I am very annoyed by this community.

  • @galactic-geek

    Not gonna go the cross-examination route as if this was the Depp/Heard trial. You get many cosmetics by simply playing the game. You don't necessarily need to be hunting for them to pile them up. There's also a difference between looking for a specific one—I love some, and I'm happy to have them—and wanting to 100% the game by collecting every single one, which is often the issue with people complaining about time-limited stuff.

    Some may disagree, and that's fine, but the mere concept of wanting to 100% a videogame like Sea of Thieves seems ridiculous to me. It goes against the very nature of a living, evolving world. Instead of wanting to be part of a fantasy, it turns the experience into a mechanical grind, and chances are people with tendency to fall into that would be happier if they changed their mindset. Again, no need to agree, but I personally believe that.

    We could also go into specific cases with this, as in, does it make sense that stuff like the Spartan Set is time-limited? All I did to get that was play on a specific date, and it's something that should be available to any Halo fan. It has no value for me, I'll never use it, but it would for someone who enjoys those games and wants others to know. In those cases, I support making items available for everyone. But I think it's a common sense sort of thing. For in-game world events, unique feats associated with a season and such, I think it makes perfect sense to not re-release the cosmetics. If eventually they do re-release everything, it won't terribly bother me, but as of right now I think the people asking to keep those kind of items exclusive make more sense than those asking for everything everywhere all at once.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    I would hazard to guess that very few pirates actually care about most of their cosmetics in that way. Most pirates actually, probably don't value them at all -they just have them becausethey did something.

    You forget about all Pirates who didn’t get those time limited items and want to have them. Their desire increases the value as well.

  • @fred-fisheye said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @galactic-geek sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    I would hazard to guess that very few pirates actually care about most of their cosmetics in that way. Most pirates actually, probably don't value them at all -they just have them becausethey did something.

    You forget about all Pirates who didn’t get those time limited items and want to have them. Their desire increases the value as well.

    Their desire has no value if there is no longer any means to get it. Demand needs supply - and a new supply is not the same. That's just creating a new demand. Ignoring the demand of those who want what you have when giving it to them doesn't hamper you in any way, shape, or form is simply a selfish middle finger to the less fortunate.

    They get a cosmetic. It doesn't take your cosmetic away, nor does it take away your experience - the commendations, achievements, and titles have already proven that.

  • I have no problem with time limited cosmetics, except for the legendary curse. This one feels like it should be obtainable by getting some achievement.
    It's not even presitigous, because there was nothing behind getting that curse in season one. You just had to be lucky to be playing during that time and get to the 100 renown. So I have no idea why devs had to make this curse time limited.

  • @rustyaldrich said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    I have no problem with time limited cosmetics, except for the legendary curse. This one feels like it should be obtainable by getting some achievement.
    It's not even presitigous, because there was nothing behind getting that curse in season one. You just had to be lucky to be playing during that time and get to the 100 renown. So I have no idea why devs had to make this curse time limited.

    It's not; Rare has stated that it will come back.

  • @galactic-geek
    They can state anything for as long as they want. The fact is, it's been 5 seasons and it's still hasn't returned.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    Their desire has no value if there is no longer any means to get it.

    That’s incorrect. Think of da Vincis Mona Lisa or other unique pieces of art for example: among other things it’s their limitation what makes them desirable and therefore increases the value. If anyone had a Mona Lisa by da Vinci, no one would really appreciate it and the drawing would be pretty much worthless. Same goes for expensive cars, unique trophies, etc.

    Demand needs supply

    A demand doesn’t necessarily need to be satisfied. As I said earlier in this thread: FOMO is Rares business concept for this game. If it wasn’t profitable, they wouldn’t do it.

    They want people to desire limited items to keep them playing. It’s basically that desire what gives the cosmetics value.

  • @galactic-geek that’s just your theory though. You’re just guessing about how other people feel about their cosmetics. If we have actual pirates here, telling you that they find their cosmetics valuable and you’re just telling them their opinions are less correct then yours is.

    That kind of thinking really isn’t productive here.

    Some people will care about cosmetics and some won’t. All we’ve learned here is that you personally don’t hold value in time limited cosmetics, that they’re not valuable in your eyes. Keep in mind that doesn’t mean that the cosmetics themselves aren’t valuable, just you personally couldn’t care less wether people had access to them all.

    Also Titles count as cosmetics, so should those be in the discussion to return as well?

  • Rare clearly uses time limited items to entice players to play an Adventure &c.
    As soon as they release older limited items again, they lose the opportunity playing that card.

  • @lem0n-curry said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    Rare clearly uses time limited items to entice players to play an Adventure &c.

    If I take a sheet of paper and start telling people it has value, I will get laughed at. Many of you think these cosmetics have value, but they only have value to Rare. Anyone who doesn't sail the Seas or play games - they are the ones laughing. 30 million is a drop in the bucket compared the entire world. It only has value to Rare because they are the ones profiting off of it. It has no value to any of us because we can't do anything with it except advertise iton Rare's behalf.

    As soon as they release older limited items again, they lose the opportunity playing that card.

    I don't see how they lose that card - re-releasing content isn't going to scare away those who earned it and chose to stay, and it's going to give more incentive for new pirates to join up and stick around, because there will be more for them to do and earn.

  • @ninja-naranja said:

    All we’ve learned here is that you personally don’t hold value in time limited cosmetics, that they’re not valuable in your eyes.

    This is false. The cosmetics do hold value for me, but it's personal value - I like it because I have it and I want it because I don't have it, but if you have it or don't have it doesn't change that fact either way. I could care less if you have the same shirt as me. You'll have yours and I'll have mine. As long as I look good and have options, then that's all I care about, but if I don't have everything, then that limits my options to create what I want. For example, I can't create an Ice Pirate because I was misinformed regarding the Frozen cosmetic set's release - prior to that release, every Twitch set released only on the weekends (F, S, and S), and that's what the SoT Twitch site said prior to its release - then on, Monday and Tuesday,the site updated unbeknownst to me and 2 more pieces were released that I missed as a result. I followed SoT on Twitter as well as multiple partners and nobody I followed mentioned the change before it was too late.

    If there is anything I'm annoyed with, it's not the community; it's not the game - it's Rare. They made a great product here, and I constantly see what I perceive as misstep after misstep, and I'm left wondering how much better SoT would be if they did things somewhat differently in select situstions, especiallyin regards to their cosmetics.

  • @galactic-geek said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    [...] I don't see how they lose that card - re-releasing content isn't going to scare away those who earned it and chose to stay, and it's going to give more incentive for new pirates to join up and stick around, because there will be more for them to do and earn.

    So, if they release content with some item as a reward, people might skip that, knowing they'll get it later on.

  • @lem0n-curry said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @galactic-geek said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    [...] I don't see how they lose that card - re-releasing content isn't going to scare away those who earned it and chose to stay, and it's going to give more incentive for new pirates to join up and stick around, because there will be more for them to do and earn.

    So, if they release content with some item as a reward, people might skip that, knowing they'll get it later on.

    They may skip it, but if it's initially released as part of an event, will they skip the experience of the event? If the event itself is good enough, my gut tells me that answer is no.

    The benefit of a re-release isn't for them anyways - it's for those who didn’t even have the opportunity to be there because their arrival upon the Sea came much later. They could easily have a cosmetic made available for completing certain commendations similar to, or related to, the event.

  • @galactic-geek said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @lem0n-curry said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @galactic-geek said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    [...] I don't see how they lose that card - re-releasing content isn't going to scare away those who earned it and chose to stay, and it's going to give more incentive for new pirates to join up and stick around, because there will be more for them to do and earn.

    So, if they release content with some item as a reward, people might skip that, knowing they'll get it later on.

    They may skip it, but if it's initially released as part of an event, will they skip the experience of the event? If the event itself is good enough, my gut tells me that answer is no.

    I certainly played more during the Cursed Sails event to get the sails and doubloons to buy limited stuff with.
    Now, they already have my money as I play on PC and bought the game. For people who got it for "free" with an Xbox service, my guess is Rare gets more money if more people play it: the more hours people put in SoT, the more their cut will be from that.

    New content gives more people playing during the release and the week or so after, part of that will be players who'll put in hours (or more hours) "incentived", whether that's a nice cosmetic or to ensure their side wins.

    The benefit of a re-release isn't for them anyways - it's for those who didn’t even have the opportunity to be there because their arrival upon the Sea came much later. They could easily have a cosmetic made available for completing certain commendations similar to, or related to, the event.

    The benefit of re-releasing will remove the incentive for players who feel the need to start playing during the update again because that don't want to miss out on stuff, because the limited aspect is removed; they might play it later, but miss enough of those and you'll lose their attention or they make choices into what things they might go for (decreasing total play-time).

  • TBH items may or may not come back but to make it kinda fair for all give everyone a choice to get 1 item back from the y1 items ,not saying it wasnt fair
    but there are way more players now and ppl maybe couldnt afford an xbox . 1 item of player choice for everyone and thats it

  • @captainrasha said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    TBH items may or may not come back but to make it kinda fair for all give everyone a choice to get 1 item back from the y1 items ,not saying it wasnt fair
    but there are way more players now and ppl maybe couldnt afford an xbox . 1 item of player choice for everyone and thats it

    But this isn't fair to everyone. You are going something to everyone but those of us that have everything from year 1. What would I get to pick? What would others in my situation get to pick from?

  • I'm gonna say I half agree. Things related to lore or events [Cursed sails, Hungering Deep, adventures, etc.] Should remain time limited- They're a badge of Honor, a sign that says "We were Here." Not just a flex, They're proof of experience.

    That said? Stuff given as a part of a season could stand to be re-released since it doesn't really tie-in to events in the world of Sea of thieves. So, yeah, re-release season rewards.

    Yes, all of them.

    Even that one thing I know you're all thinking of.

  • @captain-coel well my dude u have the morningstar set but u got a chance to have it again in the tall tales ... so ye heres ur example.
    or u can get smth new instead of that
    but other players who dont have any of y1 items should be allowed at least to get 1 item
    i dont understand why do u get to chose smth u already have?

  • @dudefiik meeeh we are talkin about y1 cosmetics not seasonal stuff
    season stuff was as bad as the new time limited stuff
    just give everyone who dont have the y1 items to chose 1 item to get and hopefully no one cries for one single item

  • @captainrasha no I'm saying if you give the ability to pick a year 1 cosmetic to everyone, you should give something to those people who have them all. To be clear if you weren't there, you shouldn't ever get those items.

  • @dudefiik They have already said that plunder pass items are meant to be re-introduced at some time. They have specifically said that the PL curse will return, when they figure out how to make it "as hard to get" as it was getting PL back in S1.

  • @captain-coel yup they could give smth else to ppl who have everything from y1 im not against that

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