Buying supplies

  • It would be cool if u could by supplies with coins from outposts a crate of wood with only 1 plank is 150 gold this is the sane for a cannon crate with only 1 cannon ball.

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  • @toast-ghost1323 this has been discussed a lot already, it would not be balanced or fair if this was an option

  • @l-snapper-l What if, for PL, you could just buy a empty chest or a storage crate ?
    Buying planks, cannon balls or food wouldn't be fair, but leave the possibility maybe for PL for exclusivity to buy some stuff which doesn't impact or unbalance the gameplay.

  • what if, i spend hours and hours collecting supplies from all around the seas. I have over 1000 planks and cannonballs when a new player just spawns. Isn't that situation the same as if I bought them? But honestly, there's a ton of supplies everywhere. Sink a skelly sloop and it will most likely drop a storage crate which you can use to easily loot every island and floating barrels with ease. And it's free

  • @uzugijin said in Buying supplies:

    what if, i spend hours and hours collecting supplies from all around the seas. I have over 1000 planks and cannonballs when a new player just spawns. Isn't that situation the same as if I bought them? But honestly, there's a ton of supplies everywhere. Sink a skelly sloop and it will most likely drop a storage crate which you can use to easily loot every island and floating barrels with ease. And it's free

    No... because you spent hours and hours collecting supplies and by doing so you are being rewarded with a stocked ship, which is not based on how often you have sailed the seas before... horizontal progression system. Have you ever sunk a ship and had them return: do they have hours on hours of time to collect more supplies or is there a time sensitive situation at hand before you collect and sell the treasure? Naval combat is very dependent upon your preparation, if you have an endless amount of planks, cannonballs, etc. it removes a gameplay element of the game and makes it a button click.

    Let me phrase it with another scenario: Should your shovel just magically be enhanced to dig up the treasure and teleport it on board, just because you spend some extra coin? What does it matter, isn't that the same as me digging it up myself and walking it to my ship? Gathering supplies is part of the gameplay...

  • @cotu42 I know, I like gathering supplies but we didn't even discuss the price, the amount, the method, etc. shrugs I'd say... mmmm.... 10k for a wood crate of 50 planks? haha, this thread won't go anywhere. cheers!

  • @uzugijin read again

  • Price and amount doesn't matter. It could be free and empty and would still allow you to immediately circumvent barrel placement and place supplies wherever you want, which is a HUGE advantage - for example, placing cannonballs right next to each cannon.

  • @galactic-geek your saying this like its only an advantage for one person. literally everyone can do it. Someone who is new to the game can do it. So if u dont then its ur fault. So if its an advantage that everyone can do than its not an advantage

  • No. Resource scarcity (or difficulty to gather quickly) helps to limit engagement spamming and server rolling.

    You want supplies, go out and find supplies. You want a storage crate, go out and find a storage crate.

  • @toast-ghost1323 said in Buying supplies:

    @galactic-geek your saying this like its only an advantage for one person. literally everyone can do it. Someone who is new to the game can do it. So if u dont then its ur fault. So if its an advantage that everyone can do than its not an advantage

    Everybody could do the double gun exploit when it was in the game. Did that make it fair and balanced? No, it did not. It had a dramatic and negative effect on gameplay options, as does this.

    Pirates asking to buy supplies are lazybeards who don't understand how to adequately manage their supplies effectively. They also fail to see how it's integral to gameplay via potential distraction and that can lead to encounters.

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