Chest of Sorrow

  • I think the Chest of Sorrows fills boats too fast.. if u were to have 2 or 3 of them on the same boat it would be very hard to keep the boat from sinking. with 1 person. or even 2 people on a small boat. the galleon even fills up quick. Should be slightly. slowed down.

  • 39
  • @mordimeir You can put them on crow nest just sayin'

  • I think it is pretty manageable in its current state. It is rather easy to sail with at least 2 of the chests solo. I have not gotten the chance to go for 3 but I reckon it is going to make it quite a bit more challenging but not impossible. The galleon has 4 people so even though the boat will fill quicker, you have more people to manage the flooding. I think it would even be possible to sail a galleon solo and still be able to manage one chest of sorrow though things would be a little chaotic.

  • @lil-bastien even if you put the chest at the tip of the nose it still would fill up your boat. Crows nest doesn’t stop the chest from crying but playing sad music to the chest helps the flooding.

  • @mordimeir usually that’s risk and reward not going to cash in that cursed chest immediately. I don’t think you should want that chest on board your ship for a long time especially two cursed chest.

  • @salt-ya-bumm If you are 100% sure about that mechanic I'm thankfull that you have teached me something. Cause with that what I have in my info I would sank some ships :D

  • @lil-bastien I do believe when we had some on the ship, we put them by the wheel, so when the captain was sailing straight, they could play and it seemed to stop them from crying.

  • I do not like the exploit people have found of hanging off the side of the boat so it doesn't flood. Kinda defeats the purpose of the challenge behind the chest

  • I don't Know if it’s an exploit or if it’s on purpose, I mean it is a one man job and the tears go in the sea. Would love to know, anyway I like to throw water with my bucket

  • @qowywyop Would be cool If it was on purpose shows they thought of Solo Players.

  • @deadly-krueger

    I tried to hang if off the side of the ship and it still filled the boat..... but maybe I wasn't far enough over.

    Sure fire way I found was to jump ship and wait out the crying.

  • I think it's fine in its current state, however maybe more gold from it would be nice.

    My only issue with it was that it was infinitely more trouble than the thousand grogs chest, and in my experience the grog chest always paid out more.

    I did like having to bring the CoS ashore though, it was like taking care of a chest baby. We accidentally left one of our AFK players on the boat with one and it sunk our entire ship l**o.

  • First of all placing it in the crows nest does nothing! Before I knew what this chest did I placed one up there as a solo player and it sunk my ship.

    After I knew what it did I successfully returned 1 as solo player. Every time it cried I just emptied out my boat of water until it finished crying. However, I attempted another one and my ship instantly sank without ever showing any water in my boat. The first time it cried I was instantly sunk. Was this a bug? I don't know! But it was very confusing. I have a hard time believing anyone can easily deliver 2 as a solo player. Maybe with this music trick I just found out about, but I never had an opportunity to test that.

    Hanging off the side of the boat on a ladder with the chest is obviously not intended by design. IT'S CLEARLY A BUG! THAT PEOPLE ARE EXPLOITING! The people defending this method are more likely to cheat as well exploit bugs in game.

  • @all-the-rage I'm fine with people hanging off the ladders on the side of the ship, while the chest's crying you'll have one less crewman aboard. Problem is, that works even if you hang off the crow's nest ladder, which makes no sense.

  • @mordimeir All the more reason to visit an outpost and cash it in, I went through a storm with one on my ship that was crying the whole way through and if I wasn't one of a duo I definitely would've sunk. I don't see it as a bad thing, such chests like the drunken chest are purposely designed to make it harder for you to cash them in. On that note I'd be interested to see larger chests, needing to be carried by two people or heavy ones that make you unable to run.

  • The crows nest, the plank, and on the prow of the ship have all been tried. The boat will still flood. Only way to stop it is to carry the chest and get on a ladder until it stops crying.

    That's probably a bug they'll fix too.

  • I think the rate that it fills your boat is fine.

    However they need to make it WAY more valuable.

  • @porkin5 said in Chest of Sorrow:

    I think the rate that it fills your boat is fine.

    However they need to make it WAY more valuable.


  • @all-the-rage interesting I didn't think of that but u can also place any chest on the side so I don't believe it's a bug but if u put it out on the bowsprit it still fills the ship up so man it should if it'd b on the side

  • Curiously I've had players in my crew try to do the ladder trick... and have still noticed it fills up. I've also tried playing music, never have gotten that to work either, not sure what I'm doing wrong there - and yes I've tried all the songs.

    I was pretty sure early in the life of the game they patched the ladder trick out of the game, might be misremembering.

    This and the grogs are both so rare the value should be doubled.

    Of course stronghold items should be doubled in value as well... why not? How worried are they about "quick progression", when players have manipulated situations allowing for how long? a 10 day? climb up the ranks.

  • It works if you are on the bottom rung of the ladder.

  • @porkin5 said in Chest of Sorrow:

    I think the rate that it fills your boat is fine.

    However they need to make it WAY more valuable.

    By a factor of at least 3

  • Playing music doesn't help. Staying on the ladder doesn't help. Putting it on the tip of the bow doesn't help. Putting it in the crow's nest doesn't help.

    It does fill rather fast, but if it was lessened I think it might be too easy. I like the idea of using a Chest of Sorrows as a weapon too, so I'm not really supportive of this idea. Lol

  • I always thought it was strange that the special chests were worth about the same as a captains chest. I feel like they should definitely be worth a bit more. Maybe somewhere between the captain's chest and a stronghold chest.

  • @ghostpaw said in Chest of Sorrow:

    It works if you are on the bottom rung of the ladder.


    I always do this and it always works we have had 2 guys 1 on each side of the ship and the boat stayed dry until we sold them.

  • @deadly-krueger they patched this back in the betas

  • We tried being on the side of the ship with the chest on our back, it still fills the ship. No escaping it.
    What annoyed me was getting just $1,050 for the chest. I mean in the 200 hours of play time since launch (level 40/37/36) I've found 6 of these? I mean the pay off is just c**p.

  • @boost-king it just works on the galleon we did this yesterday and worked just fine

  • @schwammlgott said in Chest of Sorrow:

    @boost-king it just works on the galleon we did this yesterday and worked just fine

    I should clarify I did this on the sloop. Perhaps its different.

  • @boost-king we got 1300 for this chest yesterday...i was wondering, because I never had over 1000 for a chest like this

  • @mordimeir said in Chest of Sorrow:

    I think the Chest of Sorrows fills boats too fast.. if u were to have 2 or 3 of them on the same boat it would be very hard to keep the boat from sinking. with 1 person. or even 2 people on a small boat. the galleon even fills up quick. Should be slightly. slowed down.

    Well, that IS kind of the whole point behind them.

  • @mordimeir I agree it can be just a tad too much. Although having said that we have had them not cry a single tear drop. Maybe they like me? lol

    May I suggest that if you find a chest of sorrows far from an outpost just throw it / them overboard when stopped at islands. Pick them up again as the last person and last item back on the ship. Even if a crew member stays behind on the ship, at least it won't continue flooding the vessel while you're on an island.

  • @lil-bastien actually you can't. Have 1 person ride on the ladder and there will be no water in the boat, and you would be alright

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything in this game is way too hard.

    alt text

  • @lil-bastien Really? That works?

    I had two chests of sorrow in my one man sloop the other day, i made it to port to turn them in, but it was a bit dicey at times.

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