[FEATURE] Matchmaking Custom Options

  • I think it would be nice to have some options for telling the matchmaking system what game I want to play. This can be a solution for the PvE/PvP problem and also for gamers with more/less real life than other players.

    Just options like this:

    • GameStyle: Pirate(Both), Gunner(PvP), Trader(PvE, no safezones, see explanations)
    • Roleplay: Yes, No
    • First preferred Language: e.g. german
    • Second preferred Language: e.g. english
    • Find crew using first preferred language: Yes, No

    Some explanations:
    Gamestyle - I now most of you want to play like a real pirate, but this also means not always to shoot first. For thoose of you who want to play shooter, there is the pvp option. Some guys like me dont have the time to play 3 hours a day, thats why we want to have a pve option so we can get some progress ingame. Also some dont have friends always beeing online and you dont have a chance against a faster 4 player ship.
    PvE does NOT mean there will be safezones, it is just to put you together with players who also want to play pve.
    All the others (on weekend me too) can play like a real pirate - I like the feeling when you see a bigger ship on horizon ... take of the light fast and sail away with 5 treasures onboard, hoping they didn't see me ^^

    Roleplay - Yes you can do that ingame and it feels really good, but not everybody wants to do that.

    Language selection - There are many people who dont understand or speak english, so you can put them in a crew/server with their preferred language.

  • 9
  • @minotaurus0 If there'd be such thing as PvP- and PvE-matchmaking it definitely should be two different "saves" for every player. Because it would be way easier to upgrade traders and buy new clothes/guns/upgrade i.g. on PvE-servers.
    Imagine someone looks like a really experienced player because he got all the fancy clothes and valuable contracts and stuff... but he might have no experience on PvP since he achieved all that on a PvE-server.
    I'd like it to be separated.

  • @xmcmx666 Would be fine for me. But it is the same problem when you play solo or with 4 (or maybe later more) players. Completing large quests alone is much harder then with 4 players. Also fighting solo against 4 player ship is nearly impossible. So, you would need multiple save for that too?

  • @minotaurus0 Nah, of course not. But I think that achieving something in PvE would be quite easy compared to PvP. But yeah, I agree - 1vs4 won't be easy but that's up to you. You could always look for a group before you set sail. As the description beneath the image of the single-pirate-ship says: it's for experienced players.

  • This wouldn't prevent the trolls from choosing PvE so they could really get their jollies filling their buckets with the tears of PvE'rs...

  • Totally agree with both of you.
    The best solution would be if the matchmaking system would watch you playing, like how often did you kill other players, how often did you do missions for trading company X and then put you together with players playing the same way.
    Then the options from first thread are only visible for the first start to give the matchmaking system a hint on how to sort you for your first play sessions.

    Maybe they already do this, but then they should communicate that.

  • @captnpickels You'll never be able to prevent trolling in the end. Brigging someone might be the only suitable way atm.

  • Brigging is a nice feature and you can also use it for trolling too ... just to say.
    But what you say is: You can not do that in a perfect way, so don't try to do it any way.
    This is not an answer.

  • Actually, I don't. I said it was impossible to prevent trolling (in my eyes). Why? Because there might always be a way to do so. I did not say any word about that they should not try to prevent it.

4 out of 9