A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity

  • Allow me to offer some comfort to those frustrated by others’ actions when you are attacked by an enemy ship. This thread is full of accusations of player griefing, stealing treasure, and toxicity. Many conflicting views are shared on whether this is intended to be a PvP or PvE experience.

    I choose to mentally treat enemy ships in a unique way. In my view, they are a part of the game just like the AI skeletons or the kraken. In many video game journeys, you encounter developer preprogrammed AI and you choose to interact with it based on your own ambitions. For example, you might choose to jump over the enemy, you might kick a shell at it, or maybe you unintentionally run into it and have to try again. Your actions in the game are dictated by the satisfaction you get from playing the video game.

    Behold the beauty of Sea of Thieves where I choose to treat enemy ships like a boss fight – one where the enemy is not governed by an AI, but controlled by a real human who is unpredictable and is saturated with their own values regarding what satisfies them in the game. Sometimes I evade, sometimes I defend, and sometimes I am the aggressor.

    This game is truly amazing because of the satisfaction of being able to outsmart another player. Outsmarting an AI can never achieve this level of satisfaction. I have sunk (pun intended) uncountable hours into this game and I have just realized why. It’s because I can never fully predict what an enemy will do. What I can control, however, are my own actions. If you are ever to enjoy this game, you have to regard the other players in this shared world as a valid part of the world. And, as in all video game, sometimes you get the princess and sometimes it’s game over.

    But you must play on.

  • 70
  • Yes! This! Exactly this!

    “You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day!”
    -Mick (from Rocky)

  • @sharkinos your entitled to your opinion, but I can't disagree more. If I'm digging up gold and you decide to steal everything and I have to stop what I'm doing at fight you for 30+ min in a one sided battle where u risk nothing. That will never be ok.

    I can pretend the other player is an AI or a part if the game. HECK I can pretend it's a naked Jennifer Aniston chasing me, its still unbalanced. Forced and not okay.

    When its balanced more so be it.

  • The mentality of the most players, when it comes to PVP is: "Sure I can win this fight - Even though I'm on a sloop and they be cruisin a galleon"
    (which you can, sometimes, that's nont the point)

    It's a game where you can be rewarded for being cowardly and snake-like... There is NO shame in running away from a fight! - Pick your fights properly and the over-all experience will be nicer! :D

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @sharkinos your entitled to your opinion, but I can't disagree more. If I'm digging up gold and you decide to steal everything and I have to stop what I'm doing at fight you for 30+ min in a one sided battle where u risk nothing. That will never be ok.

    I can torrent the other player is an so or a part if the game. HECK I can pretend it's a naked Jennifer Aniston chasing me, its still unbalanced. Forced and not okay.

    When its balanced more so be it.

    The game is balanced, the player choice is not, it's freedom. That chest you just spent time digging up isn't yours until you turn it in.

    That's what makes SoT so great. I don't have to attack you and take your treasure but I can if I chose to.

    Your free to attack players risk nothing, and that's balance? Lol

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @sharkinos your entitled to your opinion, but I can't disagree more. If I'm digging up gold and you decide to steal everything and I have to stop what I'm doing at fight you for 30+ min in a one sided battle where u risk nothing. That will never be ok.

    I can pretend the other player is an AI or a part if the game. HECK I can pretend it's a naked Jennifer Aniston chasing me, its still unbalanced. Forced and not okay.

    When its balanced more so be it.

    Maybe keep better watch, getting loot stolen is never anyones fault but the crew/person on the ship who got their loot stolen. U cannot blame another ship for sinking/looting you. There are tools provided to avoid this (they are called spyglasses and weapons). Also theres no need to bring Jennifer Aniston into this, she didnt ask to be a part of this, so lets leave her out of it

  • The game is balanced in opportunity but not in practice because there is no skill ranking system or matchmaking. You're going to run in to people better than you and crush others. Occasionally things will end in a draw and everyone goes their own way.

    Like any game, the more you play the better you get within your own skill ranking, ie there are limits. This game can be about meeting challenges and overcoming them or failing and learning from those failures. You will win and lose many times and it's how you deal with it that makes you a good gamer.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    Aint no laws on the sea. For real, in international water u can basically do anything. And sorry but the time and effort u put in digging up ur seafarers chests it probably takes just as much time/effort to hunt u down (especially if u run) and eventually sink u, if anything it maybe takes more time for the attacker than someone reading a map.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    The loot is deferred, that's not my opinion, it's how Rare designed the game. You can argue all you want but loot isn't yours until it's actually cashed in and you get the gold and rep for it.

    It is mine. I just have been rewarded for it. We will have agree to not agree because I'm not arguing word play.

    I don't attack ships but I can if I choose to. That is what makes Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves.

    To bad so many people treat it as sea of psychotic murderers.

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    Aint no laws on the sea. For real, in international water u can basically do anything. And sorry but the time and effort u put in digging up ur seafarers chests it probably takes just as much time/effort to hunt u down (especially if u run) and eventually sink u, if anything it maybe takes more time for the attacker than someone reading a map.

    Attacker chose to waste his time and mine. He still risks nothing.

  • I have playing this game since it came out and I can honestly say I have NEVER been griefed or trolled from other players...

    The ONLY grieving or trolling Inhave ever experiences was from my own crew mates.

    For example my own crew mate Powder kegg’n Us cause he’s bored or about to log. Or a random joining just to toss treasure or drop anchor.

    That’s easily solved when you bring them but the damage is already done.

    Get rid of brigs and insert walk the plank crew kicks!

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    The loot is deferred, that's not my opinion, it's how Rare designed the game. You can argue all you want but loot isn't yours until it's actually cashed in and you get the gold and rep for it.

    It is mine. I just have been rewarded for it. We will have agree to not agree because I'm not arguing word play.

    I don't attack ships but I can if I choose to. That is what makes Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves.

    To bad so many people treat it as sea of psychotic murderers.

    Look, if the loot was yours, or mine, we would get XP as soon as it was dug up, killed, or caught, we don't. We only get XP for completed voyages, voyages purchased, or the number of items turned in. Turned in, not carried on our vessel.

    If you think it's yours just because it's on your vessel, then you have no idea about the mechanics in SoT and we will no longer continue this because you're uninformed.

    Do your research.

    It's an interesting contrast. On one hand, what we're saying is that we want to be the most welcoming and inclusive multiplayer game ever – on the other hand, we're giving you this rich immersive world where you can step in and roleplay "pirates" with your friends. We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost. We believe in the paranoia of having that stuff on the ship because you know that someone can come and take it.


    gee thanks never read that before. You arguing game mechanics. I'm arguing basic human logic. That the same excuse people use for any bad action, game allows it so its okay.

    Lets see in the long run. What's better for the game. Welcoming and inclusive or aggressive bored PvP players that sink everything in sight and hide behind. I'm pirate.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    Aint no laws on the sea. For real, in international water u can basically do anything. And sorry but the time and effort u put in digging up ur seafarers chests it probably takes just as much time/effort to hunt u down (especially if u run) and eventually sink u, if anything it maybe takes more time for the attacker than someone reading a map.

    Attacker chose to waste his time and mine. He still risks nothing.

    He risks wasting his time for no reward depending IF the person he is attacking was holding anything, he also risks being sunk and losing any treasure from other attacks, or stockpiled resources he may have aquired. Never assume the attacker has nothing to lose, ive been attacked and after their ship was gone several sellable items have risen to the surface (on well more than one occasion, and sometimes with a real nice amount of loot, for instance once we were attacked and this crew must have just finished a skull fort and thought we were sleeping cuz we got fort chest/skull and a bunch of other goodies)

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    Aint no laws on the sea. For real, in international water u can basically do anything. And sorry but the time and effort u put in digging up ur seafarers chests it probably takes just as much time/effort to hunt u down (especially if u run) and eventually sink u, if anything it maybe takes more time for the attacker than someone reading a map.

    Attacker chose to waste his time and mine. He still risks nothing.

    He risks wasting his time for no reward depending IF the person he is attacking was holding anything, he also risks being sunk and losing any treasure from other attacks, or stockpiled resources he may have aquired. Never assume the attacker has nothing to lose, ive been attacked and after their ship was gone several sellable items have risen to the surface (on well more than one occasion, and sometimes with a real nice amount of loot, for instance once we were attacked and this crew must have just finished a skull fort and thought we were sleeping cuz we got fort chest/skull and a bunch of other goodies)

    most attackers do not. And if u do that's your choice. So majority of time you only risk time.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    The loot is deferred, that's not my opinion, it's how Rare designed the game. You can argue all you want but loot isn't yours until it's actually cashed in and you get the gold and rep for it.

    It is mine. I just have been rewarded for it. We will have agree to not agree because I'm not arguing word play.

    I don't attack ships but I can if I choose to. That is what makes Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves.

    To bad so many people treat it as sea of psychotic murderers.

    Look, if the loot was yours, or mine, we would get XP as soon as it was dug up, killed, or caught, we don't. We only get XP for completed voyages, voyages purchased, or the number of items turned in. Turned in, not carried on our vessel.

    If you think it's yours just because it's on your vessel, then you have no idea about the mechanics in SoT and we will no longer continue this because you're uninformed.

    Do your research.

    It's an interesting contrast. On one hand, what we're saying is that we want to be the most welcoming and inclusive multiplayer game ever – on the other hand, we're giving you this rich immersive world where you can step in and roleplay "pirates" with your friends. We've made decisions where all quest rewards are physical, and all of that stuff is never truly yours until you get back to the outpost. We believe in the paranoia of having that stuff on the ship because you know that someone can come and take it.


    gee thanks never read that before. You arguing game mechanics. I'm arguing basic human logic. That the same excuse people use for any bad action, game allows it so its okay.

    Lets see in the long run. What's better for the game. Welcoming and inclusive or aggressive bored PvP players that sink everything in sight and hide behind. I'm pirate.

    You're arguing the loot is yours because of laws. It isn't.

    Sea of Thieves is about players choice. Always was and always will be.

    The players who use the "It's a pirate game" line as an excuse for bad behavior are in the minority. People who understand the dynamic of SoT do not think like that. We also understand the loot isn't ours until it's cashed in. I guess both cases of players are bad for the game in the long run.

    Be the pirate you want to be.


    Happy sailing.

    No I'm saying the loot is mine the reward is not. Difference is I know what kind of player I want to be. And its not someone who gains from other people effort and loss. You play your way. I will certainly play mine.

  • @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game and i also dont comment negativity on things my in game stats prove i havent had the time to properly evaluate. So u saying “most people” do this and “most attackers” do that is just nonsense coming from someone with so little time in-game

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

  • @dragonsire2016 u didnt even respond to half my message

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

    No ones emotionally invested, just hate when people who havent had time to properly evaluate a situation comment on it like they know everything

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 u didnt even respond to half my message

    because you edited it after I replied...or as I was lol

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 u didnt even respond to half my message

    because you edited it after I replied...or as I was lol

    Ill wait

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

    No ones emotionally invested, just hate when people who havent had time to properly evaluate a situation comment on it like they know everything

    I have played enough to get a feel for what I like and don't...you don't have to listen to my opinion that matches others with way more time invested than I do...guess they are wrong as well.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

    No ones emotionally invested, just hate when people who havent had time to properly evaluate a situation comment on it like they know everything

    I have played enough to get a feel for what I like and don't...you don't have to listen to my opinion that matches others with way more time invested than I do...guess they are wrong as well.

    Check their in game stats most people have little to no game time. Yet theyre on the forums constantly saying what this game should be. For real, half the people on here havent even played this since the free game pass trial ended

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

    No ones emotionally invested, just hate when people who havent had time to properly evaluate a situation comment on it like they know everything

    I have played enough to get a feel for what I like and don't...you don't have to listen to my opinion that matches others with way more time invested than I do...guess they are wrong as well.

    Check their in game stats most people have little to no game time. Yet theyre on the forums constantly saying what this game should be. For real, half the people on here havent even played this since the free game pass trial ended

    Maybe because they had bad experiences, maybe not. But do you know for certain? No. Yes every PVE player just making stuff up to get rid of PVP. I like pvp, if it's done properly and balanced. I don't feel this games PVP is. when it is great. When there are zones for PVP or other I will take part. but the core is broken. admit it or not.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 this coming from someone with 47 chests cashed in. With the amount u play have u even had time to be attacked?

    oh sorry job?...life? summer? my bad.

    Job/life/summer/kid, still have time to play a game

    congrats...I play casual...few hours a week...certainly wont apologize for that. clearly im not as emotionally invested in gaming as you are.

    No ones emotionally invested, just hate when people who havent had time to properly evaluate a situation comment on it like they know everything

    I have played enough to get a feel for what I like and don't...you don't have to listen to my opinion that matches others with way more time invested than I do...guess they are wrong as well.

    Check their in game stats most people have little to no game time. Yet theyre on the forums constantly saying what this game should be. For real, half the people on here havent even played this since the free game pass trial ended

    Maybe because they had bad experiences, maybe not. But do you know for certain? No. Yes every PVE player just making stuff up to get rid of PVP. I like pvp, if it's done properly and balanced. I don't feel this games PVP is. when it is great. When there are zones for PVP or other I will take part. but the core is broken. admit it or not.

    Wouldnt be a sea of thieves without the thieves. Thats as simple as i can make it.

  • @dragonsire2016 My post was not about balance. I am not sure how you interpreted it that way.

  • @personalc0ffee said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 That loot is not yours, until you turn it in. Risk is the name of this game.

    If you don't want to PvP, than evade or leave the server.

    Risk for the attacker is zero...when you have a suggestion to fix that great..otherwise expect people to keep coming to the game feeling the same as I and many others do, and you can keep telling them they are wrong as the game dies.

  • @PersonalC0ffee has 1500+ chests turned in... but he def has no idea what hes talking about 😂😂

  • @flippin-loud said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @PersonalC0ffee has 1500+ chests turned in... but he def has no idea what hes talking about 😂😂

    good grief...so what? His opinion is ....his opinion. He's entitled to it. I'm entitled to mine...you yours. You think the answer is to get out the measuring stick? lol

    As I said... we'll see what happens.

  • @dragonsire2016 his opinion is based on much more time learning the game and the mechanics of everything. So his opinion carrys a bit more weight.
    Think about if ur car was making a funny noise and u asked 2 people their opinion on what could be wrong, whos opinion would u take more seriously a mechanic or a yoga teacher who happens to own a car? Heres a hint: hes the mechanic

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @personalc0ffee said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 That loot is not yours, until you turn it in. Risk is the name of this game.

    If you don't want to PvP, than evade or leave the server.

    Risk for the attacker is zero...when you have a suggestion to fix that great..otherwise expect people to keep coming to the game feeling the same as I and many others do, and you can keep telling them they are wrong as the game dies.

    Risk for the attacker is not getting your stuff. Time spend X 0 loot = no gold/rep.

    Also the attacker creates the tension this game needs to work. Without it you would do endless, never interrupted fetching. Who would want that?

  • @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in A New Perspective on Griefing/Toxicity:

    @dragonsire2016 I made a post/reply about risk vs reward.

    It is balanced. I lose nothing, you lose nothing, it's not yours and it's not mine. Just because you spent 8 hours on a riddle it doesn't you get to turn it in and keep it.

    The more loot you have on your ship, the higher the risk you take you. The more loot you have, the higher the reward you receive.

    If I choose to pursue a ship, that is a risk. They may have nothing. What do I lose as the aggressor? My time. Is my time wasted as valuable as your time spent looking? That is subjective. However, we are both free to be the aggressor and only have our time wasted. It's pretty balanced if you play both the cat and the mouse.

    When you decide to attack from that moment on is all that counts. What you did before that is on you. I risk looking what I have earned. The gold I spent to go earn it. My time fighting you etc.

    You claim its no one's until sold..i would argue possession makes it mine. Most laws agree.

    The loot is deferred, that's not my opinion, it's how Rare designed the game. You can argue all you want but loot isn't yours until it's actually cashed in and you get the gold and rep for it.

    It is mine. I just have been rewarded for it. We will have agree to not agree because I'm not arguing word play.

    I don't attack ships but I can if I choose to. That is what makes Sea of Thieves, Sea of Thieves.

    To bad so many people treat it as sea of psychotic murderers.

    Fine, it is yours. The thieves on the sea that the game is named after... they are coming to take it.

    If you don't see how that fits then this is not the game for you.

    Wanna argue with me like you did PersonalCoffee? He has 1500 chests turned in (as mentioned above)... I have almost 3000 (2947).

    Let's argue about how to hold onto your loot on the Sea of Thieves.

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