Are you guys joking?

  • @howdoishoot926 I get the feeling trust me. I'm out way more than just 60$ on a few other games. Just take a step back and look at what RARE is putting out there. They are owning the mistakes made, working to fix them and actually listening to their community. Developing a game can not be easy, especially when it is so freaking awesome. I also think they learn from there mistakes. You ever hear the saying about the difference between a Master and an apprentice? "The Master has failed more times than the apprentice has tried." You can't become awesome with out making mistakes along the way.

  • @personalc0ffee

    The movie is "Hook", it's the story about Peter Pan after he grew up. You have to love this movie (Robin Williams as Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook, 1992).

  • @personalc0ffee said in Are you guys joking?:

    @howdoishoot926 Oh I'm sorry that you think game stability and bug fixing is not meaningful.

    We're done here.

    Lol, my God man, you call this game stability. Yeah my dude, we are totally done here. I will never, ever take another of your post seriously. You are dead to me. Lol

  • @wizensquire1113 that wasnt really the complaint. It was more that once again they went 'hey, we're bringing you this cool thing that we know you'll like.....just kidding.' Sort of like when they 'fixed' the order of soul bugs.

  • @hcps-kingchiefa said in Are you guys joking?:

    @howdoishoot926 Can you do what they are doing?

    No, I am not a welder either. I expect the product to work through. I am no architect, I expect the building to stand. I am a carpenter, my product doesn't fall apart. Or I would be out of work.

  • @blackout1482 yeah, the better rewards and invisible gt in the water seem to still be there.

  • @callmebackdraft servers are definitely still crashing, though.

  • @howdoishoot926 guess I'm just lucky, I haven't had any issues since the last reset

  • @dutchdeadschot said in Are you guys joking?:

    @howdoishoot926 I turned in all mij booty before shut down so.. no complaints here.

    What's fun (kinda) about those shotdowns is the intensity your crew try to get the most loot as fast as possible and then come crashing on the outpost (go go GO!!!) to cash in 2 min before server goes down!
    Makes me laugh every time. XD

  • My boat just flew away from with my captains chest

  • @blackout1482 yeah, had a bunch of captains chests on board and was making my way toward my last island of the voyage and my boat went all up side down and under water.

  • @captgraykid Yes and in all of these mistakes are made and corrected daily. Nothing and no one is perfect.

  • @howdoishoot926 said in Are you guys joking?:

    @hcps-kingchiefa lol. I love this cop out. No, i cant. But i also didnt spend money to go to school and receive training specifically for what they do. Im just a consumer who feels conned out of his $60.

    You put in how many hours playing SoT?
    I'm guessing more than twenty.

    Now your crying about hiccups on patch day?
    Steam users are used to this, for sure.

    Cry moar

  • @barnabas-seadog lol.

  • 2 server crashes in an hour. Terrific.

  • Patch day... I hope they work on things through the night and give their employees overtime because there's a WHOLE lot of stuff they need to fix asap.. we can't play right now because the server issues are so bad.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Are you guys joking?:

    @howdoishoot926 said in Are you guys joking?:

    3 times you guys had to take the servers down for a 800 megabyte patch? And at prime time no less? Get it together.

    Clearly you don't understand how these things go, eh?

    It isn't so simple as put it in and it works. They also said last week, last developer update video mind you, that there were issues that had delayed it previously. They obviously thought they sorted those issues out and either were incorrect on a larger scale release or new issues cropped up.

    Things happen, delays happen.

    Have patience and get over it.

    I am patient, but in all honesty, what just happened here is unprofessional. They NEED public test servers, badly... So they can test their updates, bug fix them PROPERLY, in addition to giving players a sneak peak into what's coming.

    They can't keep releasing patches and go "woops" then pull the patches back, not to mention doing this doesn't really help them fix the issues they're trying to sort out. It just prevents people from playing the patch whilst Rare only fixes the KNOWN and DISCOVERED allmondbeard issues... Once they re-release the patch again... And more allmondbeard errors occur? These forums are going to turn into a permanent hellstorm.

    I say it again, they need to make public test servers to properly fix the bugs in their updates... Because whatever system they're using currently, clearly doesn't work.

  • lost almost a full legend voyage worth of loot. was on the way to the way to the 2nd outpost as the last stop before final chapter. a handful of captains, villainous skull 2 hatefull, a chest of sorrows. server crashed. wasnt even taken down wish it was then we would have had warning at least. Im thinking of just not playing for a whole week. not a solution we should have to choose in an online only game but i dont think we wanna waste hours just to lose stuff again

  • @dutchdeadschot ur lucky i had 20 capt chest on board n server crashed...

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