[Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0

  • I know it's not about the inventory... But why did they remove equipment off the radial.menu.... why....

  • I love the new system. While I'm sad that they'll be changing the stacking limits, I always knew it wasn't going to last, I mean each barrel could potentially store nearly 1200 of that item (which I assumed they did to make using cursed cannonballs even more necessary).

    Having the UI is a great way to dissuade against ship camping, letting respawned players a more fair chance to get their ship back, especially when you can be damaged out of the UI, getting in the way of the invader essentially having infinite bananas. In regards to the "Take All" system everyone's been clamouring for, I don't think it should be a global thing for all barrels. That's a way to get every single one of your cursed cannonballs stolen from you in an instant, and since you can't loot other player's corpses, there's no way to get them back. Maybe make ship specific barrels only have a "Store All" but not a Take All option will at least give you more of a chance to not have that happen (I mean if the invader kills you all, and loots your balls, then oh well, it doesn't stop that completely, but it will help against those "man on a mission" players).

    Still, I love the possibilities this update allows, I'd like to see something like different plank types, maybe ones made from heavier wood that can take two shots before breaking and taking a lot longer to hammer in, or lighter wood, that's much faster to hammer, but maybe doesn't take choppier waters as well.

    Either way, I can't wait to see how this evolves.

  • After spending the night doing a large chunk of the commendations I can say I enjoy the new system. With the additional items barrels can carry we were able to stock up ship supplies pretty quickly. We had several boarding fights over the session as we kept the Reapers Mark active all night and had no problem still grabbing bananas as we needed them.

    Only annoyance which has been said over and over again is the lack of an 'empty' tag and I still am slow at getting the cursed cannonballs out but I was starting to get better at it. The menu itself was easy to navigate when I remembered my buttons but had trouble getting my fingers to cooperate in the heat of things. I usually let my friend handle cannons anyway and he took to it pretty quickly so it worked out. Overall it isn't a hard system to pick up in our experience. As a controller user once you get the RB and LB down it's pretty easy to stock barrels quickly and pulling out supplies wasn't delayed enough to ruin pvp in my few close calls with boarding combat. It's existence didn't effect our evening negatively.

    For those who just downright hate it...-shrug-...to each their own. Just wanted to give my final input into the megathread after getting a solid session of using it.

    ~Happy Sailing Everybody~

  • @nofears-fun agree the barrels is a total mistake the way there doing it they new what was coming

  • First of all, I love the game and appreciate Rare's responsiveness and transparency. Now on to griping about the barrels;

    This is the first update to the game that has contained anything I've disagreed with. I dislike the new barrel system for all the reasons being listed. There's also another deeper, philosophical reason that I object. Sea of Thieves is not a game about menus and video game interfaces. Aside from the radial menu and health bar, pretty much every piece of information in the game is a part of the game world that you interact with in real-time. The world of Sea of Thieves demands that you live in it because that's the only way to play the game. It's my second-favorite thing about the game (first favorite is the sea itself).

    Forcing us into a weird menu is wildly immersion-breaking in a game whose every other system enhances immersion so beautifully, and seems to run counter to the core design principles of Sea of Thieves.

    It's pretty clear that the community is unanimous in rejecting the barrel update. The only disagreement seems to be around whether it ought to be improved or rolled back altogether.

    And I hear what Mike the Mutinous is saying about the need to provide for future inventory expansions. I'm sure that there lots of cool stuff planned and I'm going to enjoy eating pineapples or whatever. I'm also sure that you guys can deliver expanded inventories without burying us in clumsy menus like every other game. Use all of the other barrels and put different symbols on them. Let things have a real physical presence in the world. I thought that's what the game was about.

  • Here are some suggested changes to make it better:

    F - Take item (from target to Pirate)
    R - Give item (from Pirate to Target)
    E - Toggle window or select window on right. (this should wrap from end to beginning)
    Q - Toggle window or select window on left (wrap from beginning to end)
    A - Change selection, move left
    D - Change selection, move right
    W - Change selection, move up (or left if 2 dimensional)
    S - Change selection, move down (or right if 2 dimensional)

    • A dedicated Take and Give key... ie F for Take, R for Give just like it was before. Take and Give are always in respect to the Pirate and not the selected inventory.
    • When taking (F), it grabs the first item and when full in your inventory moves to the next item to take.
    • Give (R) to normal supply barrels not allowed. You can only take from floating barrels or barrels on the islands. Give is based on dedicated barrel items so it won't try to give a cannon ball barrel a banana.
    • Use left/right up/down controls (A/D and W/S) to select specific items, E to toggle inventory window, F to take, R to Give. This will be needed for cursed cannon balls when you want to cherry pick them to and from cannon ball barrels.
    • Use the new inventory system for crates. If you look inside (F, like a barrel) you can then transfer items using the above give and take controls.
    • Cannon ball crates can not hold cursed cannon balls. This is likely already the case, but this use case should be noted.
    • When holding a crate (R to pick up), just simply use the crate inventory when taking the crate item F (ie cannon balls go to crate while everything else goes to personal inventory when holding a cannon ball crate). Same is true when holding a crate and giving to a dedicated cannon ball barrel R. It takes from held crate first. X/esc will close window, X/esc again will drop crate.
    • When interacting with a cannon and you hit the TAB key, it only shows the cannon balls to be selected using A/D controls. I personally would like a mini bar at the bottom showing the cannon balls when you first interact with the cannon leaving no need to tab to it. It highlights the cannon ball to be loaded next R to load, F to unload (give and take). A and D to move left and right to select. X/esc to get off of cannon.

    This seems much more intuitive, consistent and inline with what we had from before.

  • Another little thing that is out of talk. Before you could change the crew from closed or open. instantly. Now when you play alone and you want to change it, it does not change, or it's too much time.

  • I used the new system for the first time yesterday, I thought the complaints were overblown. Boy, was I wrong. How can such a thing ever be greenlit? It makes the already tedious process of collecting resources just way more tedious. Not being able to see at a glance if a barrel is empty means you have to a) remember what is in every single barrel and b) open them all. Why is the content not at least shown from the outside?

    And the ship barrels are even worse. In the heat of a battle you now have to navigate a second menu just to restock your resources. And even though those barrels can't even store second items, you still have to use the sub menu as if they could. You don't even see your resource status at a glance. What was three seconds is now almost ten.

    And then there's a glitch (probably lag related) that closes a barrel immediately after opening it. As if there was even a need for barrels with more items in them to begin with, when half of them are empty.

  • Content updates are supposed to leave the user base happy and excited, but this one looks like it could be one of those game killers that happen from time to time when devs no longer listen to their user base. Remember SWG? This content update has left the user base with a bitter taste in its mouth, and I see many are not logging in or boycotting the game entirely. Then Mike from Rare mentions that the update is for future expansions. You really think there will be future expansions when the user base dwindles? I dont think so.

    Rare, roll back now before its too late, user bases are a fickle lot, but they are also your bread and butter. Listen to your user base on this one. This update is a mistake, this update has upset your player base on a HUGE scale. You want this game to succeed? Roll it back now because many of us are about to move on. Act now before its too late.

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few in this case.

  • I have no intention of logging in again until a change is made. Even if it takes until Forsaken Shores.

  • Mike and crew, thanks so much for the insight and explanation! It’s really awesome and refreshing to see such a responsive developer! You guys really are one-of-kind. However, in this specific instance, I feel like you guys might be a bit too attached to your design plans. Please, please trust your community and don’t be stubborn on this one. You listened and changed course with the death tax, please listen now.

    Adding more items to the game is great and everyone wants that of course! But no matter which way you slice it, players do not want to be locked in place when searching a barrel, even for a fraction of a second. Players also NEED to see what’s in a barrel before searching it, AND store and remove things quickly. Anything else is frustrating and can lead to player death. No amount of cool new items/resources will change these simple facts. (Also, from a fantasy perspective, it doesn’t make any sense. Who stores planks, bananas and cannonballs together?) Sea of Thieves is not always a super fast-paced game, but a lot of times it is (skeleton forts, skeleton ships, the kraken/meg, and PvP), and fractions of a second matter! Not to mention it disrupts immersion and the flow of gameplay significantly!

    I understand completely the desire for cool new items and ways to manage those items (we all want that!), but this isn’t the way. Perhaps you could simply add a single storage locker on the ship for now and keep barrels as they were.

    Good enrichment examples:

    • New quest types, threats, lands, animals, and weapons!
    • New activities like games, fishing and dueling!
    • New tools like the speaking trumpet that make sense and deserve a spot on the radial.

    Questionable enrichment examples (i.e. complexity):

    • New food types. We already have our “healing potion,” we don’t need lesser and greater healing potions too. New food should be cosmetic only.
    • 12 new cannonball types. This is A LOT, and probably very confusing for new players. Seeing a barrel or radial with this many ammo types creates analysis paralysis, and you guys are talking about adding even more ammo types in. Even in a game like Mario Kart you can only have like 3 special items at a time. Maybe you guys should cycle which cursed balls are available each week (and drastically lower their spawn rate/storage capability/not have them available at outposts)?
    • Introducing barrels 2.0 at the cost of slowing down the core gameplay experience (Not an acceptable trade off. I'm not being dramatic when I say I would rather have ZERO new items introduced over the course of the game's lifespan than this system, it’s THAT important.)
    • Introducing a new Equipment and Resources tab. This seems like a way to shoe-horn a ton of new items into the game. (This isn’t WoW or Monster Hunter, leave messy inventory systems, endless items and item management to other games). Design a more sophisticated radial, and remove 2 of the instrument slots to free up more space (let us pick our favorite at the equipment chest). The radial is great because it is naturally limited, and you have to think long and hard about worthy additions to the game.

    SoT is one the most elegant games I have ever played, period. Hats off to your incredible team for the incredible game that they built! Elegance is what made your game great in the first place, please don’t forget that. Simplicity is greater than complexity.

    I really hope you guys figure this one out. This is the first time I’ve genuinely been worried about the direction of the game.

  • Even with the changes already announced i still have the opinion that they will overall degrade the experience and flow of the game.

    Having to navigate menus to get planks in the heat of a battle or during an intense PVE on a fort completely destroys the flow of the game, a game that is already 6 months old and the players that still play the game play it for the flow and imersion that gives having a simplistic resource model.

    I understand that changes must be made to accomodate future content but please, not this way RARE, do not change the flow of the game after 6 months, this is not the game i (and i think the majority from what i read in the forums and reddit) used to like to play.

    At least some major changes should be done to not interfere with the imersion:

    • If we have dedicated barrels on the boat (planks) we should be able to get planks or add planks to the barrel without entering the menu. Same for food

    • Same for cannonballs on the boat, at least beeing able grab cannonballs without entering the menus is crucial

    • Same logic applies to the Cursed crew ships, been kill endless times trying to loot planks just the get of the menu whenever a skeleton attacks me.

    The bottom line is that we can have menus for more resources but the vital ones for the core gameplay (Standard Cannonballs, Planks and Bananas) should be available without having to access the menu to gather them or stock them.

  • This new change puts Xbox players at an even greater disadvantage than pc players. I personally like playing on Xbox but if this change stays in its current form I will have to build a pc. The limitations it puts on pvp, skull forts, and any other intense situation are huge. I am so unbelievably dissappointed in Rares decision to go live with this change. I won’t be playing until this gets fixed somehow.

  • @muggledtoast i have already created key binds and some macro key binds in my g-tech 16 button mouse so i am ok with the new barrels i can get in and out of them just as fast as i was before, so its ok that they don't change them.
    suggestion for pc users is the use the g-tech software to set up hotkeys for in and out bind multiple mouse buttons with x key and f key. it works pretty well

  • I just logged in again to give it another try, surely people cannot be overly sugar coating this issue right?
    It seems they are, I logged out after 10 minutes. The initial resource gathering is now so boring it kills any desire I had to set sail.
    Rare you have made your game BORING from the second you log in, that is not a good premise for a future vision.

  • Here is what else could be done with the inventory preview for barrels.

    alt text

  • @leavii said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    Here is what else could be done with the inventory preview for barrels.

    alt text

    This wouldn't even need to be a preview. It could be the whole system. Use the d-pad to navigate, or q/e, a key to fill, a key to take, and done. Infinitely better than what we have now. The immersion excuse Mike gave this morning is lame. We kill animated skeletons. Part of the "immersion" is the lack of UI and menus. A small healthbar is all the distraction we have. That is far more "immersive" than a menu for each barrel. I dont see a menu screen when I open my fridge. And I dont go opening my fridge, thinking, damn, I hope Rare makes fridge simulator, because this action is so much fun.
    This is lame lip service for ruining the spirit and flow of the game. Fix the flow. Put it back how it was. It was a success before and people were playing it for a reason. Now they arent.

  • @algaram I’m sure there are many ways to have this new system be enjoyable and flow more smoothly on a pc with custom macros, but that still doesn’t address the limitations it puts on Xbox players. The new system adds so many more actions, I found myself at an even greater disadvantage than I already was to my pc friends.

  • I like the new system at this point. At first I hated it, but it is growing on me.

    Main thing I like is the main thing most people are whining about and that is that you cannot quickly wipe a barrel on someone's ship. It is royally annoying to have a single player board your ship and bouncing around doing nothing but eating bananas until they are gone.

    Some more features would make this better for others, but I am content with it for now :)

  • I convinced my spouse to sail again. Wanted to further test the new system out. We played for 6 hours in a sloop and tried everything we could do.

    We battled other players. We sunk a skeleton fleet. We took down a skeleton fort. We did different voyages. Yes, we won, but it was not as fun. Far from it!

    We both agreed that the biggest issue with the new inventory system is it pops you out of the game. It dragged everything we did down. What made Sea of Thieves so special, so perfect in what it was, was the fact you stayed in the game. You were not frozen in place so long. The audio and visuals were not muted. You were still in the world where you could react quickly, move, eat, and shoot as soon as you grabbed a few things.

    Now opening barrels is like pausing the game. It is counter intuitive to everything else in the game. It is slow. It is clunky. It is immersion breaking. It ruins the unique, special feel and the way Sea of Thieves played.

    There has to be a way to achieve both. Keeping the gameplay and great feel of what we sailed with before and providing room for more things must happen. Barrels 2.0, even with the things @MikeTheMutinous talked about is not enough. It will not fix the most important things that are wrong. Those changes are very welcome. However, it will not bring back or compensate for all that has been lost.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    I convinced my spouse to sail again. Wanted to further test the new system out. We played for 6 hours in a sloop and tried everything we could do.

    We battled other players. We sunk a skeleton fleet. We took down a skeleton fort. We did different voyages. Yes, we won, but it was not as fun. Far from it!

    We both agreed that the biggest issue with the new inventory system is it pops you at of the game. It dragged everything we did down. What made Sea of Thieves so special, so perfect in what it was, was the fact you stayed in the game. You were not frozen in place so long. The audio and visuals were not muted. You were still in the world where you could react quickly, move, eat, and shoot as soon as you grabbed a few things.

    Now opening barrels is like pausing the game. It is counter intuitive to everything else in the game. It is slow. It is clunky. It is immersion breaking. It ruins the unique, special feel and the way Sea of Thieves played.

    There has to be a way to achieve both. Keeping the gameplay and great feel of what we sailed with before and providing room for more things must happen. Barrels 2.0, even with the things @MikeTheMutinous talked about is not enough. It will not fix the most important things that are wrong. Those changes are very welcome. However, it will not bring back or compensate for all that has been lost.

    Very well said.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    I convinced my spouse to sail again. Wanted to further test the new system out. We played for 6 hours in a sloop and tried everything we could do.

    We battled other players. We sunk a skeleton fleet. We took down a skeleton fort. We did different voyages. Yes, we won, but it was not as fun. Far from it!

    We both agreed that the biggest issue with the new inventory system is it pops you out of the game. It dragged everything we did down. What made Sea of Thieves so special, so perfect in what it was, was the fact you stayed in the game. You were not frozen in place so long. The audio and visuals were not muted. You were still in the world where you could react quickly, move, eat, and shoot as soon as you grabbed a few things.

    Now opening barrels is like pausing the game. It is counter intuitive to everything else in the game. It is slow. It is clunky. It is immersion breaking. It ruins the unique, special feel and the way Sea of Thieves played.

    There has to be a way to achieve both. Keeping the gameplay and great feel of what we sailed with before and providing room for more things must happen. Barrels 2.0, even with the things @MikeTheMutinous talked about is not enough. It will not fix the most important things that are wrong. Those changes are very welcome. However, it will not bring back or compensate for all that has been lost.

    It is sad. Same thing here but she doesn't want to play now. Whats even sadder is they are waiting til next maintenance day to fix this mess. Luckily there have been alot of new releases I missed cause I was obssesed with SOT that I can play

  • @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    I convinced my spouse to sail again. Wanted to further test the new system out. We played for 6 hours in a sloop and tried everything we could do.

    We battled other players. We sunk a skeleton fleet. We took down a skeleton fort. We did different voyages. Yes, we won, but it was not as fun. Far from it!

    We both agreed that the biggest issue with the new inventory system is it pops you out of the game. It dragged everything we did down. What made Sea of Thieves so special, so perfect in what it was, was the fact you stayed in the game. You were not frozen in place so long. The audio and visuals were not muted. You were still in the world where you could react quickly, move, eat, and shoot as soon as you grabbed a few things.

    Now opening barrels is like pausing the game. It is counter intuitive to everything else in the game. It is slow. It is clunky. It is immersion breaking. It ruins the unique, special feel and the way Sea of Thieves played.

    There has to be a way to achieve both. Keeping the gameplay and great feel of what we sailed with before and providing room for more things must happen. Barrels 2.0, even with the things @MikeTheMutinous talked about is not enough. It will not fix the most important things that are wrong. Those changes are very welcome. However, it will not bring back or compensate for all that has been lost.

    It is sad. Same thing here but she doesn't want to play now. Whats even sadder is they are waiting til next maintenance day to fix this mess. Luckily there have been alot of new releases I missed cause I was obssesed with SOT that I can play

    Same boat (hah) here. Wife and I are out due to the new barrels. Everything he said is spot on. The menus suck. Plain and simple.

  • @archangel-timmy so it's annoying to have a player that is more skillful than your crew outplaying you? Got it. So you're happy you can kill him in a menu? Got it. RARE's vision was equal skill. Not death by menus. Guess they have every right to change that vision to cater to people like you.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @treefittymonsta its really not that bad... its still completely playable...

    It's actually not that bad. You're right, Twinky. People are overreacting. You can't have a new barrel for every resource, ammo, and food type coming down the pipeline. It doesn't make mechanical or logical sense. Also the perfomance impact was probably too great. I'm sure they ALREADY thought about adding a specific barrel for the CCB's and letting us physically store them on the ships. We can't do that for every single item.

    So what did they do? They designed a new way to interact with barrels and let barrels hold more things with this idea in mind so we can interact with those items.

    They basically confirmed we are going to be getting new ammo, food, and resource types in the future in that thread, which is exciting. Mayhaps we will see some chain or grape shot.

    The point is It's time to look toward the future of the game and not back at what once was; so that we can make improvements on the new way of doing things, not the old way.

    I would be fine with the inventory if it had properly tested and vetted thru the pioneer program but it wasn't . It was pushed out early, it brought game breaking bugs and a clunky system. Even Mike Chapman acknowledged it need improvemets but they still left it in place on a three day weekend.... They should have said our bad this is a mess and not properly tested... But they didn't and now we're stuck with this c**p until their next update day, which is utter non-sense for a released game... Maybe for a beta.. maybe for an early access game... But not a fully released game. Shame on u rare.

  • @sonicbobjr @MikeTheMutinous Please work to tweak the new interface as when many players have found that after adding your supplies to the barrels and then leaving the menu . The player character is unable to move. They have to wait a little then they can move their character as almost like there is a data lock or longer time to process that a change has been made to the barrels inventory.

  • @personalc0ffee can you share the link to said business model that says that Games as a service are not fully released until they are no longer updated or supported. Maybe your choice of words or terms were misunderstood. You are stating that the game as a service is nothing more then a early access still. Is that correct? Also bringing a game to market as a service and exits beta at least the players and buyers would expect that the CORE game doesn't break just due to updates and most of your latency or performance challenges with servers is already nearly fixed. Also if down the road you need to do a change to the UI you don't do it without being upfront and at least giving the buyers and users at least a good long up front notice of the changes and what they will detail and look like. Rare Team was wrong in not being upfront before releasing the interface change. Also didn't do their full extent of planning and also having a quick fix to fall back on if things go south.

  • @PersonalC0ffee I am not saying no new content that requires an updated inventory management system. There is absolutely a way to do both. The game may be still playable, but it is not the game it was. A big pause has literally been wedged into the heart and soul of the game. You seem to greatly love SoT. That is the way others feel. They want to save what they love.

    Also, releasing games in a still development state these days is a lazy way to release games. I am not saying that is what Rare has done. All the early access, pre-alpha, beta access for money has ruined what video games used to be. I understand that in some circumstances it can help a game in early development survive to release, but many do not. If they manage to finally get stamped with an official release tag, most are still are not ready or ever worth it.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @treefittymonsta said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @savagetwinky said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @treefittymonsta its really not that bad... its still completely playable...
    which is utter non-sense for a released game... Maybe for a beta.. maybe for an early access game... But not a fully released game. Shame on u rare.

    Well for starters we need to fix this community misconception; this is not a fully released game. Games as a service are not fully released until they are no longer updated and supported.

    That's the business model. These are unfinished games, by design, that trickle in updates over time to keep player engagement and grow the game.

    A retail price tag doesn't change this fact. This game is not finished.

    They already acknowledged they made mistakes and will be better in the future. So continuing to be mad about it and beat them with the same points, when they already said they agree, is going to get no one anywhere.

    It is far more productive to start focusing on how to improve the new system down the line and quit trying to cling to the past.

    I'm not mad at all just disappointed.

  • For me, if the UI changes take longer for players with a controller to execute than someone with a keyboard, there is simply no way the change is moving in a positive direction. I don't believe a controller offers the sort of flexibility that a keyboard does to smooth out all of the UI navigation issues. As an Xbox player, I have only 3 shortcuts and they're tied up with bucket, plank and banana. There are no extra keyboard shortcuts that developers can offer Xbox players that are equivalent to a key press to speed us through the present cumbersome inventory management system. I understand the intent, but it seems to me the developers need to actually compare the time, speed and accuracy differences this creates between players on the two different platforms, before they suggest they have fixed this. If this can't be resolved 100%, I'm not interested in playing a game where the inventory management system puts me at an unfair disadvantage in combat with PC players. Game balance today is far more important to me than promises of new feature enhancements at some point in the future. Many of the improvements being proposed are so obvious to anyone who has been playing since the game came out, it is perplexing. It's little wonder Rare is hearing that a rushed and poorly thought out drastic change in controls is not being positively received by it's fan base. All in, I think they are on the right path, but this was clearly a step off it.

  • I'd like to preface what I am about to say by first saying that I understand the need for adding this new system to expand what items can be found and used in the world.

    Now, one of the reasons I fell in love with SoT in the first place is the immersive world that they created without the use of extensive menus. With the addition of this new system, we no longer have that immersive world as we are pulled out every time we want to do something simple like grab a banana. I have many other quarrels with the new system but I won't go into them since they have been reiterated many times over in these forums. But, I do have a solution.

    I know that this would take some work but I believe, if implemented, it will add the ability to expand the items in the world but also minimize the number of times required to access menus. Keep the original barrels exactly the same as before but add in new crates, possibly use the boxes that are already strewn about the world, that will hold these new "specialty" items. This will have some benefits that I think will keep players and developers happy:

    • Keeps the ability to grab basic items on the fly.
      Having to access the menu every time I'm at a fort, on another player's ship, or on a skelly ship to grab a banana is a pain. Grabbing planks and cannonballs in a fight becomes easier as well.
    • Solves the storage issue.
      Being able to store over 1000 planks on a ship completely changes the PvP game. And being able to mash 1000 bananas into a single barrel just doesn't make any sense.
    • Keeps the ability to add new, specialty items into the game.
      There would be a need to add a new "specialty" storage on each ship but this will allow players to play the game as it originally was and allow developers to add new items into the game. These specialty items may be harder to access but if they give the user the power that the developers intend, I don't think people will have much of an issue wasting an additional click or button press to access them.
    • Solves the issue of finding too many of these new items.
      These cannonballs are very powerful and they seems to be an item that should be relatively rare. So having them only spawn in a few places on each island will make them rarer than them having a chance to spawn just about anywhere.

    My main issue with this update was that there was a drastic downside to it. The benefit, in my opinion, of adding in the new cannonballs did not outweigh the downside of having to interact with this menu each and every time the user wanted to store or grab any item. I could access that menu 200 times in a play session, possible more, and still never use a cursed cannonball. Making each time I open that menu a complete waste since I was not using the new feature.

    I would like to finish by saying that I appreciate how open the development team is with its community and that it was one of the reasons that I fell in love with this game. It seems that the team has been taking each criticism to heart and I hope that they continue to do so.

  • I actually like the new interface on the barrels, understand the need for it as more and more supply variants will enter the game; 'everyone' wants fishing, but the fish has to have its space on the boat as well somehow, just like the cursed cannonballs have.
    Perhaps planks that will be glued faster but break easily, and sturdier planks that can withstand a shot or two (but take longer to fox the hole)

    Coupled with multiple types of supply in these barrels; instead of going by ten or so barrels at an outpost to get a full stock of everything, I'm now full at the third or fourth one. I am looking forward to have an empty caption to make it even more smoother and faster and other fixes (e.g the barrels in a bit of rough water).

    When I picked up the first banana crate of this patch I was disapointed that this interface was still cluncky; don't forget to update this one as well so all storage containers will behave similar.

    Will the ammo box be updated as well, so you will have to pick the type of ammo (pistol, blunderbuss, rifle) you need ...?

  • @pondobruin85 said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    @archangel-timmy so it's annoying to have a player that is more skillful than your crew outplaying you? Got it. So you're happy you can kill him in a menu? Got it. RARE's vision was equal skill. Not death by menus. Guess they have every right to change that vision to cater to people like you.

    You can make up information? Got it. You like to make false assumptions? Got it.

    Hopping and eating bananas has nothing to do with skill. Never killed anyone in the menus because players I have run into realize it is not a smart thing to do in combat. Sounds like you aren't one of those people.

  • Just got killed 3 times standing still in the inventory menu trying to equip cannon balls by a player with an eye of reach. I’m done until they fix this somehow

  • @archangel-timmy said in [Mega Thread] Part 2 of Barrel 2.0:

    Main thing I like
    is the main thing
    most people are whining about and that is that you cannot quickly wipe a barrel on someone's ship. **It is royally annoying to have a single player board your ship and bouncing around doing nothing but eating bananas until they are gone. **

    Sounds like you're getting outplayed to me, if you can't deal with one player eating bananas. And that you are happy they can't get more. Which caters to the unskilled. Timing resupplies and out-maneuvering multiple opponents while staying alive and distracting for your teammate(s) may be an annoying strategy (for you), but it's an effective one. Sounds like one you don't know how to deal with, so you're happy now that you don't have to. Maybe go play a game more your speed, rather than being happy that this one is adding suboptimal gameplay elements which hinder the game itself, resulting in an indirect nerf to something you've yet to figure out how to deal with.

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