Ashen Gold Hoarder Progression

  • Anyone else not progressing with their count on Ashen Gold Hoarder levels? I keep staying 4/5, while I did 6 now. Can't finish the dubloon quest..

  • 9
  • I have heard some players are having this issue. I personally did not have this issue. Give it somtime to see if it's delayed but if you continue to have this problem you should raise a support ticket.

  • @ubi-bene Be sure to raise a support ticket if this is happening to you. Some people believe that it is happening when a server migration happens in the middle of your quest. Do you remember if that happened to you?

  • @ubi-bene Did you experience any server merges? Apparently, being server merged causes the voyage not to count.

  • Our crew completed 3 DR GH voyages the other night and none have registered for any of us. (The two voyages I had done previously do appear)
    The loot was successfully cashed in.
    We probably had two server merges in that time.
    And yes, I have raised a ticket and am awaiting a response.
    In this situation, is it likely that the voyages get credited or are they just lost
    in the digital ocean?

  • @ubi-bene and @mafman74
    Yes, I've experienced the same. It happened after two server merges within ten to fifteen minutes of each other.

    I wouldn't bother with lodging a support ticket as many of us are still waiting for the commendations of the Cursed Sails week 2 blunder that were not credited to those of us who completed Ancient Spires.
    I'm not still griping about it, just using that as an example of non reimbursed commendations that were promised but weren't credited.

  • @mafman74 @Ubi-Bene Defininitely good to raise a ticket, but don’t hold your breath for credit. Next time, if you merge during a voyage and are looking to get the commendation, cancel the voyage after the merge, curse the bug gods, and start another voyage. Hopefully, they fix the issue. Makes sense that they might’ve missed this in testing. Doubt there were server merges happening. Might be good to simulate that in future tests.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Ashen Gold Hoarder Progression:

    @ubi-bene and @mafman74
    Yes, I've experienced the same. It happened after two server merges within ten to fifteen minutes of each other.

    I wouldn't bother with lodging a support ticket as many of us are still waiting for the commendations of the Cursed Sails week 2 blunder that were not credited to those of us who completed Ancient Spires.
    I'm not still griping about it, just using that as an example of non reimbursed commendations that were promised but weren't credited.

    The only problem in this case being that the cosmetic outfits are locked behind completing those missions.
    I don't think the Cursed Sails ones were?

    I can't believe this still hasn't been fixed though for some folk?!

  • I do believe if you do ones that u fine in bottles will not count they have to be bought

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