Any tips on getting more cursed cannonballs

  • Last night i visted 85/90 barrels to end up with 5 maybe 6 cursed green ones is there a way of getting more or a decent island to go to get more 🤔🤔 cheers for any info

  • 7
  • @chris-houlden Honestly I think it's just luck of the draw. We found a fair few at forts last night, might be worth trying there though it may have just been coincidence that we found more there than anywhere else.

  • @chris-houlden my crew usually gets them quite easy; what we do is:

    • check every island (shoot someone over and sail on) no matter how small it is.

    • check outposts alot too they spawn there quite frequently

    It is allways a mixed bag on what you are going to find because its RNG but we had 60 - 80 CCB’s once we were ending our session and we used quite alot of them as well

  • Thats it though peeps i was doing that n hitting forts just seemed like bothing at all was spawning cheers for the advise mybe it was a glitched server or somthing another quick question do u lot think the skellys are easier to kill ?

  • @chris-houlden It's possible ships already looted the islands before you arrived at them.

    An untouched (Edit: Large) island or fort usually yields our crew 4-5 cursed cannon balls - if someone beat us there you have no chance.

    I'm not sure when they're set to respawn again - but I'd advise keeping a look out and see where ships are going to / coming from

  • @chris-houlden yep ALOT easier, did a full battle as a single sloop yesterday, those cursed cannonballs are a godsent in that regard

  • Didnt see anyone on ferry of the dammed for at least 3 hours while we was on doing skelly voyages (for the 30 we need to do) i dunno was just annoying lol

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