Certain skulls in the skull fort vault.

  • When the skulls sit on the left rock shelf or right rock shelf they can not be gotten. We have lost a lot of villainous skulls do to this. I am pirate legend so big deal but my friends that are trying to get to pirate legend are getting screwed

  • 6
  • @bountyhunter-2g Was it Kraken Watchtower by any chance, because that is a known issue listed in the patch notes.

  • @foxdodge you have jump up on the rock. That what I do everytime and have been able to get it.

  • @trixster13 said in Certain skulls in the skull fort vault.:

    @foxdodge you have jump up on the rock. That what I do everytime and have been able to get it.

    You can also jump and grab mid-air too

  • Yeah as people said you can grab them you just have to jump up above them and keep trying to change your angle looking down on them until the “press x to pickup” or whatever pops up onscreen.

  • @foxdodge no can’t remeber the few I ran into but will pay attention more for that. It was other ones too

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