Mayors Log #2

  • Arr, it’s been a few fortnights since my last Mayoral Address, so I decided to pick up me pen, paper, and handy bottle to write another.

    In the time since the last message, Sanctuary Outpost has received a great deal of support from our allies. (Thanks to @Reedski fer the great TripAdvisor review) The wall is coming along great, unfortunately, we ran out of our wood stocks, so we had to dismantle a few benches.

    Our Secretary of State @crazysykoman8 has informed me that the Mayor of Ancient Spires wishes to have a meeting, I’ve gladly accepted the invitation, and the historical event should happen on June 12th.

    Yours truly,
    Mayor M. Fr33man

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  • Twas a pleasure your honour

  • @morganfr33man42
    Dear mayor matey,
    Tis I, Admiral RRRSole, your campaigning staff.... lol Let's not break into that rhyme again. :o)

    Please be careful and have your wits about you. Mayor Putin of Ancient Spires is a ruthless pirate that even the kraken fears.
    He is sure to graffiti your magnificent wall with slurs of a foreign tongue.

    Remember he is the one who make you have a bad hair day, everyday. And quite frankly, his cannon balls are much bigger than yours.

  • @morganfr33man42 What I'd like to know is how are you going to keep your trade routs and bay free from those bloody sharks. With all those shark attacks I bet that hook and peg leg stock you own is showing some pretty good earnings? #bloodinthewater

  • @twiladerp Arr, The Outpost economy is doing great despite the upsurge in shark attacks. I’ll be asking me Secretary of Defense fer advice on how to manage the situation.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Arr, have no fear, for even Mayor Putin will listen to me. This surge in shark attacks has got Ancient Spires’ economy headed towards Davy Jones’s Locker. He’d better hope our talks go well, because Ancient Spires can’t use another enemy!

  • @morganfr33man42 i vote for impeachment of this mayor hes done nothing for the seas that i sail on and the taverns need a bathroom also the amount of pig and snake skins is ridiculous on the dock not to mention all the seagull p**

  • @ajm123 Yur worried about Seagull Poo on the docks when the same docks have rusty nails and fraying rope holding it together? I mean it's better than Daggertooths docks, but I still step on them from time to time. The mayor should really get ideas from that Golden Sands outpost, that place is as close to a resort I think we will ever get.

  • @twiladerp Don't you worry about that. Just between you and I, this must not go any further.
    The good mayor of Sanctuary has had his eye on Golden Sands for quite a while now.

    mums the word. ;o)

  • @twiladerp Arr, so ye be liking Golden Sands much better, eh? Well, as me good friend @Admiral-RRRSole said, you'll be glad to know that Golden Sands is the newest member of the Sanctuary Pact! Now ye can do all your business with Sanctuary Outpost on Golden Sands, without stepping on a nail. At least, until the wall is built and we can spend a bit more time on making the docks look better!

  • @morganfr33man42 Aye, good to see you on top of it. Now we just need to deal with those pesky finned torpedoes. Where are the harpoons wen yer need them.

7 out of 11