Do we know what's causing the longbeard errors

  • Do we have any update on what's causing this and how we can resolve it?

  • 7
  • @laughsmaniacaly I have loud f***s and they cause these errors...sorry

  • An excessive amount of hair care products being used on facial hair.

  • @laughsmaniacaly

    "Yeah as far as we can tell Longbeard is related to some part of your network setup. Essentially one of our connections that manages your gameplay experience with Live gets disconnected. We're exploring options around what we can do when this happens. This connection is unusual in that it uses IPv6, and is pretty strict about the setup. Some routers don't handle IPv6 well. I'd start by seeing if your router has options like QoS (quality of service) enabled, and if so, turn them off. Hopefully this will help some people while we dig into this on our end."

    original post

  • Lack of grooming skills of a bad barber have been the cause of many longbeard errors.

  • @sir-lotus
    Thanks, that helps.

    Most servers are set for IPv4, so forcing IPv6 is probably the cause. Do we know if there is intention to port to IPv4

  • XBox App and Microsoft network.

    I don't have issues with any other online PC game, period.

4 out of 7