[PSA] If the wreck's a month old, let it sink.

  • There's been a small surge of people sifting through very old threads and lifting their rotting hulls from Davy Jones' Locker.

    I wanted to take the time to suggest that a link to the forum's rules be permanently pinned to the front page for all newcomers to see. And to offer a reminder that threads over a month old should be left at the bottom of the sea. If you think there's still a problem, create a new thread. Otherwise, let it sleep with the fishes.

  • 3
  • Aye!
    I've seen so many resurrected threads now that I'm actually getting good at recognizing them.
    Something needs to be done!

  • @blam320 Aye, there does seem to have been an influx in recent months of ships that just won't stay sunk!

    Just a quick tip for you all though, don't reply to the thread - flag it for moderation and someone will take a look at it. That way, it doesn't stay surfaced to gather more replies and look like a new or popular thread.

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