How would you personally gauge the health status of PvP in general? Do you think there should be new ways to stimulate PvP (Against Reapers specifically) ? {Thought Dump} Lengthy, TL;DR at very end.

  • What is considered 'toxic' is a bit in the eyes of the beholder i think. Some consider it only if you curse or being racist, while others cosider it toxic when someone picks a fight against someone not willing to fight.
    I am a bit in between that. I think it is very defensible to call PvP'ers who pick fight against way weaker players, because there is no chance for their victim to fight back. This in my eyes can be very toxic, because players can see that as very humiliating that they can't even make a dent in that fight. You might not (always) know that from the beginning, but when you find out that they are weaker and they don't have a chance against you, you should just stop fighting, also for the health of the game.

    Because even if you don't think it's toxic, i think it's almost undeniable that it is very bad for the health of PvP. Those players will not get any better in PvP from that battle and they will get a very negative experience from it and if they have a couple of these experiences, they will avoid PvP any time and rather scuttle or red-seaing than fight back.

    This is also why the PvP is in the situation it is now. The skill gaps are way to big and most players know that someone who tries to Pvp is probably way better then them, so they are not even trying to defend themselves. This is also why most players will completely ignore the events (skeleton fort, FoF, FotD, ashen winds, etc.), because they don't want to take the risk of an very skilled PvP player just coming around and demolishing them.

    In my experience most PvP players don't care about good and/or fair fights, they are completely fine with 'humiliating' PvE players who aren't as skilled as they are. And i think most PvE players have that experience and therefore are not even trying anymore and just run or scuttle.

    Since i don't see any form of skill based servers coming, i think it's up to the PvP players to show some restraint when they see that a battle is not going to be close. The best thing you could do is just to stop fighting and (if possible), call a truce where you give those players some tips to get better and after that just part ways.

    For the rest there should be more balancing between a sloop on the one side and a brig and gally on the other side. The brig and gally already have the clear upper hand in a battle between equally skilled players (more players, more cannons and more water needed to sink them) and are also on average quicker then the sloop (except for turning ofcourse). Especially with the new respawn times it is almost impossible for a solo slooper to either defeat or run from a brig or gally. This should be more balanced, respawn times should be made dependend on the ship type and the sloop should be made quicker then a brig or gally. That would also be more realistic, because a sloop might have a smaller sail surface, but it's surface is more efficient (the sails of the brig and gally partially block the wind for the other sails) and it has to displace way less water.

  • I think I speak for not most but a good portion of the community when I say there should be a divide between pvp and pve.

    There are people that clearly focus on pvp and people who clearly just want to enjoy some time with their friends doing pve.

    Simple solution? Divide into two servers, that way people who want pvp can get their pvp and not ruin somebodies day. Once that happens the devs can surely work on better ways to reward pvp, maybe create a faction that is specifically based around nautical battle instead of stealing other peoples sh*t like the reaper faction

  • As the original post has been deleted and the thread was near to a month old (plus there's a similar thread currently running), we're going to just go ahead and drop anchor on this here. Thank you.

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