Plz add similar skill matchmaking

  • Plz add it

  • 28
  • What are you asking for? "Skill Matchmaking"?

    How much more similar can it get? Based on your Win/Lose ratio....

  • SBMM is already in the game.

    It goes off a customized versions of ELO which uses Win and Loss ratio.

    HG mode is the only mode that has it. Adventure remains a free for all.

  • Then how do I keep getting matched up with people with the curses?

  • I suspect the population is so low at times that SBMM can't work effectively, even if it is implemented sensibly. Plus many casual and adventure-focussed players have already left the mode to rot so you're mainly left with sweats to match against anyway.

  • I doubt it's possible at this point or if they even attempted doing this properly. But yeah constantly getting matched vs people with curse, vs people who chew me out in 5mins tops, but also get matched against players who are leagues below my own skill level. Overall I enjoyed the challenge and had plenty of intense fights where the outcome was determined by mistakes on ones end, usually mine.

    Also 1v1 PVP sucks imo, I get overwhelmed with multitasking against really good players and my ability/knowledge of what to do at what time to turn the tide quite frankly sucks, and the whole fight feels like a chore compared to fighting 3v3 on brigs.

    I wish someone made proper guides written and video to teach us pirates who want to get better.

    For example: I've noticed a lot of sweats start the initial engagement with cannonballs, where as I try to take their mast down with chainshots and when I do I fail to capitalize on my advantage and sail too far off to finish the job.

    I guess time is the best teacher.

    P.S. Does anyone know any streamers who would provide these guides? I don't find Blurbs/Phuzzy to be good teachers, they are excellent players however. Any guides that are straight to the point, without any unecessary footage with a face in the bottom of the screen showing their reactions or shouting in the mic nonsense?

  • @zig-zag-ltu You should only shoot down the mast in certain situations, I shoot at the mast in case my opponent has a bad angle, sometimes you should shoot if you go parallel, but not always. Why aren't Blurbs a good teacher? Just watch two or three streams and you'll know what to do in combat. I learned how to win by watching his streams.

  • @ixxxoloff He is brilliant and you can certainly learn a lot. But I find their videos to be filled with too much common gameplay, their face reactions etc. If you ever played CSGO I would relate to WarOwl or kliksphillip type of tutorials. I don't know I will try him again.

    Would love to find some mathematical facts, for example. Front of the ship level 1 hole would sink the ship X seconds, level 2 in X etc etc.

    What you just wrote regarding the mast, thank you for that, was kind of coming to this conclusion myself, but then a lot of other variables and multitasking/lack of knowledge confuse me and lead me to taking bad decisions and since there are so many things involved it's hard to remember all of them without putting hundreds of hours in and learning them the hard way

  • @gagan-r said in Plz add similar skill matchmaking:

    Then how do I keep getting matched up with people with the curses?

    Because other than same faction battles, no real changes have been made to the match making system.

    Cross stamp match making did not make it into this patch.

    As it stands, the match making system starts with SBMM via W/L via the whole crew but if it can't find a match, it expands the net so to speak, to find you a match. This is why matches can take upwards of 30 minutes to find someone after streak 4 and you get these matches where they don't feel even.

    I suspect that once cross server/stamp match making is implemented, this will not be a huge problem except during periods of low population of the mode.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Plz add similar skill matchmaking:

    Any guides that are straight to the point, without any unecessary footage with a face in the bottom of the screen showing their reactions or shouting in the mic nonsense?

    That day of youtube is mostly gone.

    That's not how game play is done anymore.

    If I knew of any, they certainly wouldn't be popular.

  • @personalc0ffee Yeah I know what you mean, would not expect someone very young to be that, but when people above 30 are trying to fit in with teenagers it's a bit cringy.

    I know one guy who does PVE guides for Clue locations.

    ''Hey hey hey guys, xxxx here, this video is for the location of xxxxx and then he only runs to the location and does the clue. All videos are less than a minute basically.

    Hopefully someone would do something similar with let's say 'Holes and sinking times' - 5 min video. 'Chain shot guide' 5 minutes. etc etc.

  • @zig-zag-ltu In regards to that all I can tell you is that front holes, take water faster than top deck holes.

  • @personalc0ffee I know that, but picture this scenario.

    You are doing the hourglass pvp - 1v1. You took someones mast down and your ship is starting to circle around the opponents ship. However, you have 3 holes in lower deck and 2 in the upper deck.

    So I would imagine players with 1000s of hours pvp, will have the natural feel of what to do to maximize efficiency. But I know I have lost at least a few fights, because I prioritized the wrong thing, like running down to fix, where as I could have landed another 2-3 shots on the enemy.

    Also, cannons are king. If every single shot would be a hit, other things would not even matter, so I guess this is where I will concentrate for the future and to reach that 105 level.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Plz add similar skill matchmaking:

    @personalc0ffee I know that, but picture this scenario.

    You are doing the hourglass pvp - 1v1. You took someones mast down and your ship is starting to circle around the opponents ship. However, you have 3 holes in lower deck and 2 in the upper deck.

    So I would imagine players with 1000s of hours pvp, will have the natural feel of what to do to maximize efficiency. But I know I have lost at least a few fights, because I prioritized the wrong thing, like running down to fix, where as I could have landed another 2-3 shots on the enemy.

    Also, cannons are king. If every single shot would be a hit, other things would not even matter, so I guess this is where I will concentrate for the future and to reach that 105 level.

    Best thing to do is to keep pressure on the enemy, watch for boards, and take buckets when needed. Patch after you aren't in broad and disengage and repair when necessary. I would also use curse balls and specials in order to interrupt your enemy's attempt to patch and raise their mast. Being able to one ball them while they are raising the mast would be fortuitous.

    You have to watch the balance though because you'll fill up quickly.

  • @zig-zag-ltu It took me 4000 hours to get GE in CS GO, and that game is many times harder than SoT. And learning how to play from videos is unrealistic. At most what you can learn is some techniques that you'll apply, but it won't work in the next round. SoT is a casual game and doesn't require super complex knowledge or effort. It took me two weeks to learn how to beat everyone.

  • @ixxxoloff Nice one, I'm at 2.7k myself. Best I reached was DMG/LE playing solo with constant griefers, wish I knew discord existed, but I did not even have 60fps and constant PC crashes if I had to look for an excuse, could beat people consistently who were GE 1v1, who got there with a pre made squad, solo GE's were another level, after I bought a PC that gave me 240 fps just lost faith in the community and toxic behavior.
    But if you ever played the older versions of CS like 1.6 or Source, you learned a looot of bad habbits. And the 5v5 competitive for the public was something new, as that game mode was only part of tournaments before csgo and most people knew very little about that format and how to play it properly.

    So from videos I have learned smoke placements, timings, damage variables, economy, in depth spray patter information etc. Obviously you won't become a good player by just watching videos, but if you know what you are missing and that information becomes available, you can implement it into your gameplay and it will help. I think you would agree, someone with high in game IQ would beat an aim god purely by positioning most of the time.

  • SBMM is real it just doesn't work correctly due to it not being based off a good system but as well as too many casuals gave up on this mode because they feel they can't ever win, 90% of the issues with this mode can be fixed simply if there are more players in the pool, Rare has tried to make this mode as friendly as possible to all players of all skill but people gave up too quick, yeah it sucks to lose over and over again but sometimes that's how it is, if you run into the same sweat over and over just restart your game and you'll most likely be put into a new stamp with different players in your region until they add cross stamp matchmaking that is.

  • @paltz-kek said in Plz add similar skill matchmaking:

    SBMM is real it just doesn't work correctly due to it not being based off a good system but as well as too many casuals gave up on this mode because they feel they can't ever win, 90% of the issues with this mode can be fixed simply if there are more players in the pool, Rare has tried to make this mode as friendly as possible to all players of all skill but people gave up too quick, yeah it sucks to lose over and over again but sometimes that's how it is, if you run into the same sweat over and over just restart your game and you'll most likely be put into a new stamp with different players in your region until they add cross stamp matchmaking that is.

    People didn't give up too quick

    The first changes were to specifically serve content creators and those struggling were left to wait.

    the ones that needed the immediate support (people getting sailed out for no rep) had to wait two months for that to get fixed. It was far more important than nerfing blunder bombs.

    They didn't give up too quick, they weren't given support quick enough when it should have been one of the main priorities for a quick fix.

    They were run off by malicious intentions by other players that specifically aimed to ruin their experience with rep sabotage and they didn't get the support they should have got early on.

    People couldn't handle just letting people loss farm without chest pounding about it and now it's dead content going forward for the inexperienced.

    It's unfortunate that people bounced but it's completely understandable why they didn't feel supported in season 8 as inexperienced fighters.

    Here's what people forgot about with loss farmers, they waited forever for fights just like everyone else. They earned their loss rep through participation, people took their supplies, some of them had flags, they were playing on the up and up, this is on the people that ran them off, not them for not wanting to stick with a miserable experience.

  • @personalc0ffee I just got paired up with ppl with the seller curse twice in a opposite faction battle

  • @burnbacon wth do u mean I keep getting ppl who got no life and no dads

  • @gagan-r cross stamp will fix it.

    Curses are a measure of time, not skill.

  • @captain-coel If they have the curses already that means they have already won a lot of battles so why does it keep pairing me up with them in opposite and same faction fights?

  • @gagan-r because 10 wins and 5 losses is the same as 200 wins and 100 losses

  • @captain-coel wot

  • O wait nvm I get it but it's stupid that the use win/lose ratio

  • @gagan-r im not saying its the best method, jsut that is how its done. Its also why I said the curse is a measure of time, not skill.

  • @captain-coel Gotcha

  • Damn this post got a lot of views lol

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