Relatively painless Chest of Fortune grind method in S11

  • The Fleet of Fortune is probably the fastest and least risky world event to have the coveted Chest of Fortune thus far.

    The event can be completed in about 10 minutes if your skeleton ship sinking strategy is well executed.

    I’ve noticed that if I dive for an Ashen Winds raid voyage and complete it (takes less than 5 minutes) there is a very high likelihood that the Fleet of Fortune will spawn as the next active world event.

    Since you dove to the Ashen Winds raid voyage there’s also a high likelihood that the server you landed on is underpopulated.

    I always choose the Athena variant of the Ashen Winds raid voyage because I am still working on reaching reputation 100 in AF but I don’t think it matters what company you choose.

    Anyway so if you want to grind Chest of Fortunes this season I highly recommend this method. I personally am way behind on selling the coveted chest as I typically play solo, and forts whether it be a Fort of Fortune or Fort of the Damned tend to take longer to complete than a fleet and thus are more risky.

    I just finished a session where I did it three times in a row and was never contested by another crew. That’s not to say you won’t get contested but using this method seems to result in less risk of being contested.

    Just one more tip, if you surface for the Ashen Winds raid voyage at an island far away from the center of the map such as Marauder’s Arch or Devil’s Ridge it’s probably best to scuttle and change seas and try again.

    You want an Ashen Winds closer to the center of the map such as Wanderer’s Refuge or Shipwreck Bay.

    Also, don’t sell the Ashen Winds loot just yet; sail straight to the Fleet instead. This is so you can get to the Fleet of Fortune asap again to reduce your risk of being contested.

    I tend to sell everything to the Sovereigns at Daggertooth because you can check that outpost for ships from the fleet area. So if there are no ships there I go there. Second best option is Port Merrick and third best is Sanctuary.

    Good luck and fair winds pirates!

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  • Yeah I did all my cofs this season, it's fleet or nothing for me as far as any sort of event grind goes these days.

    Reapers counts for comms which is huge for a solo trying to grind these out. All ya gotta do is get 1 chest into reapers if you get into a pickle or are worried about getting to an outpost. For this strat sink the galleon as close to reapers as possible, even if attacked you'll often have time to swim it in or row it in, whatever you gotta do to get it done.

    You can get sneaky with it and try to get efficient at sinking the galleon right at sea dogs, the strat here is that people might not even notice you doing it depending on their location looking in. That still water helps a lot too for gathering.

    Location of the final sink is huge for fleets.

    There are a hundred different strats for fleets depending on the scenario and goals so never be afraid to tinker with the strats, find what works, what cuts down time, what plays to individual strengths and minimizes individual vulnerabilities.

    Most importantly, don't attach to a fleet, there are many more, moving on when necessary is power in pve. It's consistency and it's success.

    All you gotta do is get one chest in for this. Keep that in your mind. You may get contested more than others, people's experiences are different. People don't owe anyone anything in general on the sea and solos especially don't.

    One more thing, never be afraid to sink, if you're not on the ferry you still have a chance.

    I use my boat as a distraction quite often, it buys time, make them think you are running with something or fighting. Let 'em go for the sink while you are securing and extracting. Hide stuff, get creative, solos sink bigger boats that don't repair holes, that's really all that is, use your thinker, it'll get you wins, even against very experienced players, sometimes. We all lose sometimes, that's alright.

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