicken/parrot/Eagle feathers with some snake skin boots, belts and hats as well as equipment and weaponry made of ivory tusks. A proper merchant outfit, not that I don't good darn good in that redcoat.

    I'm not sure what you could get if there was a crab boss, probably some crab stuff that I actually like the look of.

    I'd like an egg feature, if cooking is going to be emplimented would definitely be cool to have eggs for eating, eggs for throwing and temporary blinding players and then some like gold eggs to sell.

  • Another addition. Could be upgraded rowboat or rafts.
    For those that remember "King Kong" with Jack Black, I would love to see an over sized animal (chicken, monkey, pig) strapped down to a huge raft.

    Much like the rowboat an option to attach a rope to the boat could be used to pull the raft. It could even be something you sacrafice your wood resources for to build, or collect from the oupost like a crate.

6 out of 10