Looking for a fun group to adventure with

  • Hello, I am kinda new to the game (less than 100 hours) but I am competitive and I like to do pretty much anything (that includes PvP also).
    I am more interested in a chill and not toxic group.
    Adults only.

  • 8
  • Hi! I think I am in a similar situation to you. I've just started playing recently and have had a lot of fun but would like to start experiencing the game as a crew. I'm fine with PvP at times but kind of just want to do a lot of different stuff depending on what comes up. I'm not really interested in toxic play either. Would palling up interest you?

  • @aaxonz
    Hey guys, if you’re down to run 3s im totally in. I have the same interests as you. Some pvp here and there but nothing crazy you know. My discord is Julian Molina#5630

  • Ya! I'm into it!

    I just realized something though. I'm on xbox. Are you guys on PC? Can we still chat together? I forgot to consider that and will look it up after work but do you know if that would still work?

  • @aaxonz i dont see why it shouldnt. Its just game chat, not a discord or xbox party

  • Me and my best friend run a 2 man crew and are looking for others to play with! My Xbox gamer tag is cutiegiraffe30 if you are interested!

  • @aaxonz
    I've sent you a message on xbox social.

  • Hi there, also looking for the same. I'm down for anything, but just want a regular crew to sail with.
    XbL: Dharmajones
    Discord: Mush#2152
    Feel free to friend and invite if I'm on.
    Good luck!

4 out of 8