Empty Treasure chest

  • Just a helping hand you should have the one of the Trading companies sell a empty treasure chest so we can use them to carry more stuff because it’s hard to find all the empty ones in the game and and it’s a hassle to carry everything one by one and mostly for single sloop players

  • 17
  • Buy a treasure chest, an item you can sell right back?

  • @darkwolf6289 said in Empty Treasure cheat:

    Just a helping hand you should have the one of the Trading companies sell a empty treasure chest so we can use them to carry more stuff because it’s hard to find all the empty ones in the game and and it’s a hassle to carry everything one by one and mostly for single sloop players

    Hard to find ?
    Do a riddle from the Gold Hoarders or from a quest in a bottle / barrel.
    Kill an Ashen Key Masters and an Ashen Guardian, chest is on the same island, key drops.
    Skloeps / Skalleons sometimes have them, forts do have them, fleets do have them.
    There is even a Tall Tale that gives them.

    If that all fails, find a player crew - they probably have them ...

  • @burnbacon They could possibly do the same as what happened with the merchants? You have to visit a different outpost to sell empty? But they would accept the chest if it had stuff in it?

  • I agree that this should be a buyable item. The question is: How much would you pay for it? It has to be enough that you can't realistically use it as an exploit to make gold in any capacity. I'm guessing it'd be a minimum of 2500 gold to buy (which I'd be fine with).

  • @musicmee said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @burnbacon They could possibly do the same as what happened with the merchants? You have to visit a different outpost to sell empty? But they would accept the chest if it had stuff in it?

    I think the only reason that exists for the crates is because there are actual voyages for these, which would make completing those trivially easy. Get a wood crate delivery, go to outpost, buy crate, completed.

    If the price of an empty chest is higher than the sell price, there is no way you can exploit that for gain since these don't tie into any commendations or voyages directly.

  • I think it’s a reasonable request.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @musicmee said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @burnbacon They could possibly do the same as what happened with the merchants? You have to visit a different outpost to sell empty? But they would accept the chest if it had stuff in it?

    I think the only reason that exists for the crates is because there are actual voyages for these, which would make completing those trivially easy. Get a wood crate delivery, go to outpost, buy crate, completed.

    If the price of an empty chest is higher than the sell price, there is no way you can exploit that for gain since these don't tie into any commendations or voyages directly.

    I mean, you can still do this. If you have a supply crate voyage from a bottle, you get the crate empty for free. You then buy a full one, transfer to the empty crate you get for the voyage, then sell.

  • @lem0n-curry that part I know just in stead using other coins why not sale them

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @d3adst1ck said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @musicmee said in Empty Treasure chest:

    @burnbacon They could possibly do the same as what happened with the merchants? You have to visit a different outpost to sell empty? But they would accept the chest if it had stuff in it?

    I think the only reason that exists for the crates is because there are actual voyages for these, which would make completing those trivially easy. Get a wood crate delivery, go to outpost, buy crate, completed.

    If the price of an empty chest is higher than the sell price, there is no way you can exploit that for gain since these don't tie into any commendations or voyages directly.

    I mean, you can still do this. If you have a supply crate voyage from a bottle, you get the crate empty for free. You then buy a full one, transfer to the empty crate you get for the voyage, then sell.

    That's true. I guess I don't know what the point of the restriction is then :D

  • you know when i mentioned this idea everybody was like heck no! now people are changing their tunes lol love the idea!

  • @madfrito99 thank you

  • This should 100% be in the game, just make the price right and the sell price much much lower, e.g. buy them from GH for 5-10k, sell for 1k - I'd happily pay a lot of gold for the reduction in time of having to seek out empty chests first, or juggle single items. Selling/delivering items is by far the most tedious part of this game.

    Additionally this should be the same with empty storage crates, currently bought for 17.5k (I think), at least let us sell empty ones back for 1-2k (not to point of purchase) just like with the cannonball/fruit/wood crates.

  • I'm still for deleting buyable crates at all...so this is a no from me...
    I don't know why some are struggling to find those, just like supply crates...I end every session with tons of both of them

  • @burnbacon said in Empty Treasure chest:

    Buy a treasure chest, an item you can sell right back?

    You can also sell fruit crates right back. But seriously, you can sell an empty chest for 155 - 750 gold, so why not make it cost 1500 ?

    I agree entirely, this is one of the most needed features in the game, for playability. When you end up with 50 skulls, and you have to run them one by one because you don't have a chest is SO annoying.

  • @admiralcorporal agree 50 skulls and gems also

  • @burnbacon You can buy crates that you can sell to another outpost? Your point is?

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