This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy

  • Must echo some of the comments; it was smashing fun to make it to Pirate Legend, but NOW what?

    Expand the map, get us some underwater caves and caverns to explore, something please. Perhaps content designated only for Legends?

    Sorry to sound impatient, I've never laughed so hard nor had such a really, REALLY fun time playing a video game, and I want that to continue.

    Rare, thanks for considering.

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  • Yeah, they need to make more thing for PL. In FS they said that there will be something.

  • @drayman86 said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Must echo some of the comments; it was smashing fun to make it to Pirate Legend, but NOW what?

    Expand the map, get us some underwater caves and caverns to explore, something please. Perhaps content designated only for Legends?

    Sorry to sound impatient, I've never laughed so hard nor had such a really, REALLY fun time playing a video game, and I want that to continue.

    Rare, thanks for considering.

    Two words....DARGO RUN!!!!Aka Pigs 2.0, your adventure awaits!!

  • There is Legend-only content on the way. However, it was decided very early on - and based on overwhelming player feedback - that the gameplay experience available for all players needed to be enhanced first. So the post-Legend rewards were put on hold. Soon enough we'll get Captaincy and private hideouts.

  • @blam320 said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Soon enough we'll get Captaincy and private hideouts.> Aye, and I'll be first in line ! ! !

  • I agree there needs to be somthing added for pl that makes all players really want to obtain pirate legend to keep them playing, the amount of times I've let noobs down to the hideout that I was super excited to do when I was trying to become Pl, that turn around and go "well is this it?" just makes my heart sink at their disappointment 😂 I completely get they want to appeal to the larger audience and it costs money to appeal to a tiny amount of players, but! if there was a huge incentive to become pirate legend in the long run you would have more players sticking to the game and playing it, instead of people not bothering to work towards pl because they've heard all legends say how bored they are, in turn the newbies must think if the legends are bored of this game than why should I bother playing when newer games are released?

  • @ufc-wolverin3 said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    you would have more players sticking to the game and playing it, instead of people not bothering to work towards PL

    Egads, man! I've got no time for worrying about Pirate Legend.

    These skull and chest art installations aren't going to build themselves!

  • I have not stopped wondering why they would bother doing commendation letters before expanding on the "end game". Why make it more accessible when those of us that were PL were already asking for more? Surely threads like this will become more and more popular now.

  • @aod-fluid
    Excellent point.
    Why make it easier to get to what is currently the end game, with nothing more to do?

    Surely out of 200+ employees they could hand pick five creative people to think of new adventures for PLs.
    Make it a competition in the Rare work place to think of new stuff for PLs to do.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Is it THAT much easier?

    Not denying, actually curious here. I mean, the commendations are easier to get, but from what I remember, they never gave me all that much rep. Seemed about on par with a Captain's Chest or golden animal.

    There's the letters as well, but you need doubloons for those and they're in limited supply. You're basically trading one grind for another. And, depending on the event, sometimes a much harder grind.

    I was at rep 32 on all companies before the change. Since then, I've averaged... probably about an hour or two a day general play time. Just doing normal voyages; admittedly goofing off a good deal as well. Didn't count how many commendations I got, but it was a few.

    As of yesterday, I'm at about 33 and 1/2 on Hoarders and Merchants. A little closer to 34 on Souls because of going for CCB doubloons to buy weapon skins.

    I mean, if we're talking about fast tracking people to Legend status, it doesn't really strike me as much of a game changer. But like I said, I wasn't paying that much attention, so take my limited observations for what they're worth. =P

  • @v**a-hombre
    When introduced, the letters of commendations weren't worth it, going by feedback.
    I think they were based on your rep level as some gained half a rep point while others only gained a quarter or even less.

    Now they are now worth an entire rep level regardless and whilst available at any time they are more wisely used in the mid to high 40s where the visible progression is almost motionless.
    If you plan to use them I would suggest waiting until say rep 47 or higher in all factions.

    The point of my previous post was why rush? There's nothing to do as PL that you can't already do now anyway.
    In fact PL is no different to day 1, only harder skeleton battles.

  • As far as I'm aware, the reasoning behind no PL content having come out is more down to prioritisation than simply ignoring legends.

    I'm sure the developers have hundreds of good ideas for legends only content stockpiled, but as it stands there does need to be more content available to all players before they can move onto content that's only accessible to a small percentage of the overall player base.
    That's not to say pirate legend content won't come. The game just needs fluffing out with a bit more universal content first.

  • @xadrasyl True, they claim that PL content was put on the back-burner to give the game more substance first.

    However the game needed that long before release.
    If only they had listened to critics saying that "the game is shallow" and "it needs more content" during the beta stage and "fluffed" it out before release they could possibly already be progressing forward beyond Athena 10.

    It's the general consensus that Micro$oft pushed it out the door a year prematurely so now Rare are desperately trying to play catch-up with so called "free DLC" that should have already been included in the supposed "AAA game" at launch.

  • @zodemere DARGO RUN?

  • @surveyorpete said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    @zodemere DARGO RUN?

    LoLz i meant to say C A R G O.....oh hecck with it, PIGS 2.0 the easy merch gring!!

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Yeah, I remember when they changed it to just give you one level. And I suppose, if you really went heavy on the doubloons, you could make a good dent in the progression, especially if you're willing to miss out on some of the cosmetics.

    I'm definitely in the "why hurry" camp, though perhaps not for the same reasons. While I'll always want more, I still genuinely enjoy the gameplay loop that's already there.

    I don't know... it's just so stress-free. I know that may seem odd considering you can be attacked anytime, but I really do find it quite relaxing. I don't have to worry about good builds or my DPS. I don't have to fear death or lost progress. I can just hop in my ship and do whatever tickles my fancy.

    Of course, that's just me. And Rare doesn't gain anything catering just to me anymore than any other niche player. I'm certainly not against more content for Legends (new content is always welcome); I guess there's just always been a bit of a mental disconnect for me in regards to "endgame" content. Admittedly, partially from prejudice to what is generally considered endgame content, which I've never found very appealing.

    Hopefully, SoT would have something a bit different for their "endgame". I'll admit, I like the idea of personal hideouts; especially if they're customizable. Any excuse to play with my virtual paper dolls. =P

    Hmmmm, not sure what point I was trying to make here. Kinda started rambling and lost the plot a bit. But I suppose that's appropriate since it's also how I tend to play the game. I start off dutifully loading up supplies and setting off on a specific voyage; only to end up sitting there with my nephew and sword-launching ourselves off the top of Galleon's Grave, trying to hit certain targets.

  • @v**a-hombre said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    Is it THAT much easier?

    Yes, it is that much easier. Depending on the "event" that is going on. I spent about 13 hours to take one level from 49 to 50... soon after, tons of people were doing the same level in an hour and a half because of commendations... so yes, it is that much easier.

  • @aod-fluid said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Yes, it is that much easier. Depending on the "event" that is going on. I spent about 13 hours to take one level from 49 to 50...

    I... guess that's faster. Not really giving me power-leveling vibes, but I guess it can make those last couple steps much easier. Still gonna take someone awhile to get to those last couple steps (especially someone who is averse to grinding, as these people have been characterized as being), but yeah, it can give ya a good swat on the behind to hop you over those last couple hurdles.

    Doesn't seem like THAT much of an advantage to me, but as stated previously; I'm not invested so maybe I just don't see it.

    @sardukar1234 said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Do i have enough CC's on my ship?

    Ah, now ya got me there. I DO worry about not having at least one CCB of each color on my ship. I like to load them in my cannons and point them to the sky, decorating my ship with pretty colored smoke. =D

    But seriously, I see what you mean, but the aforementioned non-worry about death takes care of that. The only reason to worry about cursed cannonballs is because you're worried you'll be sunk and killed; and I'm not worried about being sunk and killed.

    But that's just related to my own, probably quite rare, playstyle. So for others I'm sure it IS a worry.

  • @aod-fluid said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    @v**a-hombre said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    Is it THAT much easier?

    Yes, it is that much easier. Depending on the "event" that is going on. I spent about 13 hours to take one level from 49 to 50... soon after, tons of people were doing the same level in an hour and a half because of commendations... so yes, it is that much easier.

    I wonder if rare has. considered adding GAMBLING LOOT BOXES that you can throw real $ at your tv screen & buy your way to PL / Athena 10 / clotying / titles / figureheads / commedations? How much will $1000.00 buy this crusty pirate?

  • You do know a update is coming?

  • @v**a-hombre

    The Dabloons fast track you pretty well. I just brought 18 levels to go to 49/47/49

  • @biter-wylie said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    The Dabloons fast track you pretty well. I just brought 18 levels to go to 49/47/49

    How much do the letters cost? I've never bothered looking myself.

    I mean, that's a lot of rep levels, but if you took the time to grind out some of those legendary event commendations, I'd almost say you deserved it.

  • @v**a-hombre said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    @biter-wylie said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    The Dabloons fast track you pretty well. I just brought 18 levels to go to 49/47/49

    How much do the letters cost? I've never bothered looking myself.

    I mean, that's a lot of rep levels, but if you took the time to grind out some of those legendary event commendations, I'd almost say you deserved it.

    E I G H T E E N....18....18...levels...?..what in the...holy moly it must be soooo easy to get to max PL level now,, wowwww!!!!

  • @zodemere

    Soooooo, you.... don't know how much they cost?

    Or were you worried I missed where he said "18"?

  • @v**a-hombre

    They are 30 Dabloons each from Duke.

  • @biter-wylie said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    They are 30 Dabloons each from Duke.

    Hmmm, cheaper than I expected. It would still require you to grind out commendations before the event expired, but if you can do it, that WOULD put a good dent in your progress.

    Still doesn't really bother me, but it IS a bigger impact than I previously thought.

    I don't know, it's a tough thing to wrap my head around. I can see the logic behind why some are upset by stuff like this, but can't quite get to the emotional reaction. What others do with a game has always seemed so separate from whatever I was doing with it, that linking the two is a little foreign to me.

  • @v**a-hombre

    They certainly give out more Dabloons per event than I expected, but then I don’t have access to the games metrics.

    On the flip side a lot more players than I expected use all their Dabloons on cosmetics. Players that already reach PL probably have little use for Dabloons so probably wrongly assume all players use them just for levelling up.

    I might be the exception rather than the norm, for me some tattoo’s and a beard is all the costmetics I have rocked since Day 1 so Dabloons only have one use. Levels.

  • @biter-wylie

    Yeah, I grind enough doubloons to get the cosmetics and then bail. Funnily enough, I have a set outfit (mainly bilge rat) that I stick to with only minor changes. Still, I try to get all the cosmetics I can, just cause I like having the options, even if I'm hardly ever going to use them.

    I'm still hoping there'll be enough options by Christmas for me to make a credible "Pirate Santa" costume.

  • Yeah... I've gotten the doubloons from every event, except for a couple of the gunpowder skellies ones, and that amount was

    a) not all that time consuming to get, and
    b) enough doubloons to buy 20+ levels. Meaning someone could be as far away as 43/43/44 and power up to PL.
    c) most people have no use for buying
    every single one of the cosmetics, since you can only wear one outfit at a time.

    The path to PL is already speedier. Day 1 players on launch day were running level 1 quests. Day 1 players today can easily find a level 20+ or 30+ mission to do. So speeding it up further makes no sense, especially when the endgame is still not out, despite it being implied to already be in the game at launch!

  • @owl-hisson

    The biggest change to levelling up that I noticed was the change to rewards being linked to your increased level. Being L40 and getting Castaway chests must have been brutal.

    But the early guys also had some perks! One very enormous perk was the Merchant Cheese. I went from L25 to L37 in eight hours one night.

    The Dabloons rewards seem balanced in most instances in terms of time invested. Complete 30 voyages for 30 Dabloons, sink all the Fleets for 50 Dabloons etc. But what makes them special is your still levelling up while doing them.

    I am not complaining though. Almost PL after 5 months of playing everyday (mainly solo) it absolutely feels hard earned so to speak.

    Edit: I think I would buy more cosmetics if I had a wardrobe to save outfits. Myself I don’t have the time to tweak my outfit everyday.

  • @owl-hisson said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Yeah... I've gotten the doubloons from every event, except for a couple of the gunpowder skellies ones, and that amount was

    a) not all that time consuming to get, and
    b) enough doubloons to buy 20+ levels. Meaning someone could be as far away as 43/43/44 and power up to PL.
    c) most people have no use for buying
    every single one of the cosmetics, since you can only wear one outfit at a time.

    The path to PL is already speedier. Day 1 players on launch day were running level 1 quests. Day 1 players today can easily find a level 20+ or 30+ mission to do. So speeding it up further makes no sense, especially when the endgame is still not out, despite it being implied to already be in the game at launch!

    It cracks me up that they say the game doesn't begin til u hit legend yet there's NO END GAME content. LIES!!!

  • @owl-hisson said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    c) most people have no use for buying every single one of the cosmetics, since you can only wear one outfit at a time.

  • @zodemere said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    @aod-fluid said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    @v**a-hombre said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:


    Is it THAT much easier?

    Yes, it is that much easier. Depending on the "event" that is going on. I spent about 13 hours to take one level from 49 to 50... soon after, tons of people were doing the same level in an hour and a half because of commendations... so yes, it is that much easier.

    I wonder if rare has. considered adding GAMBLING LOOT BOXES that you can throw real $ at your tv screen & buy your way to PL / Athena 10 / clotying / titles / figureheads / commedations? How much will $1000.00 buy this crusty pirate?

    So far they have not shortened the Athena loop. Which is funny, because if they think people complained about how hard it was to get to PL, wait until they are going from Athena 1 to Athena 10. Of course, most of them probably spent 90% of their time running Athena's voyages...and while being in the mid-30's-to-low 40's for all 3 orders, are Athena's 4 or 5. They were just too brain-dead to figure out why it was taking so long to get to 50/50/50. Even still, those people will NEVER get through Athena's 10 before they quit this game. An even larger number of posts here don't seem to have the time to do half of an Athena's mission... so I am waiting for some god-awful save mechanic so they can work on them bit by bit.

  • @aod-fluid

    A save system on a Voyage would be so useful! Lots of people would be happy for that if Rare added this.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in This Pirate Legend Is Becoming Old, Fat, & Lazy:

    Excellent point.
    Why make it easier to get to what is currently the end game, with nothing more to do?

    Surely out of 200+ employees they could hand pick five creative people to think of new adventures for PLs.
    Make it a competition in the Rare work place to think of new stuff for PLs to do.

    I honestly think the game was designed to be released, and around June/July extend pirate legend content. Rare dropped that plan because of content complaints. Maybe they are trying to force that hand back on players by putting more PL's into the world to complain about that so they feel justified in some way?

    They should (honestly....let's be real) revert back to release state, and go with their original roadmap at this point. Then they should stop listening to players. Listen to them when it matters, but not this much. They are building a mess.

    People would complain...sure... but in the end there would be a much better and much more stable product.

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