Ahoy! I be QU4NTUMN1RV4N4

  • I first set sail a while back, but wasn't into it. I undertook another voyage a week ago and have been on the seas most days since.

    I'm a fairly new pirate still, but am capable of running a sloop by myself or with another and completing easier voyages. I'm still learning the finer points of sailing, and some other aspects of the game. I be open to joining a larger crew if ye can show me the ropes a bit more and bear with me. I'll help with skulls and chests fer sure! I don't like merchant quests though.

    I work well with others who are friendly and team players themselves. But I'm more than capable of holding my own in fair combat circumstances. So approach me slowly and make your intentions of potential cooperation known, kill me outright, or prepare for a fight.

    Ye'll know me sloop by its black sails and Shark Hunter hull, courtesy of a six(+?) ship fleet I joined the other night and the legendary voyage we were on. I did what I could to help the overall cause.

    I have a microphone, but may not have it on if someone in the house is sleeping. I'm on XBox, so the implications o' that be there. Send me an invite (QU4NTUMN1RV4N4) if ye be willing to join up for our collective good and maybe the good of others.

    And hopefully the map of Devils Roar is done drawing and I can set sail now!

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