A Strange Occurrence

  • After I partook in an hourglass battle and my opponent had sunk I mysteriously had 30,000 gold added in small amounts like if i were gathering piles of gold. I thought it was odd so I left and thought I’d post it here, does anyone know what might’ve happened I’m pretty confused. Was it a glitch? Or something else? I’ve never had this happen before. All feedback on this is welcome I’d like to know what happened or if this has happened to anyone else.

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  • either a delay in something you already sold or deeds/seasonal pass progress would be my guess, which rewards smallish amounts

  • @equasi

    As @WolfManbush said:

    We're aware that some players are experiencing delayed rewards. Please be assured that all progress is being counted and your rewards will be delivered shortly - thank you for your patience.

  • Earlier i killed an ancient skeleton at a sea fort before the captain wave, and only by the time i was ready to start harpooning the loot did it register that i had killed it or picked up the piles of gold. The servers are probably under some strain with the boosts bringing in more players.

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