Track Faction Players who join Alliances...

  • ...and remove all their progress.


  • 5
  • Oh no, someone outsmarted me in a pirate game...

  • @pithyrumble Found one

  • @pithyrumble This isn't outsmarting a player, this is outsmarting (exploiting) the intentions of the game mode. Something that sadly is very common for Sea of Thieves. It's a well known fad that's going to be hugely detrimental to this game mode if it continues.

    If you and your friends are farming players, players are going to either quit or start the same fad. And if that happens there's going to be less and less people doing invasions.

    And then we have no one playing.

  • @seanethermore

    I'm avoiding because pvp ain't my Thang and the rewards aren't quite enough. Also S1 100% so I've had the PL curse.

    SBMM is a lie.
    Rare stated they wanted invasions to happen.
    There is a reasonably skilled person who got to 100 on 90% losses because they were throwing matches.

    For every shady situation I can retort with chill intentions 80% of the time.

    Unless you're PC...

    Good luck out there...

1 out of 5