Guild Question

  • Hey all,

    So I have a quick question regarding guilds. Having played the Beta last weekend and loved the game, I am keen to potentially start a guild.

    I have read that you have to be a captain and own a ship to pledge (which I am and do). My questions are:

    1. Once pledged, could every member use it at the same time? Unlikely clearly but is this feasible?
    2. Does this ship HAVE to be used to earn guild XP?
    3. Do I lose the pledged ship to the guild or can I still use it myself any time I log on?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • 12
  • Guilds are a fantastic way to share the game with your friends! You should absolutely start one if you wish to share the game with others and work toward a common goal.

    1. Yes and no; everyone in the guild can use your ship if you wish so, but not at the same time. Think of them like library books. If someone's got it "checked out" no one else can use it until it's been returned. If you or they are sailing "with guild crew" anyone from the guild can join on the ship up to the max amount of crew possible for the ship type (+1 for sloop, +2 for brig, +3 for galley).

    2. No, anyone sailing on any guild ship earns guild XP. Whichever ship you're sailing does need to be pledged, but you don't have to use yours specifically. If you've got a buddy in the guild with a pledged ship and you're using theirs you earn the same amount of guild XP.

    3. As long as no one else is out on it with a full crew, you can use it at any time. Poeple tend to be out on their own guild ship instead of someone else's, so it's a rare occurrence. You can also "unpledge" your ship from the guild at any time.

  • @thegrimpreacher

    Thanks shipmate!

    It begs the questions:

    1. What is the point of having to pledge (and potentially lose use of - though granted for a finite period of time) my ship(s)!?
    2. If everyone has to pledge a ship, why bother having to pledge a ship?
    3. Can you set your ship as pledged but only to be used by yourself?

    Sorry for the newbie questions!

  • @captainwilks said in Guild Question:


    Thanks shipmate!

    It begs the questions:

    1. What is the point of having to pledge (and potentially lose use of - though granted for a finite period of time) my ship(s)!?

    If you want your guild (or a guild you're part of) to accumulate guild rep, you need to set sail on a ship from that guild. If you set sail on a captained ship you own that's not part of a guild, you can still turn in at the sovereigns, but you won't get guild rep.
    Note, you can have sevaral captained ships, a new one of a certain type to buy gets available as soon as it has a certain amount of ship milestones (becomes Legendary).

    1. If everyone has to pledge a ship, why bother having to pledge a ship?

    Not everyone has to pledge a ship. The only one mandatory to pledge is when you create a guild. A small guild can do with just one ship (e.g. 3 person guild can set sail on the same pledged brigantine for years). Some people like to gain Ship Milestones, so they might during the same session (a) get milestones for the ship and (b) gain rep for the rep it's pledged to.

    1. Can you set your ship as pledged but only to be used by yourself?

    But if you don't do that, other players can start the session, otherwise you're the one who has to select the ship.

    Sorry for the newbie questions!

  • Thank you.

    So other players using the ship adds to the ships milestones, even if you aren’t aboard the crew?

  • @captainwilks said in Guild Question:

    Thank you.

    So other players using the ship adds to the ships milestones, even if you aren’t aboard the crew?

    AFAIK they should.

  • Thanks for the info :)

  • When you pledge a ship, its still your ship, and as leader you can lock access to that ship so only you can use that ship. But you will want to probably pledge a second ship for others to use freely because only ships that members pledge can get guild rep.

  • I hear you!

    Will take a while for legendary milestones until I can do that myself. I’ve made a 3-man crew during the Beta weekend though.

    Think I’ll twist their arms and is we all donate 1 ship of each type, we will be golden for a while!

  • @captainwilks


    Milestones increase on two tracks, one set for that individual ship (regardless of who is on it), and one set for your pirate.

  • @captainwilks sagte in Guild Question:

    I hear you!

    Will take a while for legendary milestones until I can do that myself. I’ve made a 3-man crew during the Beta weekend though.

    Think I’ll twist their arms and is we all donate 1 ship of each type, we will be golden for a while!

    It doesn't take that long to get a ship to legendary status...the sailor stuff like visiting islands, miles sailed or days at sea get up pretty can boost this a bit without really grinding things by sailing near every island in your way when passing by, and/or if you see a rowboat, put away your old one and attach the new one...

  • Thanks for all the info folks.

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