Plunder Pass Suggestions

  • Ahoy!

    I'd like to make some suggestions based on the Sea of Thieves experiences I have had for a long time and the battlepass systems in other games I have played.

    Let's start with the Plunder Pass:

    It is not very satisfying to be able to complete the pass of a season that lasts for about 4 months in a single day without any effort or task. I don't think many players are looking at Plunder Pass tasks at all. They're just doing stuff in game and get the levels. I believe this is causing the pass rewards to be undervalued. I've never come across players wearing ship sets and costumes earned from the Pass. In all the other games I've played and completed the pass, the missions are more challenging, the pass is much longer to complete, and the rewards are satisfying in proportion to this difficulty. In these other games I played, the players make an effort to finish this challenging pass because they know that they will not be able to access the cosmetics in the pass later, and the rewards they receive satisfy them. This means that they can use those cosmetics continuously in the game.

    Here are my suggestions for Plunder Pass:

    • More challenging weekly tasks.
    • Much less experience when doing random stuff in game.
    • An experience system that will spread the Pass over a long period of time (at least mid-season)
    • More satisfying rewards that will not be available next seasons.
    • Much valuable and good looking rewards at the last levels of the pass that will encourage players to reach that level.
    • Special title you will get when you complete the pass.

    As a player who has completed many passes in many games and has a special bond for Sea of Thieves, Seeing such a challenging and rewarding pass will make me and I guess many loyal players like myself very happy with this game. I think these suggestions will take our game experience to a much higher level. I hope you share the same opinion as me.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions!

  • 11
  • More challenging weekly tasks.

    Tbh I don't know many people that actually bother with the ones we have anyway. Seems like there's plenty, too many already as it is, and most of them are just from doing everyday session things.

    Much less experience when doing random stuff in game.

    I think they fixed that a bit, especially the sovereigns things, but at the same time it's kinda nice to not have to specifically FOCUS on the plunder pass. It's a lot more forgiving this way.

    An experience system that will spread the Pass over a long period of time (at least mid-season)

    For those with medium to shorter sessions, or less frequent sessions, it already is. Sure, it could take a lot longer to finish the pass, but right now it feels like decent progression, I'm sitting around level 80 currently with just a couple of sessions here or there, most progress being made on community weekend.

    More satisfying rewards that will not be available next seasons.

    No, the less FOMO items in the game, the better.

    Much valuable and good looking rewards at the last levels of the pass that will encourage players to reach that level.

    I already think the rewards are brilliant as they are. I absolutely love the jacket from this season at level 100, and looking back at Season 1 with the Legendary Curse, possibly one of the best cosmetic rewards I've ever seen from the plunder pass.
    This overall is just a matter of opinions, all subjective to personal tastes.

    Special title you will get when you complete the pass.

    You already get a title every 20 levels or so iirc, we have plenty of titles.

    Updated price for the Pass to make it more valuable and desirable (2000 instead of 999)

    What is wrong with you...? 15 bucks is enough for a battlepass, most other games cost this much I don't know in what mind you are to make it MORE expensive, emporium already gets a majority of the cosmetics.

  • @gallerine5582

    I think completing the battlepass is for players who spend more time in the game rather than casual players. Battlepass prices average 20 bucks in other games I've played. Because the battlepass in those games contains much more valuable and rare cosmetics. I don't think they should bring pass items back to Emporium or in-game like they do with previous passes. As a loyal player i want to be seperate from casual players when it comes to pass rewards. I want my rewards to be more valuable as i spend much more time in game. I hope you get what i feel about this.

  • @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:

    I think completing the battlepass is for players who spend more time in the game rather than casual players.

    But it IS based on casual players. And for a good reason: those are the largest part of the playerbase (and also most of the people who buy from the emporium) and without them the game will stop to exist, because it doesn't make enough money to pay the bill anymore. The season pass is made so the casuals have a reason to come back. If you make that pass to difficult, you risk that they will get turned off and leave. And which casual player would go and buy the plunder pass if they know they can't complete it? It's just bad for bussiness.

    @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:

    As a loyal player i want to be seperate from casual players when it comes to pass rewards. I want my rewards to be more valuable as i spend much more time in game. I hope you get what i feel about this.

    I get that, but the devs are definitely not in favour of this kind of entitlement-rewards. Their vision is that everybody, no matter your skill or the average time per week, you can get the rewards.
    And don't forget that a lot of commendations are already very difficult for casual players.

    The only thing i think they should change is that in the free pass they now have a seasonal sail and a flag. I think they should expand that to an entire shipset. I like the gilded age sails and flag, but since it's not a full set i won't use them, since i feel there isn't a hull that realy compliments them. There are lots of 1k gold in the free pass, you can remove four of them to make room for a hull, cannons, wheel and capstan.

  • @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:


    I would like to make some suggestions based on the Sea of Thieves experiences I have had for a long time and the battlepass systems in other games I have played.

    Let's start with the Plunder Pass:

    It is not very satisfying to be able to complete the pass of a season that lasts for about 4 months in a single day without any effort or task. I don't think many players are looking at Plunder Pass tasks at all. They're just doing stuff in game and get the levels. I believe this is causing the pass rewards to be undervalued. I've never come across players wearing ship sets and costumes earned from the Pass. In all the other games I've played and completed the pass, the missions are more challenging, the pass is much longer to complete, and the rewards are satisfying in proportion to this difficulty. In these other games I played, the players make an effort to finish this challenging pass because they know that they will not be able to access the cosmetics in the pass later, and the rewards they receive satisfy them. This means that they can use those cosmetics continuously in the game.

    Here are my suggestions for Plunder Pass:

    • More challenging weekly tasks.
    • Much less experience when doing random stuff in game.
    • An experience system that will spread the Pass over a long period of time (at least mid-season)
    • More satisfying rewards that will not be available next seasons.
    • Much valuable and good looking rewards at the last levels of the pass that will encourage players to reach that level.
    • Special title you will get when you complete the pass.
    • Updated price for the Pass to make it more valuable and desirable (2000 instead of 999)

    As a player who has completed many passes in many games and has a special bond for Sea of Thieves, Seeing such a challenging and rewarding pass will make me and I guess many loyal players like myself very happy with this game. I think these suggestions will take our game experience to a much higher level. I hope you share the same opinion as me.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions!

    You miss (most of) the point for a battle pass in a game from a business perspective.

    The point of a battle pass is to keep players coming back to play the game. You have the battle pass to entice people to come back and earn just that next little bit of xp to get that next item instead of drifting off to play another game. It's an attention keeper. This means, it's actually designed MORE for the casual player than the hard core player. You are going to knock it out in no time, but you would've been playing anyways, so for you, it's just free stuff. For the casual player, it's a reason to come back.

    The other reason for a battle pass is to create a semi-regular source of income for the company. For it to do that, it has to be seen as a value. $9.99(ish) isn't a bad price. It's on par with many other battle passes, and provides you, essentially, a full ship skin ($15 value). These are good deals, so they work. Moving the price up to $20 would likely be a net negative for the company because the number of people willing to pay $20 for what most companies charge $10 would probably generate less revenue on the whole than those willing to pay $10.

  • @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:


    I think completing the battlepass is for players who spend more time in the game rather than casual players. Battlepass prices average 20 bucks in other games I've played. Because the battlepass in those games contains much more valuable and rare cosmetics. I don't think they should bring pass items back to Emporium or in-game like they do with previous passes. As a loyal player i want to be seperate from casual players when it comes to pass rewards. I want my rewards to be more valuable as i spend much more time in game. I hope you get what i feel about this.

    I understand what you're saying, and what I'm sayin' is that I disagree with basically all of it. The plunder pass should be one of the parts of the game that is accessible to everyone.
    Busy players, new players, old players that don't have the same engagement from burnout or somethin', I dunno but there's plenty of reasons someone might not be able to get fully stuck into the game again, and since these are semi-time limited cosmetics, they should be easier to get than anything else.

    The things that require a lot of dedication and long-time effort, like the new pvp curses, are not time limited. It's good that they're hard to get.

    Things like the legendary curse, up until season 8, was time-limited, it was good that it wasn't extremely hard to get.

    Plus, at the launch of seasons, they said that all the Plunder Pass stuff will come back eventually, so we're paying for early and discounted access. As someone who does have a lot of time-limited cosmetics, leave those in the past and create as few as possible in the future. FOMO is not good for the community, FOMO creates a split in the community. Always will.

    I get what you're sayin' about wanting better rewards for better investment, which is all fine, but not when they're time limited.

  • @tybald, Plunder Pass Suggestions içinde yazdı:

    @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:


    I would like to make some suggestions based on the Sea of Thieves experiences I have had for a long time and the battlepass systems in other games I have played.

    Let's start with the Plunder Pass:

    It is not very satisfying to be able to complete the pass of a season that lasts for about 4 months in a single day without any effort or task. I don't think many players are looking at Plunder Pass tasks at all. They're just doing stuff in game and get the levels. I believe this is causing the pass rewards to be undervalued. I've never come across players wearing ship sets and costumes earned from the Pass. In all the other games I've played and completed the pass, the missions are more challenging, the pass is much longer to complete, and the rewards are satisfying in proportion to this difficulty. In these other games I played, the players make an effort to finish this challenging pass because they know that they will not be able to access the cosmetics in the pass later, and the rewards they receive satisfy them. This means that they can use those cosmetics continuously in the game.

    Here are my suggestions for Plunder Pass:

    • More challenging weekly tasks.
    • Much less experience when doing random stuff in game.
    • An experience system that will spread the Pass over a long period of time (at least mid-season)
    • More satisfying rewards that will not be available next seasons.
    • Much valuable and good looking rewards at the last levels of the pass that will encourage players to reach that level.
    • Special title you will get when you complete the pass.
    • Updated price for the Pass to make it more valuable and desirable (2000 instead of 999)

    As a player who has completed many passes in many games and has a special bond for Sea of Thieves, Seeing such a challenging and rewarding pass will make me and I guess many loyal players like myself very happy with this game. I think these suggestions will take our game experience to a much higher level. I hope you share the same opinion as me.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions!

    You miss (most of) the point for a battle pass in a game from a business perspective.

    The point of a battle pass is to keep players coming back to play the game. You have the battle pass to entice people to come back and earn just that next little bit of xp to get that next item instead of drifting off to play another game. It's an attention keeper. This means, it's actually designed MORE for the casual player than the hard core player. You are going to knock it out in no time, but you would've been playing anyways, so for you, it's just free stuff. For the casual player, it's a reason to come back.

    The other reason for a battle pass is to create a semi-regular source of income for the company. For it to do that, it has to be seen as a value. $9.99(ish) isn't a bad price. It's on par with many other battle passes, and provides you, essentially, a full ship skin ($15 value). These are good deals, so they work. Moving the price up to $20 would likely be a net negative for the company because the number of people willing to pay $20 for what most companies charge $10 would probably generate less revenue on the whole than those willing to pay $10.

    i get you guys about the pricing. Yes considering those informations you gave $10 seems reasonable. So i will delete that suggestion from my post. But about the battlepass, i get the company's perspective, but in every other game battlepass is for players who play more than a casual player. I'm not saying that the hardest pass in the world should be made, you need to grind for at least 10 hours every day. I think that having an experience system that is more optimized will encourage players to spend more time in-game. Players who spend a certain amount of time in the game will have completed most of the tasks in this scenario automatically after a while anyways. But I don't want to gain battlepass experience just because I'm sailing my ship and grinding miles. but I believe that the pass can be done so easily and randomly reduces the value of the cosmetics it contains. And i would like to state that I am saying this in line with the feedback I received from casual players I encountered. Most of them had the pass and weren't even aware of the cosmetics coming into their inventory.

  • @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:

    @tybald, Plunder Pass Suggestions içinde yazdı:

    @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:


    I would like to make some suggestions based on the Sea of Thieves experiences I have had for a long time and the battlepass systems in other games I have played.

    Let's start with the Plunder Pass:

    It is not very satisfying to be able to complete the pass of a season that lasts for about 4 months in a single day without any effort or task. I don't think many players are looking at Plunder Pass tasks at all. They're just doing stuff in game and get the levels. I believe this is causing the pass rewards to be undervalued. I've never come across players wearing ship sets and costumes earned from the Pass. In all the other games I've played and completed the pass, the missions are more challenging, the pass is much longer to complete, and the rewards are satisfying in proportion to this difficulty. In these other games I played, the players make an effort to finish this challenging pass because they know that they will not be able to access the cosmetics in the pass later, and the rewards they receive satisfy them. This means that they can use those cosmetics continuously in the game.

    Here are my suggestions for Plunder Pass:

    • More challenging weekly tasks.
    • Much less experience when doing random stuff in game.
    • An experience system that will spread the Pass over a long period of time (at least mid-season)
    • More satisfying rewards that will not be available next seasons.
    • Much valuable and good looking rewards at the last levels of the pass that will encourage players to reach that level.
    • Special title you will get when you complete the pass.
    • Updated price for the Pass to make it more valuable and desirable (2000 instead of 999)

    As a player who has completed many passes in many games and has a special bond for Sea of Thieves, Seeing such a challenging and rewarding pass will make me and I guess many loyal players like myself very happy with this game. I think these suggestions will take our game experience to a much higher level. I hope you share the same opinion as me.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions!

    You miss (most of) the point for a battle pass in a game from a business perspective.

    The point of a battle pass is to keep players coming back to play the game. You have the battle pass to entice people to come back and earn just that next little bit of xp to get that next item instead of drifting off to play another game. It's an attention keeper. This means, it's actually designed MORE for the casual player than the hard core player. You are going to knock it out in no time, but you would've been playing anyways, so for you, it's just free stuff. For the casual player, it's a reason to come back.

    The other reason for a battle pass is to create a semi-regular source of income for the company. For it to do that, it has to be seen as a value. $9.99(ish) isn't a bad price. It's on par with many other battle passes, and provides you, essentially, a full ship skin ($15 value). These are good deals, so they work. Moving the price up to $20 would likely be a net negative for the company because the number of people willing to pay $20 for what most companies charge $10 would probably generate less revenue on the whole than those willing to pay $10.

    i get you guys about the pricing. Yes considering those informations you gave $10 seems reasonable. So i will delete that suggestion from my post. But about the battlepass, i get the company's perspective, but in every other game battlepass is for players who play more than a casual player. I'm not saying that the hardest pass in the world should be made, you need to grind for at least 10 hours every day. I think that having an experience system that is more optimized will encourage players to spend more time in-game. Players who spend a certain amount of time in the game will have completed most of the tasks in this scenario automatically after a while anyways. But I don't want to gain battlepass experience just because I'm sailing my ship and grinding miles. but I believe that the pass can be done so easily and randomly reduces the value of the cosmetics it contains. And i would like to state that I am saying this in line with the feedback I received from casual players I encountered. Most of them had the pass and weren't even aware of the cosmetics coming into their inventory.

    I will agree that there is a bit of a mis-match, I just don't think it is as dramatic as you make it out to be. I think one of the issues is that this game isn't "short-play" friendly. This means that most sessions rack up a decent amount of battle pass xp. On the other hand, because it's not as short-lay friendly as other games, it also means casual players probably don't hop on as frequently, meaning they need those sessions they do get to be more productive for the pass.

    Here's the rub though. The battle pass has a business purpose. It needs to serve that purpose above all else, or it goes away. What we don't know is the exact purpose (obviously we know the general purpose) of the pass, nor the statistics behind it that they are looking at.

    Remember, in general, it has to bring in revenue, and it needs to keep people playing. For it to keep people playing, it needs to provide enough of them enough rewards to succeed. I suspect that there has been A/B testing on xp rates to set the xp level where they want it. It's basic business practice, and stuff I do at my job every day.

  • @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:

    But about the battlepass, i get the company's perspective, but in every other game battlepass is for players who play more than a casual player.

    That is simply not true. For instance i also play Halo Infinite and their Battle Pass is also made for people who are a casual player. They also have a 100 level season pass and to complete that you need to average 6,67 level per week. Yesterday the 3rd week ended, so you should be at level 20 in order to keep progress (and not to gind harder later on). I have only been playing casually and i am already at level 33.

  • @super87ghost, Plunder Pass Suggestions içinde yazdı:

    @bh-tilter said in Plunder Pass Suggestions:

    But about the battlepass, i get the company's perspective, but in every other game battlepass is for players who play more than a casual player.

    That is simply not true. For instance i also play Halo Infinite and their Battle Pass is also made for people who are a casual player. They also have a 100 level season pass and to complete that you need to average 6,67 level per week. Yesterday the 3rd week ended, so you should be at level 20 in order to keep progress (and not to gind harder later on). I have only been playing casually and i am already at level 33.

    i get what you're saying. But i'm not saying that pass should be so hard that will make players play 10 hours everyday for the rest of the season. All i'm saying that they should adjust the exp difference between weekly challenges and random in-game experience and make it slightly harder to make players feel like what they get is more valuable so they feel more proud when they use their stuff if you know what i mean.

  • Every Plunder Pass should have a unique cosmetic that will never return. It should be marked as such on the reward track. This would encourage more people to buy the Plunder Pass.

    The Plunder Pass should focus less on gimmick cosmetics and include some cosmetic components that work well with existing sets.

    Extend the renown beyond 100 but after 100 make it coins and doubloons only.

4 out of 11