Boatswain vs Deckhands

  • @erinom3 - No musical instruments, were's the challenge in that?

  • @musicmee said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    @nofears-fun What happens in the Boatswain Discord stays in the Boatswain Discord!

    Mia icmee is just afraid we revealed his includesgeyers! 😂

  • @skulliah Ha Mia icmee! Thanks, @zz-Emerz-Zz... If I didn't have enough memes :(

  • @tartansnake-8
    But you must have musical accompaniment to your drunk adventures!

    @DuMy2008 on the banjo, myself on the drums, what more could you ask for?! Our music will help you time your drunk rowing!! :D

  • I bit late to the party (damn work) but I'd be up for some of that! :)

  • Seems we have commitments from way more boatswains then deckhands. Assuming that there are simply a lot more boatswains than deckhands I propose that each group come up with 4 chosen pirates to represent their respective groups. What do you think? Do we even have 4 deckhands that have agreed to do this?

  • @nofears-fun said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    When the six tavern challenge showed up last week for the devs @Musicmee had a great suggestion that is not gaining much traction. Sooo, being an instigator that I am. Here is is. Who wants to see a grog challenge between the Boatswains and the Deckhands. And who out of those groups would be willing to participate. What ideas would you want to see them do as part of this challenge. Let’s have some fun at their expense. Lol

    I've been wanting this for a long time.

    Anything that incorporates Boaties in a more proactive role ..tho Proactive is our middle name lol ..

    We could try to do this continently -- if that makes sense... So Boaties can beat Deckhands in the same timezone and not have to worry about scheduling too much.

    We all know how @Stacky-a and I kick metaphorical donkeys when it comes to grogging it up -- air, land, or sea.

    Why even stop at "Tavern Crawling?" Why not make it the Drunken Sailor Decathlon???

    Count me in!!! Friday and Saturday (USA times) work best for me if I'm not out doing NMSI tutoring sessions or training...

  • With eager anticipation we wait for Forsaken Shores and the introduction of rowboats. With that also comes the titled challenge. We have plenty of @Boatswain but only a couple of @Deckhands that have committed to the rowboat grog challenge.

    First, is there still interest in this?
    Second, how long after FS introduction does everyone think is a fair amount of time to get used to the rowboats enough to try them while on the grog?
    Third, how will this work?

    We have several suggestions here with my favorites being a rowboat grog race. Probably similar to a scavenger hunt where we put an item somewhere and have the contestants (after proper drink of course) set sail, during which, there would be several stops to fill up and get those drinks again. Either designated stops at taverns or tag along ships where the moderator makes random calls to drink. I first thought of having each boat carry their own grog chest, but making sure we find enough would be a problem. So either a tag along ship or designated stops make more sense.

    I saw some names floated around to help "secure" a server. Is anyone confirmed to be able to help out with this?

    Do we want to have this event streamed? Or will it be up to each individual if they want to stream or not?

    Because of the overall number of Boatswains that have stepped up, we will need to narrow down their team a bit. Possibly to a 3 or 4 man team each. Would we have just one person per rowboat, or 2? Do the boatswains wish to simply have an internal challenge to determine who represents them against the deckhands?

  • That would be probably fun to watch… Bring it on!!!

  • @nofears-fun

    Considering that there are more Boatswains than Deckhands, I find it unfortunate to prevent some players from participating while we could just make several teams and still have fun :)

    Dont worry, of course we'll stream this! ;)

    The thing is, we all live in different places in the world and it may be the biggest problem to find the right timing.

    I think it would be nice to wait until the update is out to see how Devil's Roar is to prepare a possible course for the race. But we can already set a date, probably during a weekend?

    I think we have the necessary players to secure a server and prepare this with @SirioNDB

    I think if we can have some cargo of rum on the rowboats to see which team succeed as well to keep them safe during the race, it could be funny! :)

    We could try to find some grog chest to have unlimited grog during the race! But I'm not sure if being drunk during the whole race will be funny to experience and to watch!

  • @skulliah said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    We could try to find some grog chest to have unlimited grog during the race! But I'm not sure if being drunk during the whole race will be funny to experience and to watch!

    Yeah, that is why I think that we need a moderator or someone to randomly tell everyone its time to down some grog. Kind of like musical chairs, only when the music stops or in this case the moderator says so, you drink.

    Yeah, the time zones will make it difficult. Might be best to have a couple of different groups going, and simply do a best out of 3 type of thing. If boatswains win 2 of the three races, then they win bragging rights....

  • @NoFears-Fun as @Skulliah says we have the tools and we have the talent.

    Happy to help @SirioNDB in purchasing a server and keep hold of the necessary vessels.
    This part is probably as fun to stream as the other sections as folk can then see how it's done!

    Teamwork makes the dream work!

  • Oh and @NoFears-Fun now have the mighty Thor, Skulliah, Musicmee, Lucian, Fishst1ck and so many more to name in our ranks... bragging rights are already ours!

    Unless KBOT joins in with a Rare crew...

    Could have a Rare sails, a Deckhands sails and if they gave us bootstraps a sail we could have a clear set of team ships!

  • @sshteeve said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    Oh and @NoFears-Fun now have the mighty Thor, Skulliah, Musicmee, Lucian, Fishst1ck and so many more to name in our ranks... bragging rights are already ours!

    Unless KBOT joins in with a Rare crew...

    Could have a Rare sails, a Deckhands sails and if they gave us bootstraps a sail we could have a clear set of team ships!

    Plain white. Because life, the world and the seas are like a blank canvas. We paint it with the adventure we create.

    That went deep.

  • I'd be happy to participate but unfortunately my availability to do so is extremely limited right now. Would love to do a future event with you all though.

  • My suggestion:

    • Start at a tavern and drink until your pirates is sick.
    • Row to next tavern and drink until your pirate is sick.
    • Repeat until you've visited every tavern.
    • Finish line is the arch in the centre of the map.
  • @tartansnake-8 said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    My suggestion:

    • Start at a tavern and drink until your pirates is sick.
    • Row to next tavern and drink until your pirate is sick.
    • Repeat until you've visited every tavern.
    • Finish line is the arch in the centre of the map.

    I love this idea, but my only fear is it might take to long in a rowboat to go between all the taverns. Part of the wait to see what we get type of thing. I would be interested in doing some experimenting with anyone that wishes to crew up with me some time for some rowboat excursion.

  • @nofears-fun said:

    I love this idea, but my only fear is it might take to long in a rowboat to go between all the taverns.

    If there's grog, it's never to far!

  • Update, with the release of FS a week away if there are not further delays, I think it best to wait a couple of weeks after FS is first released as I am sure that everyone will want to concentrate on the new content and new commendations. Once we have a decent window of time for everyone to have a chance to get used to them, and get used to the new rowboats we can work on setting up a schedule.

    I think we will need to do a regional playoff for the boatswains as there are many more boatswains than deckhands. Then, once that is done we can do a championship round regionally between the deckhands and boatswains. The winning group would be the group with the most over all wins. What does everyone think?

  • If they streamed themselves drinking real grog until there's one standing I would watch ;)

  • @navillicious said in Boatswain vs Deckhands:

    If they streamed themselves drinking real grog until there's one standing I would watch ;)

    Now there is an area I feel qualified to compete in

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