Key for Fort of Fortune Griefing

  • An interesting and pretty irritating part of the Fort of Fortune gameplay happened involving my crew and I, because after 2-4 hours of fighting over a Fort, vs about 15 other people on other ships/alliances, one sloop snuck in and stole the key.
    That's fine, and good on him for doing it. However, as we were chasing him upwind, where his ship is the fastest, he kept jumping off and yelling to let him get the vault, or he would sink the key in the edge of the map where no one could use it.
    After attempting to catch him with wind changes and failing, we thought that we would at least be able to recover it once he sank even if we died just getting it closer to inside the edge, he sailed off the map and did just what he threatened. He got far enough out that even whenever our crew attempted to cannon out to the key, with full food and ammo, and swim it back, they could not even reach it and either died or got teleported back to our ship.
    The icon still stayed on our map, and as we called it a lost cause, the same person kept chasing us and taunting that they ruined the fort for us and we wouldn't have anymore fun.
    If there was a mechanic to where the key, if taken into the edge of the map and sunk. would instead be obtainable, whether that means moving it to the edge of the map instead of outside it, respawning the boss that drops it, or something else I feel that would be better for everyone spending time attempting to do the new fort, and not just the one spoil-sport with a scorched earth policy.

  • 21
  • Yeh well you should of let him open the door like he askd.

    However I do feel people should get credit for the completion of they are on the island when the door is opened.

    As of now the only way to get credit for the completion you need to be on the crew that used the key. Doesn't matter if your in a alliance or not.

  • I think loot should spawn at the inside of the fog if a ship sinks in the fog - instead of at the ships wreck.

    Even at the shores of gold.

  • @ajm123

    Yeh well you should of let him open the door like he askd.

    Quite easily the most stupid thing I'll probably read today...

    NO! They really shouldn't have done as the guy said. And quite frankly, the guy shouldn't be taking advantage of unintended game mechanis which have been left untended ever since the game was released.


    I feel you brother, I've had extreme cowards despawning ship and having all the loot on their board go with it. Sadly this thing has been around since the game exists, and we sometimes have to deal with such people.

    Call it a night and set your sight at your next adventure!

  • @nerdquake1

    Red Sea dumping loot is bad sportsmanship. It is something Rare should really consider fixing.

    Running with the key of a fort however is a very old tactic and they use to not even show on the map. My advice in dealing with these type of players is to create a false sense of security, that you indeed have given up... while just rowboat parking a couple of your crew at the fort (don't move to far from the rowboat to avoid mermaids from spawning). The new barrel emote should also really be a nice asset to hide in plain sight. Let them get on land, open the vault and ambush them. The one on the ship can state whether they brought the key along and how far they are, while those on the island can indicate when it is time to sail towards the fort as the loot is now in play.

  • @ajm123 said:

    Yeh well you should of let him open the door like he askd.

    This, or y'know, act like a pirate and lie.

    If that guy told me, "I'll cooperate if you lemme open the vault," I would've agreed, thrown my ally flag up, and acted friendly until he was parked at the fort & walking the key over to the door.

    Always feels a little dirty betraying another crew, but hey, deception is part of the game. Plus it's better than him red-seaing the key and no one getting it :P

  • As others have said, get him back on the island and once he is off, keep a crewmate on his ship and the other 2-3 of you kill him once he is on the island.

    If you can preplan it that well, have the sneaky crewmate on his ship with an explosive barrel, so that once he respawns after dying the 1st time, you kill him again by blowing him up and sinking his ship, to waste even more of his time and get him to respawn somewhere else.

  • @nerdquake1

    I'm not saying what he did was right, but there were multiple ways you could have played that.

    You out numbered him, just have three hide on the island, while the forth takes the gally away, wait for him to head back and jump him. Once the keys secured you bring the gally back.

  • No. If its lost in the red its lost in the red.

  • Isnt this what SoT is about, trick, spoil and best other players, no matter what way and at any cost, use exploits , give nothing about good sportmanship etc... ?
    At least Rare supports this playstyles for long time and encourage people to play the game this way.

  • For the most part he had an ok plan stole key ran into wind made sure the crew/crews didn’t get the loot for them selfs all understand able heck even sailing into the red so no one gets the loot but coming back and just taunting you seems just down right petty there’s no need for that tho what you guy should have down is his near by let him open the vault then take it all back

  • @theblackbellamy I mean I sure wouldn't do that muhahahaha

  • Look the Red Sea play sucks. But we’ve all copped it. I think holding everyone hostage is awesome though.
    Plus he was clever enough to Knick the key from under their noses.

    And he did try to negotiate!

    Honestly it’s kind of a great story that only these awesome open mechanics allow.

    If he hadn’t tried negotiate, I’d agree that it’s simply grieving. But he gave you an option...

    Ultimately, it’s a cool story...

    PS. Having said that, I’m not against Rare but patching out the Red Sea play...

  • @ajm123

    We considered it, and we decided not to since we thought we could grab it if his ship sank, as well as the fact that if he opens it, he gains access to mega kegs and Athenas kegs, along with that we were just misinformed of if it would work. We thought that if a ship goes down in the red sea, we could still recover it's loot.
    The main purpose of this post was just to share my feeling that with how long the fort takes to do, and how many people it impacts on a server if one guy decides to do this, so Rare could see that it is highly frustrating, so much so that many of my crew that night are now taking an extended break from SoT because of how frustrated they were.

  • @cotu42

    True, my main gripe with this situation was the dumping. He played it well so that while we were fighting he yoinked the key. That's just good job on him and I have no issue with people doing that

  • @badassfro

    True, we played it wrong. Partly though it was because we didn't know how the red sea worked and how it is unrecoverable since we never had that happen before. If how the red sea worked was more clear we may have attempted this. Hindsight is 20/20.

  • @nerdquake1 if a Pirate Legend Fort filled with the best loot in the game is to hard.. start small. Don't quit the game.

    Id highly recommend do what I do. You see fort do it. Do so many that it's second hand where to be looking for people/ships. Have a crew that you play with wether it's 1 person or 10. Then try to experiment with ways of getting loot. Sometimes getting loot isn't even the goal for me it's seeing if a idea would work.I

    The key for me is always have a plan in place no matter what. Don't trust other pirates. Always think what's the worst they can do and eventually they won't have a play because you already thought of it.

  • @ajm123 It isn't me who is taking a break, my crew is. They have had other bad experiences and this seemed to be the moment where they got fed up for now

  • The best thing you could've done was to have a rowboat somewhat hidden around the fort and be tucced close to it to avoid a mermaid spawn. Sooner or later he will think it's safe to return and get the loot and you simply ambush him the second he touches the island.

  • Red Sea must not stop.
    It is the last revenge for the inferiors.
    And I really hate the teamspeak using e-sports like Galleon coming for me.

    Sea of Thugs it is.

  • Nice fair play to the guy and some dude saying you shouldn't do what he said, yes you should have you could've played it better and tucked on the fort while chasing him say yeah ok open the fort soon as he does your tucker emerges blows the kegs kills him and loots yours, he played it right you guys played it wrong, there was alot of options you could've used to make him bring the key back. Also how how in the heck did you let someone take the key alot of this sounds like you wasn't being vigilant and got hit because of it.

8 out of 21