Single Player Ship, PLEASE

  • Please give us a small fast ship for solo runs.

    There needs to be one good thing about solo play in this game, so far there is none. It doesn't even need to have a cannon, the point isn't to be better at PvP. The point is to be able to do runs and quests, and if need be run away. We could still get ganked, still get caught in a trap and still die to a cowardly alliance of galleons. It wont upend the game.

    I want to like your game, but your solo experience is miserable. One boon would be all it takes.

    [mod edit]

  • 20
  • @rvnderelict oh...another one of these...
    You have to get it: Sloop is the singleplayer ship, controllable with 2 people!

    How close do you want to have everything on the ship? Isn't everything already reachable very fast on the sloop? There wouldn't be really room for anything on a smaller ship...

  • alt text

    me and my alliance showing up to smuggler's bay to complete the dig maps

  • @rvnderelict said in Single Player Ship, PLEASE:

    [mod edit]

    Glad to see you are being open-minded and respectful of alternate opinions. Name-calling is such an incredibly persuasive strategy.

    Explain why the sloop is not already solo-friendly. Half of my years in SoT have been spent solo on a sloop. What don’t I understand?

    BTW, if you are slapping the emissary flag on the back of your sloop, stop. You are putting a bullseye on your back. Hold off on flying those until you are more confident.

    Also, you could always just use the rowboat. They are very hard to spot.

  • Please give us a small fast ship for solo runs.

    There needs to be one good thing about solo play in this game, so far there is none. It doesn't even need to have a cannon, the point isn't to be better at PvP. The point is to be able to do runs and quests, and if need be run away.

    Sounds like a sloop even if it has a cannon.

  • yeah i mean, sounds pretty much like the sloop to me. What kind of other ship do you have in mind? like, no cannon, but able to outrun everyone? this not really realistic u know.
    But, if you sail against the wind u pretty much CAN outrun everyone, so, just keep an eye on your flags

  • Wheel, sails, and cannons could to be on same deck as an improvement. Single ladder is necessary. Other than that, there isn't much more you can do to improve the solo experience in regards to naval combat.

  • @wolfmanbush 😂😂😂😂

  • There already is a ship like this. And it's not a sloop

    Unfortunately there's a randomizer so you find it only sometimes.

    It called the rowboat.

  • In my humble opinion , if you can't hande the sloop as a solo ( sailing / repairs / cannons ) , you won't be able to handle any other smaller ship or boat in battle. Improve , Captain. If they implement a new model , my guess is it will be bigger than the sloop. If , says I.

    Fair winds , Cpt RvnDerelict !

  • @rvnderelict

  • If you want something a bit faster you could always try soloing a brig. That'll give you speed, and maybe some players would give you a wider berth rather than attack if they are not very confident in PvP.

    But honestly, what you're looking for is probably not a thing Rare would want to spend dev time on. It would only really apply to a niche player, and would be too unbalanced if it were just faster than everything. Avoiding combat would be far too easy if it were always faster than every ship, and with it being so much smaller it would be harder to target and harder to see at distance, especially when near an island.

    I get that it can be frustrating getting sunk, and some days playing solo can be rough. However, I play solo 99% of the time on my sloop and I love it. You just have to take precautions, like selling more often, checking the map and the horizons often, and always being ok with losing loot. I get it, I hate when I do a Veil quest and get challenged for the Athena's Chest at the end by a galleon and a brig at the same time, but that's just part of the game. You win some, you lose some. I am sure that is not helpful or soothing at all, but I think even if you got a super fast no-cannon solo ship, you would still run in to the same problems and be just as frustrated.

    The game is a sandbox, so it is what you make it. If losing loot or "progress" is going to be very detrimental to you, then perhaps this might not be a game that improves your quality of life. It's ok to play a bit of something and say "that's not for me" and move on. I tried Dark Souls 2-3 times and really enjoyed parts of it until it just got to be un-fun and annoying, and so I moved on. And that's ok.

  • A small ship that is good for solo play... I think i may know one that fits the job! THE SLOOP! I have been solo slooping for years, even if a smaller faster ship came out WITH a gun on it, i would still stick to the sloop, i know that ship like the back of my hand, and even while solo on it, you can still take down duo sloops and brigs, and if your really creative, galleons as well!

    We dont really need a smaller ship considering that with a little practice solo slooping, you can run that ship just as well as the average duo crew if not better because you have to learn every aspect of that ship to keep it alive while solo. Add on the fact that some times you NEED a cannon to get out of a jam, some times lobbing a cursed ball or some blunders gives me the time i need to get my mast back up if it falls all the way.

  • @rvnderelict Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

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  • Cowardly alliance of galleons lol, I mean if it takes 8 players to sink you then you must be a bit of a solo sloop pvp god anyway. This surely isn't just another veiled bitter pve player whining about wanting to run away easier

  • @goldsmen said in Single Player Ship, PLEASE:

    A small ship that is good for solo play... I think i may know one that fits the job! THE SLOOP! I have been solo slooping for years, even if a smaller faster ship came out WITH a gun on it, i would still stick to the sloop, i know that ship like the back of my hand, and even while solo on it, you can still take down duo sloops and brigs, and if your really creative, galleons as well!

    We dont really need a smaller ship considering that with a little practice solo slooping, you can run that ship just as well as the average duo crew if not better because you have to learn every aspect of that ship to keep it alive while solo. Add on the fact that some times you NEED a cannon to get out of a jam, some times lobbing a cursed ball or some blunders gives me the time i need to get my mast back up if it falls all the way.

    Not to say you can't handle every situation but, you are up against a brig/galleon. They send 2-3 boarders that manage to get both ladders. They coordinate their climb at the same time. What's your play to guard ladders and keep them from getting up, killing, and then spawn camping you as a solo? I can tell you it will end in one of two ways every single time. A blunder to one enemy's face with the other blundering you in the back or you back off to try and blunder bomb them off the ship letting at least one if not more up your ladders to do it.

    The biggest buff they could give to a solo player is the balance of only defending a single ladder, thus requiring a reworked ship with solo in mind. As a second option, adding ladders to brigs and galleon would be acceptable as it puts them at extra risk sending boarders having less people to defend than ladder options to climb, thus equal balance with solo and duo sloop in the boarding meta aspect.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Single Player Ship, PLEASE:

    @goldsmen said in Single Player Ship, PLEASE:

    A small ship that is good for solo play... I think i may know one that fits the job! THE SLOOP! I have been solo slooping for years, even if a smaller faster ship came out WITH a gun on it, i would still stick to the sloop, i know that ship like the back of my hand, and even while solo on it, you can still take down duo sloops and brigs, and if your really creative, galleons as well!

    We dont really need a smaller ship considering that with a little practice solo slooping, you can run that ship just as well as the average duo crew if not better because you have to learn every aspect of that ship to keep it alive while solo. Add on the fact that some times you NEED a cannon to get out of a jam, some times lobbing a cursed ball or some blunders gives me the time i need to get my mast back up if it falls all the way.

    Not to say you can't handle every situation but, you are up against a brig/galleon. They send 2-3 boarders that manage to get both ladders. They coordinate their climb at the same time. What's your play to guard ladders and keep them from getting up, killing, and then spawn camping you as a solo? I can tell you it will end in one of two ways every single time. A blunder to one enemy's face with the other blundering you in the back or you back off to try and blunder bomb them off the ship letting at least one if not more up your ladders to do it.

    The biggest buff they could give to a solo player is the balance of only defending a single ladder, thus requiring a reworked ship with solo in mind. As a second option, adding ladders to brigs and galleon would be acceptable as it puts them at extra risk sending boarders having less people to defend than ladder options to climb, thus equal balance with solo and duo sloop in the boarding meta aspect.

    I always use blunder bombs and wide turns to deal with boarders, but now more than ever is it a bad idea to send too many boarders without first putting damage on the enemy ship with the revive change a while back.

    Solo slooping is harder for sure, but it also comes with a lot of freedom, and if you get good practice with it, you can handle surprisingly well. I tend to worry more about a solo sloop, than a duo or brig, galleons are a coin flip for me. But i have found my self tied in skill with other solo players and even sunk by other solos more than any duo or brig.

  • I attacked a Reaper Sloop with a Cannon Rowboat. Worked like a charm until it didn't!

    Cannon Rowboat. PLEASE!

  • Yes. It could look like a J-24. If you don't know what that is, look it up.

  • Your answer is the sloop, which even has buffs for solo players. Two or more people will generally beat one person, its just the way of balance.

14 out of 20