Fix this action

  • Please have to fix this. Players use the action of sleeping to hide anywhere and it is almost impossible to see it.

  • 30
  • @leandn I've been a victim of this and honestly is not that bad. It's a tactic in a game that the combat tends to be linear in the options you have for engagement.

  • Highly suggest looking down. Strange little trick to find these people.

  • @nabberwar I get mad sometimes but I gotta give them points for creativity.

  • You might want to sword swipe that stack of loot... just to be safe.

  • You can't seriously be advocating nerfing the one stealth move in the game? A harmless emote?

    Find the sleeper, kill the sleeper.

    Or do you suggest snoring and animated Z's?

  • @leandn this happened to me once, since then I always check the boat. Just search for them, it’s not that hard.

  • No. This doesn't need to be "fixed".

  • My only real problem with the misuse of the sleep command is that it’s logically stupid. It shouldn’t make you virtually invisible. Instead, I’d suggest adding a command explicitly for stealth purposes, to attempt to hide from other pirates, and AI threats alike. Wouldn’t have to be complicated. Then maybe the sleep function could be restored to common sense use.

  • I have no problem with these tactics. You know it exists, now take the precautions and steps to defend against it.

    I've never fallen victim of it, but I've seen it attempted since early on in this game (and pulled things off with it - mostly at a fort during a key game).

    I learned very early on that you must always guard your ship. And if/when you ever let that guard slip, you must recognize that and search to make sure no one else took advantage of that slip in defenses.

    We are pirates, after all, and a large serving of mistrust and knowing the many games that may be underfoot, at any moment, are all a part of truly being a pirate of skill.

  • I don't know if people have mentioned this before, but a cool idea that I had is Pirates being able to hide inside of the Prop barrels. The crew mates would have to come shake the barrels to double check to see if anyone was in the barrel, if there was a person hiding inside the player is forced out and has a small delay on being about to shoot. Make props actually have a use and bring some sneaky plays in as well.

  • @leandn said in Fix this action:

    Please have to fix this. Players use the action of sleeping to hide anywhere and it is almost impossible to see it.

    We should not even be able to see enemy player name plates to begin with considering we do not have in game cross-hair for our weapons because its about immersion.

    So with that in mind, I say remove enemy player name plates; this also does not help your concerns because it goes directly against the big massive bullseye that says "ENEMY PLAYER IS OVER HERE"

    You should not need a massive bullseye above a players head to see where they are at. If you do, then either turn up the Gama on your TV so you can see better or actually look around, use your eyes.

  • Hi, you just need to learn to check every spot on your ship, Rare should not remove this emote, you have to adapt and check really closely.

  • Another nomination for the "I got beaten by a better player; so Rare should change the game so that dirty trick cannot used against me again (because I am too dumb to learn from the experience)" category.

    This joins such time honoured favorites as:

    • Please make it harder for people to board my ship
    • Please prevent outpost camping
    • Please make it impossible for people to violate an alliance
      and another recent entry:
    • Please make it impossible for another crew to steal too much loot from my ship!
  • @genuine-heather said in Fix this action:

    My only real problem with the misuse of the sleep command is that it’s logically stupid. It shouldn’t make you virtually invisible. Instead, I’d suggest adding a command explicitly for stealth purposes, to attempt to hide from other pirates, and AI threats alike. Wouldn’t have to be complicated. Then maybe the sleep function could be restored to common sense use.

    Great idea but... stealth would be the next topic of complaints, first pc to xbox adavntages the double guns what is next?

  • @leandn said in Fix this action:

    ...almost impossible to see it.

    Are you serious? They are not even remotely hard to see, have a walk around your ship if you think someone might be on it (by the way people do not just magically appear in the game near your ship). People typically hide in really obvious spots, spend the whole 5 - 10 seconds that it takes to have a look...

    No fix required.

  • @leandn I disagree with them having to get rid of that. What will let you know if there is a person there (whether he or she is sleeping) is if you look and the water and see a merfolk, but no smoke coming from it, that means someone is on the island with you. Either there by accident, or waiting to pounce on someone to take the loot that person found.

  • @rayzback Unless there hiding in your gunpowder barrels haha better not swipe them :P

  • @genuine-heather said in Fix this action:

    My only real problem with the misuse of the sleep command is that it’s logically stupid. It shouldn’t make you virtually invisible. Instead, I’d suggest adding a command explicitly for stealth purposes, to attempt to hide from other pirates, and AI threats alike. Wouldn’t have to be complicated. Then maybe the sleep function could be restored to common sense use.

    Maybe they could add a snoring sound effect or something? That might be quite a simple solution. :)

  • @knifelife said in Fix this action:

    @rayzback Unless there hiding in your gunpowder barrels haha better not swipe them :P

    Either way, problem solved. :D

  • @knifelife said in Fix this action:

    @genuine-heather said in Fix this action:

    My only real problem with the misuse of the sleep command is that it’s logically stupid. It shouldn’t make you virtually invisible. Instead, I’d suggest adding a command explicitly for stealth purposes, to attempt to hide from other pirates, and AI threats alike. Wouldn’t have to be complicated. Then maybe the sleep function could be restored to common sense use.

    Maybe they could add a snoring sound effect or something? That might be quite a simple solution. :)

    Hah! I like that. :)

  • @genuine-heather It’s simple but might do the trick aha

  • @knifelife said in Fix this action:

    @genuine-heather It’s simple but might do the trick aha

    It really would. Snoring sound effects while asleep would actually add something really humorous and flavorful that fits perfectly with the spirit of the game. I love it! I do think we should have some kind of "stealthy" function, even if it's just a "crouching" emote or something. I think we're on to something here.

  • @genuine-heather Yeah I agree about the stealth, it’s been requested quite a bit over the years.

    It would definitely add a lot more tactics in the game. I would love to be able to set up ambushes and play hide and seek and just up to all sorts of mischievous activities aha.


    That reminds me actually you popped into my head yesterday.
    I remember having a conversation with you about server merges a few weeks ago and I commented how I had never been merged.

    That all changed last night 😭
    Me and my friend got sunk by a kraken while being bombarded by a volcano. I managed to save all the loot and swim it to fletchers rest while he went and got the new ship.

    I was on the island with it all he litrally was about to dock and i got my first merge. And all the loot despawned. I found it quite amusing because i recalled our conversation but needless to say for his first day on the seas and how desperate he was to get the gold for a new outfit he wasn’t to amused lol.

  • @knifelife Ugh! Sorry to hear about the merging incident. For me, it hasn't been quite as bad as it was when I wrote that post. They've definitely made a few tweaks and improvements. That said, it can still strike when you least expect it, with undesired consequences (as you found out). Then again, it actually worked in my favor recently, for the first time ever. I think you probably read my story about winding up with an extra stronghold key? Heh. But yesterday I tried to chase some skellie ships again, and got merged away before I made it. So on the whole, my opinion on server migration hasn't changed much.

  • @genuine-heather Yeah it was a bit annoying, but like you said they are working towards improving it so I can’t really complain. I know it’s probably a lot more complicated and technical then I would be able to comprehend.

  • As I don't personally sneak onto ships, I rarely use the sleep emote unless I wish to hide on an island and get a few minutes of actual rest.

    That being said, even if it's being used for stealth aboard ships, I don't see any reason for the sleep emote to be altered.

  • @knifelife said in Fix this action:

    @genuine-heather Yeah it was a bit annoying, but like you said they are working towards improving it so I can’t really complain. I know it’s probably a lot more complicated and technical then I would be able to comprehend.

    My crew and I got merged about 5 or 6 times tonight while doing an Athena's. None of the merges really disrupted our game, except for the fact that we got krakened twice (sank both times). But we saved our loot and it only cost us some time. If we'd had our sights on doing skellie ships or something, getting merged 5 or 6 times might've been far more disruptive.

  • @genuine-heather

    Try not dropping anchor

  • @rayzback said in Fix this action:


    Try not dropping anchor

    Sometimes you do get merged upon dropping anchor, but if a merge is coming, it’s going to happen anyway, whether anchored or not. Besides, there are lots of good reasons for dropping anchor, so it’s not very practical to simply avoid it at all costs.

24 out of 30