Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.

  • I would be willing to bet that Rare's metrics bare this out as well.

    The volcanoes do entirely too much damage with a direct hit. If you are solo and get hit by a volcano and die, your ship will be underwater when you return, unless by some miracle it is not. IF you do get back in time, and this angers me the most, you cannot access your plank barrel if you are in hot water on a sloop or the brig, but you can in a galleon! So you have to sit there bailing water and hoping you do not get hit again. Ok, I bail water for a bit except... why do Volcano eruptions have to last 10+ minutes? Why does it have to be that long? I mean, you stumble around as if holding the grog chest, the water burns you, the rocks smash your ship, the geysers toss you... for 10 MINUTES! 10! It gets old quick. It isn't fun. It's like playing slot machines in an old casino surrounded chain smokers. You just want to get out of there fast before it scars you permanently.

    I just spent the better part of 3 hours trying to survive there to finish some commendations related achievements. I was a in 5 ship alliance. I was the only ship that entered the zone the whole time. All the other ships stayed outside Devils Roar. No one entered it even for a second.

    It's just a never ending barrage of random events that constantly beat you down. Being successful in that zone has nothing to do with being a skilled player. The only thing you can do is mitigate risk and extending the time of quest completion by visiting the ONE outpost often as possible. Which also happens to be a volcano!

    The place was a bad idea.

  • 51
  • when i'm solo, I just do the small islands. If you know what you are doing, there isn't much risk. this is easier when you are PL because there is always one small island that has skulls or chests. So if you have three DR athena missions, that's a good bit of high paying loot that can be quickly attained. granted, if you aren't PL, then this strat may not work for you.

  • I LOVE the Devil’s Roar. I do almost all of my solo Athena voyages out there because it is so much easier to deal with skeletons using the geysers. I usually spot another ship bouncing about out there as well. It does require you pay attention to the islands and bug out before the volcanoes blow. I’m sorry you had a bad time, but the reviews and feedback on the Roar has been pretty good for people looking for more challenge. And the rewards are doubled to reflect it. They already made it easier when they toned down the volcanoes, I hope they don’t tone it down any further.

  • I dont like the graphics and islands they look like mordor but they dont look like green tropical islands with a vulcano.. the whole islands erupts its crazy and i really dont like it. I think i got a completely different picture of pirate theme vulcano islands to explore..

  • I couldn't disagree more. At first I found the Roar oppressive (as it's meant to be), but it has really grown on me. I love the complexity and danger of the area, and of course the commensurate rewards. The lore is fascinating, too, and adds depth that seems lacking in other areas. Rare put a really fresh, creative spin on the pirate genre. I think the Devil's Roar was a great idea and beautifully implemented.

    The good news is that we all have options. Don't like the Roar? No sweat. You've still got three other volcano-free regions to adventure in. I love the variety. Sometimes I prefer chilling out in the gorgeous Shores of Plenty. Very tranquil and soothing. Other areas fit my moods at various times. But when I really want to go for the glory, I usually wind up in the Roar.

  • See, the Devil's Roar is doing exactly what it's meant to - only appear to certain types of players and groups. It's perfect as it is - very punishing, but navigable with planning and teamwork.

    I'd beg Rare not to change a thing about it. It SHOULD be a harsh voyage, with high risk!

    It's by far my favorite area of the game because of this (and the beautiful visuals).

  • The payouts are better but I much prefer sailing in the blue seas and sunshine.

  • @captainkashus

    Yea too much RNG stuff. Earlier today me and a friend were on a sloop running from a Brig with fort loot and of course, skele boat spawns right next to us and hits us with 15..........15 rigging balls and the Brig catches up to us and sinks us because there was nothing we could do.

  • Like this? 😭😭

  • Devils Roar is my favorite place on the entire map. I have made a good amount of coin in that area so far and there is no one ever there. I love it.

  • @combatxkitty said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    Devils Roar is my favorite place on the entire map. I have made a good amount of coin in that area so far and there is no one ever there. I love it.

    this is mostly true, but today. solo in my trusty sloop, I was chased by some foul mouthed cutthroats in a galleon flying the reapers mark. they tried to lure me in with the we're friendly bit and then proceeded to open fire. I then led them on a wild goose chase through the roar. at one point they yelled through their horn for me to "man up" and called me things that cannot be repeated here. it was pretty comical watching them get so close only for me to lose them around a rock.

    I'm loving all these newbies.

  • @captainkashus

    You are at the mercy of what the Rare devs think is fun at any given time. If it is not fun play something else or do not go into the roar that is the only stat they pay attention to. They will nerf it if they see no one is going there which from what I have seen is the case on most server. People would rather do forts or something else than deal with the poor design choices of the devils roar.

  • It's worth the effort, it's the easiest way to do OOS which are hell on some regular islands and THAT's THE TRUTH!
    But yea, you're probably one of those who wants them nerfed completly so there wont be any challenge.

  • I love the Devils Roar. High risk/reward, a great challenge and from my own experience less toxic encounters. It usually means I cycle through shipmates quickly (open sloop) but the good ones stick around.

    If you want to survive there you need to keep supply levels up and a rowboat, keep on top of the basics and plan your routes.

    I highly recommend it to any determined player seeking a challenge outside of trying to complete a skeleton fort uninterrupted lol

  • I spend most of my time in Devil's Roar because I find it to be the easiest area of the map. XD

    Virtually no players, and when there are, they are friendly or passive 80% of the time. And while megalodons and skeleton ships do spawn, I have yet to be attacked by a kraken there. Also megs and skellys seems to be more rare as well.

    Gaysers solve the skeleton problem in seconds. I started instinctively running around geysers instead of fighting the skeletons head on.

    Volcanoes are not more of a problem than anything else in the game, if you have a brain and a sloop. If I see a quest island erupting, I hang out at the outermost range of the boulders, and sail full speed forward the second it stops. I developed a pretty good sense of timing for when the eruption starts, so I'm not somewhere in a cave while my ship is getting sank. I have also learnt that volcano islands make a fake eruption, where there's a lot of shaking for a while, and after a fairly good break, the real eruption starts.

    Unless I get one of those bs riddle quests that takes hours to solve, the volcano gives me plenty of time, and I have no more issues doing quests than I would in other areas of the map. Sometimes if I have 100+ wood, and a really beefy "X marks the spot" quest, I just hang out in the lower deck and wait out the eruption. I am yet to get one-shot by a boulder while below deck.

    Not to mention everything you get from Devil's Roar quests is worth double gold. xD

  • I find it funny to see people complaining about Devil's Roar. Formerly things were much worse, now it is very worth doing missions there.

    The volcanoes almost never erupt, the money comes in double, the islands are very close and almost always there are no players there. It is possible to do a legendary voyage in 30 minutes.

    A bad point is that it is far from the forts, but because of this distance we have less "aggressive" players there.

  • Ok, so I thought maybe I was being too hasty.

    No, I wasn't. The place sucks.

    I decided to be patient and wait out a volcano that was firing at fletcher's rest, before i approached. I thought I was far enough away.... nope. I was easily closer to the outpost instead of fletchers, but I got nailed by a volcano. Respawned and somehow my ship was not sunk yet. As as I started heading below decks to repair, I got nailed again. Dead. Ship gone.

    I am sorry folks, you must be masochists or something. I don't enjoy dying to something out of my control. It's ridiculous and it happens far too often in that zone. There is no skill involved here. It's all RNG. Those volcano's are f*ing stupid. Give me something I can defeat instead this dumb roll of the dice.

  • @captainkashus

    Boy, it's a good thing you weren't around for the super frequent eruptions and heat-seeking rocks.

    Those things used to home in on you like laser guided missles; demolishing you in seconds. Nowadays it feels almost leisurely; as long as you have a backup rowboat.

    I mean, I know the environmental hazards can stack up to screw you over, but it just never bothered me that much.

  • I have to do quests there to finish these commendations, but that's it. I am only in this zone because I have to be here. It is oppressive, completely random, and not enjoyable for me.

  • The only thing that bothers me about the roar is when islands and shaking the skeletons run like normal and you walk like your under the influence of a barrel of grog, meaning you cant effectively fight them and if a gun powder skele comes at you, it is normally a one way trip to the ferryman.

    Apart from that I really like the roar, and do spend a fair amount of time in there.

  • @droper666
    Honestly nothing compares to skeleton fortresses at all as far as return on investment and the challenge involved. Most of the time your the only one who shows up, and it can be solo'ed pretty easy once you learn how to approach and work around the limitations that presents.

    Game needs more late game, high reward quests and avenues of play. Still think bounties and bounty hunting would bring a lot more balance as well meaning to combat that the game currently lacks.

    Devils Roar's Risk isnt worth the return in the end, you barely get more for Ashen stuff in the grand scheme of it all. Most of the chests are only worth around a few hundred gold you find unless you get lucky and find something better. Most of the time you just get Seafarers or Marauders Chests from my experience, 2x those lower potential values is just a meager reward for the amount of difficulty involved.

    The only reason I ever enter the Roar is because im solo playing, most of the time im alone in the region and dont have to deal with other players which seems to mean im not alone in feeling like its not worth the extra stress normally.

  • @bonesawisreadyx I found a chest worth 20,000 on an island at the Devils Roar, lets say it was a good day.

    @marsmayflower Yeah, newbies really need to learn basic sailing skills before trying to attack others lol. I remember once me and my friend sunk a galleon of newbies twice in a row when we were on a sloop. Lesson to them was just because there is more of them and they had a bigger ship doesnt mean they are going to win the fight.

  • When the DR first came out I Hated it but ever since they tweaked it, it’s been one of my favourite places to adventure.

    For where it lacks in PvP engagements it keeps me solely focused on the PvE survival. It’s great! The Land can be challenging but still manageable on a sloop.

    And with all the added random encounters thrown in to, it truly makes for some unique and interesting stories! I’m glad they managed to find a nice balance for the sloopers.

  • @captainkashus said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    I have to do quests there to finish these commendations, but that's it. I am only in this zone because I have to be here. It is oppressive, completely random, and not enjoyable for me.

    A number of us love the Roar, but you want it nerfed so that you can tick off a box to appease your inner completionist? You do not HAVE to be out there. Nothing is requiring you to complete all commendations. You WANT to complete the commendations and are choosing to go there. You are overstating the difficulty, and perhaps it is that hard for you, but treat this game more like a buffet. Do not feel compelled to consume everything available, take what you actually want and just enjoy it. We don’t all want the same things as you.

  • @ghostpaw

    I disagree. I think DR is totally worth the effort. I think the mistake you made was going solo.

  • @dragnonhd said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:


    I disagree. I think DR is totally worth the effort. I think the mistake you made was going solo.

    You are responding to the wrong person. I have said multiple times that I love DR and I am very successful solo. I assume you meant to reply to the OP and not me. The two reply options on these forums are a little confusing.

  • @captainkashus Being successful in the Roar has EVERYTHING to do with being a skilled player. The roar is the quickest way to make cash if you are good enough.

  • Since the nerf they did on it, Devil's Roar is my go-to when I'm solo slooping, especially doing cargo runs. Once the volcano stops erupting, full speed at the island, anchor or raise sails to maneuver and park right at the dock or beach. Take the time to get the anchor back and up and plan your exit. With a sloop you can get close enough that the time you might have to spend in the water won't ruin the silks. Get everything on board and tear out of there, you can arrange the cargo in better locations once you're on the move. Great pay out and as others have said, rarely any aggressive pirates, everyone is just trying to survive. If you have a ton of resources I suppose it's easy pickings to PVP, but if you aren't stocked up, you just risk losing resources or sunk doing PVP, then get caught by a volcano or sea hazard while repairing. If you have a crew, especially enough for a galleon it's great! Park it as close to the island as possible, and as long as someone stays on (below deck if it's erupting) to repair and bail you won't sink.

  • They nerfed the Roar way too much at first. They've gradually dialed it back up since then, and I think it's pretty solid now. The fact is, the place isn't meant to be easy. The rewards of adventuring there are much higher, so the risk must be commensurate. The Devil's Roar takes patience and tenacity, but it's a heck of a lot of fun.

  • Pssst, if you are still seeing burning embers drifting down in the air around your ship, you are still in range of the volcano. Roar Volcano's also always erupt from South to North. Look at which ones are erupting when you enter the Roar, this will give you a much better guesstimate of how much time you have to complete your tasks on any particular island. Too much focus on commendations and you miss visual/sound cues. "It is like a finger pointing away towards the moon. Concentrate on the finger, and you miss all the heavenly glory above."

  • I don't spend much time in the Devil's Roar. This is mostly because when I join a random crew they're usually not doing anything in that area. In a crew I like the Devil's Roar but not alone and not with a sloop.

    I do agree that it's too difficult for solo play. But I think the area is designed to challenge a crew and not solo players.

  • @conal-cuan said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    Pssst, if you are still seeing burning embers drifting down in the air around your ship, you are still in range of the volcano. Roar Volcano's also always erupt from South to North. Look at which ones are erupting when you enter the Roar, this will give you a much better guesstimate of how much time you have to complete your tasks on any particular island. Too much focus on commendations and you miss visual/sound cues. "It is like a finger pointing away towards the moon. Concentrate on the finger, and you miss all the heavenly glory above."

    Quoting Bruce Lee. Nice. 😊

  • @marsmayflower said in Devils Roar is not worth the effort. It's the Truth.:

    when i'm solo, I just do the small islands. If you know what you are doing, there isn't much risk. this is easier when you are PL because there is always one small island that has skulls or chests. So if you have three DR athena missions, that's a good bit of high paying loot that can be quickly attained. granted, if you aren't PL, then this strat may not work for you.

    100% agreed.

    I love to solo in there. Fill up on DR athenas. Throw a few down until you get a good RNG on the islands. Pop chests / ditch deliveries on the big islands, take stuff from the smaller ones, grab the Athenas chest. 30 minutes to 45 minutes as a solo, as long as the eruptions/pve threats don't mess you around too badly.

    It's a good place to make money but it's the opposite of chill voyaging.

    It's good that the world offers different levels of challenge depending on what you are in the mood for.

  • @ghostpaw right. He said its not for "me" keyword being ME. Just because something isnt for one person doesnt mean its not worth the effort, lots of people enjoy the DR. Im just a pirate lady who likes abit of extra adventure and the DR provides that.

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