Alliance protection

  • Can you make it so that when an alliance is formed players within the alliance cannot kill the other members of that alliance steal their treasure burn their ship and steal possibly their emissary. People are out there proposing their alliance for people to drop their guard then take their stuff. By protecting the players against anyone within the alliance would discourage this behavior even if they did cancel the alliance the other players would have to wait so long before they could attack the other players. I have nothing against PVP doing it head on. I have more respect for the ones that come straight at you than stab you in the back thinking that you are part of a team. If you can’t do this then just get rid of alliance all together.

  • 31
    feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
  • Alliances are built on cheesing, that's really all the feature has ever offered in the form of perks

    but it's still a part of the risk reward system where pirates are free to do as they wish.

    There aren't any obligations. I personally feel that any form of lying or betrayal is too personal for me so I don't get involved but pirates are free follow their own conscience with gameplay. That's a part of their freedom within the environment.

    Protect yourself and minimize your losses, keep distance.

  • Can you make it so that when an alliance is formed players within the alliance cannot kill the other members of that alliance steal their treasure burn their ship and steal possibly their emissary.

    Alliances aren't set in stone non-aggression contracts. Since the beginning of the feature during Cursed Sails, betrayal was and is a clearly intended feature of an Alliances. Be mindful of who you Alliances with, being so willy nilly on who you place your trust in is just foolish. When the game's main feature is Piracy, creating a feature that acts as a barrier to doing that is just silly.

    Pirates backstabbing former allies sounds pretty par for the course. Its exactly what one should expect from a game that has players act as pirates.

  • Then they might as well remove alliances all together.

    Pirates. Trust or not trust.

  • The only people you should be able to actually trust are the pirates in your own crew. I don't advocate crew trolling, but any time another crew is involved you should keep a wary eye.

  • Absolutely not.

    Betray them first next time 😆

  • @postalgator5 said in Alliance protection:

    I have more respect for the ones that come straight at you than stab you in the back thinking that you are part of a team.

    Stabbing in the back seems the most pirate thing to me.

  • @postalgator5 no this will remove my favorite game play, betrayal. I betray alliances everytime I see one. Great way to drop the guard of an enemy and find out where other ships are on the map.

    But if they were to delete alliance system all together. I'd be onboard.

  • Pirates shouldnt betray people thats not what they would do at all.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in Alliance protection:

    Pirates shouldnt betray people thats not what they would do at all.

    Um.. who's gonna tell him...

  • @treefittymonsta
    Found the culprit.

  • @nabberwar said in Alliance protection:

    Found the culprit.


  • @lackbarwastaken um...let's keep the dystopian RL world out of discussion forums eh?

  • @lackbarwastaken "Take what you can. Give nothing back!"

  • But…that’s the exact reason alliances are like that???

  • @lackbarwastaken Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules.

    Keep it appropriate. Avoid swearing in unfamiliar company where possible. Don’t post anything containing NSFW material – this has no place in Sea of Thieves or its community spaces. And while we all have opinions of the world around us, people aren’t necessarily playing Sea of Thieves to talk about politics or contentious real-world issues. Switch off, escape and enjoy the freedom of the seas instead.

  • The alliance system does very little to enhance the game. Betrayals are actually the one neat element of the alliance system. Aside from that, it seems like a feature that not a whole lot of thought went into...and they just haven't bothered to re-evaluate it. The behind-the-scenes video on how the alliance system came to be just seems like it needed SO much more time to marinate in a think tank. It could be so much more than just a gold cheesing mechanic.

  • @sweetsandman

    You forgot radar...

  • @pithyrumble said in Alliance protection:


    You forgot radar...

    Aside from betrayals, which I've already noted as the one neat thing, how does the radar enhance the game?

  • I actually like the alliance mechanics and think it's actually rather genius in its implementation.

    Is it necessary? Not really... 😅

    ...but it adds incentive to be friendly with other crews. Though doing so wasn't made easy. It's frought with risk, by allowing a ship to get in close while also continuously giving up your location on the map table in real time. This allows for spying and information gathering and potentially large loot raids based upon prior knowledge earned through experience and a bit of patience.

    For those who honor the alliance, long term small gains can be had. For those willing to betray the alliance, a potentially large short term gain can be had, provided they succeed.

    I always like to describe it with the following example (assuming loot on both ships is equal):

    No alliance = 100% value
    Honored alliance = 150% value
    Betrayed Alliance = 200% value or nothing.

    So you can play it safe, take a small risk for a bonus, risk it all for double or nothing, or rarest of all - succeed at a 2+ way honored alliance for potentially endless gains for as long as the alliance is maintained.

  • @sweetsandman said in Alliance protection:

    @pithyrumble said in Alliance protection:


    You forgot radar...

    Aside from betrayals, which I've already noted as the one neat thing, how does the radar enhance the game?

    I know when the betrayal is coming if I'm paying attention.

    Or if they disappear all of a sudden I know to keep an eye out for things coming from that general direction.

    If the alliance expands you know where another ship is at lol.

  • @postalgator5 as many comments have probably said Trust no one ever not even your own crew….also Shelly is the murderer she killed DeMarco

  • The alliance system should be like it was for the first few months of the game: trust the other crew and split the loot manually. No flags, no purple names and no bonuses for taking less risk.

  • No, part of the risk of allying is that your “allies” might betray you. If they remove that then there would be no downside to forming alliance servers.

  • Only read a bit but couldn't find a down vote. Alliance's are made to be broken.

  • Today, try as I might, my 4-man galleon LFG crew fell through while I was attempting to take advantage of the Gold and Glory weekend to help me earn the latest ledger rewards for the month. They abandoned me, so seeing a brig at an island nearby, I anchored the ship and offered them everything I had. I quickly learned the brig was soloed by a new pirate lady. She told me what she was doing, reluctantly accepted my offer, and next thing I know, I'm on her crew showing her a thing or 2 to help keep her alive - she particularly appreciated the advice on how to properly lock the harpoon, and making a new friend.

    Alliances are nice, and they expand upon the Sea, but they aren't really necessary - they just make things easier, and more interesting.

  • Tools not rules

  • Those cannons on the side of your ship. They're your alliance protection matey!

  • Im just going to let this video by rare themselves do the talking for me
    Video: Official Sea of Thieves Content Update: Cursed Sails

    Just skip to the 1:10 timemark of the video.
    Now stop complaining about betrayals.

  • @postalgator5 have you heard the story of the scorpion and the frog?

feedbackgeneralxbox onequestionwindows 10
29 out of 31