Servers to crowded now, half of them toxic

  • Used to be that you'd see a player every 15 minutes minimum. Now I'm seeing them everywhere. Half of them are toxic.
    I don't mean the good old pvp hunting players for their loot. I mean making an alliance to steal their treasure behind our backs after they've started trusting them. I mean hounding and targeting players even with the knowledge that they have no loot. I mean helping a solo player clear a fort under an alliance flag, then taking everything. Staying on a players ship and continually killing them as they spawn even though there's no loot to be had, forcing a scuttle .People think they're being clever, but really they're ruining others experience. Pvp is fine and expected, this behavior is not. There's been an influx of players, especially toxic ones ever since the holidays. Servers need to be cleared a little. Even if others complained about the lack thereof, it's just not worth it. You can't change players behavior even with a reporting system.

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  • This is the most fun the game has ever been I'm glad to see people playing. I feel like the being toxic as you put it only lasts for a little while. The whole kill kill kill thing gets old fast and making servers less crowded wouldn't change anything imo

  • being a bloodthirsty pirate does not mean they are toxic, when someone starts swearing at you and calling you names and degrading you that's toxic, sinking ships breaking alliances and stealing loot or supplies does not mean toxic, everyone one seems to forget that they bought an advertised cross platform open world pvp game

  • @algaram
    How dare you bring reasoning to the forum and expose what toxic really means and whats not.

  • @asa-bladerover Ahoy matey, the servers are still just as crowded as before. They haven’t raised the limit for the amount of players that can be on the same server.

  • @asa-bladerover

    The servers are still the same size.

    1. Spawn camping is an effective method to take control a ship.
    2. Alliances are just a method to share loot if you want and betrayal is an aspect of it not a flaw.
      2.1) Never trust an alliance crafted at a cloud event.
      2.2) Never fully trust a pirate not on your crew.
    3. Hunting crews have always been around.

    With Duke being scared recently and hasn't been providing any new reason to join forces which tends to result in more bloodshed on the seas, play accordingly.

    Solo play is the most challenging mode and only for the courageous and skillful pirates.

    Toxic behavior is not engaging in the game, it is the unnecessary use of foul, hurtful language or messing with your own crew. Which are offenses you can report.

  • I've been seeing somewhat the opposite... the sheer number of Server Migrations due to Low Populations., with maybe the 3rd or 4th we're migrated onto actually having more than 2 Ships on it; isn't something uncommon to me.

    I've also not really experienced said more "Clever" behaviour., instead I tend to encounter nothing but "Shoot First... Shoot Everything... Keep Hunting Until ALL THE THINGS ARE DEAD!" type of Players.

    About the only behaviour change I've seen is that the utilisation of Alliances, with one of the Ships using the PVP Flag as "Bait" … it's arguably a clever move, but at the same time frustrating that should you engage one ship (be it to Pirate, or just drive them out of your Voyage Area; that they're "Hunting" around)., well the next thing you know is you're facing down Multiple Crews (typically High Skill, Hardcore Players) who then harass you until you basically quit out of the server.

    Now for me in said scenarios, my basic reaction is "I'm done with Sea of Thieves for tonight" and I only play once a week... but I mean there are others I'd imagine feel the need to switch servers; something that isn't exactly helped by the Notice from Rare on the Barge of the Damned suggesting exactly that.

    I mean look... it's one thing to be Argh! Pirates and Marauders.
    It's another to be like a Dog with a Bone simply Harassing Players until they Quit.

    Heck aside from anything else., if a Casual / Core Players stops playing after having such an experience., well chances are, they're not going to exactly be looking forward to the next play Session... especially should that be the most common "End of Session" result.

    And the other day., I literally was unable to go anywhere without being dragged into yet another battle with a Crew who refused to leave us alone.

    Gods forbid you don't leave at least a Horizon between you and another ship; as they'll typically take that as you've challenged them to a game of fist-y cuffs.
    Should such players be Pirate Legends... well congratulations, because you've just won an all expenses paid Vacation to the Barge of the Damned for the next few hours as such players are typically Hyper-Competitive, Higher Skilled and Determined to Draw everyone and everything into PVP; not to mention they actually KNOW every dang exploit that results in the concept of "Escaping" a laughable joke.

    "Run in the Shallows, the Galleon won't be able to follow" … yeah any now they're launching crew onto the Island to grab Powder Kegs and or lay in wait to grab your ship as it passes.

    "Run into the Wind, the Galleon / Brig can't keep pace" … yeah it's weird, but I've tried that "Sails" Glitch multiple times; not a ducking clue how to do it, but those Legend crews; yeah they do... and while still trying to figure out something they're not broadsiding and/or ramming into us; while they have 1-3 of them leap on-board to almost insta-kill you (might get 1 or 2... but that 3rd ALWAYS gets me) … ANNND now we're being Spawn Camped.

    In fact not only are they not touching the Treasure; but they've Repaired the ship to ENSURE we can't go anywhere without scuttling our own boat.
    The second they see us again, regardless of how wide a berth we give them; again they're on our rear ends like a child with Haribo.

    So then people will say "Oh, well just switch Servers then...", yeah awesome... so your resolution to Grief and Harassment Play, isn't to ask "Why the fudge isn't Rare adding mechanics to counter such behaviour... which isn't in keeping with the Friendly Competitive Environment for all Ages" but instead to just keep quiet, go somewhere else, and HOPE it doesn't occur on said new Server. (which it typically does, until you just give up playing)

    And it REALLY doesn't matter if you're playing On-Peak, Off-Peak... etc. said Players are Commonplace.
    In fact I'd argue further that some of those who respond on the forums claiming it isn't an issue, that players should just get used to such behaviour... which maybe you're right given Rare doesn't seem to want to do anything about it after not even addressing it with mechanics changes after 8+ months of the game being out.
    Are in-fact despite how "Nice" or "Friendly" said players might behave on the forums; are those who are engaging in said Harassment behaviour In-Game.

    And here's the thing... if I wanted to play Eve Online., I'd go play Eve Online.
    Heck, at least then I could point my Alliance at whichever group is Harassing and say "Go have fun... I want you to bring me all of the screencaps and videos of the tears you can mine from them."

    Yet, that's not the reason I'm playing Sea of Thieves... heck that's not how Rare have consistently advertised or exposited is what said Game is about.
    So... then why should we be accepting that this is how the game is presently allowed to be, or such an element of player is allowed to exist with simply no recourse?

    Sea of Thieves isn't supposed to be Cutthroat Pirates., but Scallywag Pirates.
    We're talking Disney Treasure Planet., not Black Sails.

    And I think that we do actually need to see greater support and unity from within the community itself to FORCE Rare to take more notice, address and help brainstorm potential means to remove the pure Anarchistic Freeform; and add elements of Crime and Punishment Systems... maybe not to remove, but at least temper and limit such behaviour.

    You know to try to foster a more Friendly Competitive / Cooperative Environment within the game Mechanics; rather than needing to essentially band into an Xbox / Discord Carebear Group who engage in Server Invasions to by their own cognition enforce a more Friendly and Pleasant Atmosphere.

    I mean IF this has to occur from outside of the game., clearly the mechanics of the game are simply not providing the necessary elements to make Play Sessions a "Pleasant" Experience.

    Some of this can be alleviated by a Matchmaking System, that keeps similarly Skilled Crews / Ships together. Some of this can be resolved by fixing dang exploits.
    Some of this can be encouraged through punishment systems, that means players can't simply chose (A) playstyle., but instead need to engage in various playstyles to keep engaging in what they enjoy taking part in.

  • @leyvin Dude, that is almost a literal wall of text. Suffice it to say, if they fixed your ship to spawn camp kill you then yes I would call that griefing. I’ve been in that situation twice and it isn’t fun nor do I understand why they do it. I just scuttle losing the loot as if they were regular pirates and switch servers (assuming not deep into an Athena). There’s no other recourse unless you go back and grief them, but if they’ve go no loot it just wastes your time further. So I’d suggest a deep breath and a quick server switch.

  • I have sunk a 3 man brig yesterday morning what 3-4 times defending my fleet and making sure they never got the fort key (hid it well before the last fight with them) and they eventually after 3hrs managed to sink us ONCE since we sold everything and had nothing to loose them.. all I could hear was slander, swearing and all manner of toxic mannerisms from them going on about how we suck etc etc.

    I'm sorry but you tell me I am bad at the game when I have killed and sunk you multiple times? then you have a screw loose in that head. I just don't reply at all to these people, since there is nothing to gain.

  • @haydnsym45 • Perhaps you should've read what I wrote, as your response is quite literally one of the ones that I list; along with WHY such a response is less than helpful.

    But as you seem to have a lack of desire to read, which I mean... this is a forum, that's the primary aspect of such.

    If I'm being Harassed / Grieved to the point at which my only resource is to switch Servers, then I'm simply going to stop playing.
    Why? Because I have limited time to play, and if all I'm going to get is Grieved; then it isn't worth my time continuing and I might as well salvage the evening by playing something else or watching something on Netflix for the remainder of my free time.
    All switching servers accomplishes is no longer being Harassed / Grieved by THAT particular Crew... it doesn't mean it won't instantly or shortly occur the next Server I go to.

    Yet here's the thing... as I noted, by ignoring / accepting this as … well acceptable behaviour or "Just part of the game"., well it'd be like if you said to your local Council Members.
    "Hey... I keep getting a bunch of Teens who harass me every day I try to walk to work, is there anything you're going to do about it."

    And their response is to just look at you stone faced while the rest of the people are saying "Hey, have you tried renting a place in a different area?"
    I mean sure... it'll result in that gang no longer harass me, but doesn't mean that there won't be a new gang that decides to do the exact same.

    This behaviour affects, but also reflect poorly on the Sea of Thieves Community... as do the common responses.
    And here's the thing... I'm not asking for said Teens to be "Jailed" as it were., as they won't learn anything from that, let alone be pleasant and reasonable members of said community.

    Instead what I'm suggesting is there are systems put in place to discourage such behaviour, and who knows actually get the support from the rest of the community for Rare to actually DO SOMETHING; rather than the usual let's all bury our heads in the sand and pretend things are perfect, when we've all to some degree experienced this.

    Even the concept of saying "Get Good"... sure, alright... but how are Lower-Skilled Players supposed to do that if you're rarely ever playing with people who are actually your own skill level?

    As again in my experience Players in general seem to be either FAR above my Skill Level that I never live long enough to learn anything... heck I'm lucky if I even see / hear what the heck just happened rather than simply keeling over dead.
    Or those who are so far below, that honestly I've stopped attacks midway through because it somewhat felt cruel.

    And as I pointed out., it's not that I can't play the "Heartless ahem Brute"... as I'm much more harsh in Eve Online; but for Sea of Thieves a) I'm somewhat cognisant that Children play... b) I play Sea of Thieves for a much more Light-Hearted and less Stress Inducing Cutthroat experience.

    Surely the game that was marketed and presented as such, should have systems in place to maintain such an atmosphere; and in lieu of such a community that is pressuring Rare to add such systems that don't destroy the Open Social World Concepts.

  • @leyvin I did read it. Look, simple fact is switching servers is fast and easy. The number of actual griefers is pretty small. I’m Athena 7 and have only had it happen maybe 4 times total. But whatever you’re entitled to be as angry and to leave too if you want.

  • @haydnsym45 said in Servers to crowded now, half of them toxic:

    @leyvin I did read it. Look, simple fact is switching servers is fast and easy. The number of actual griefers is pretty small. I’m Athena 7 and have only had it happen maybe 4 times total. But whatever you’re entitled to be as angry and to leave too if you want.

    [Mod edited]

    I've been playing since the Closed Beta, as since Launch it's been a near constant problem... guaranteed to occur at least once a play session.

    Regardless IF it occurs often to you or not... is irrelevant to the point.
    That such behaviour can exist AT ALL without any Systems or Mechanics in the Game to discourage it., instead with the onus on the Victim to "Do something about it"; and with a Community in general blasé about it even being a problem because you can "Quickly" (which, loading times; especially for friends on Xbox whom I play with, can hardly be called "Quick"... and when you have 2-3hrs to play at most per week; spending 5min getting everyone loaded in, then another 15-20min to "Stock Up" just to be able to do anything beyond Voyages with the hope you're going to be left alone... well it tends to add up to the actual time to switch servers.
    This isn't including any lost time from being jumped and harassed in the first place, in terms of the loot; which eh, sure whatever that's 20-30min lost time but then you don't know if they are specifically going to KEEP harassing you.
    Maybe it's a one-time thing., so you play for a bit longer just to see if they give up after being Sunk, after you've outrun them for a bit, after you've respawned the ship... to set out, then another 10-15min "Oh there they are again"

    Before I know it, I've lost 1/3 to a 1/2 of my available playtime that week to dealing with such.

    And I'm not angry at said players... sure they're being childish, anti-social and frankly engaging in disruptive behaviour outside of the intent of the game to be "All in Good Fun"., but rather what angers me is the COMMUNITY response, from players like yourself.

    Which is essentially a "Eh, not my problem. So couldn't care less to see anything done about it."
    And no you might not have said those exact words, that's the tone and tenor of your response.

  • I won’t suspect a change to server population until it is announced in release notes.

    Some days the seas seem crowded. Other days you wonder where everyone went. One sailor’s personal impressions over several successive play sessions is no guide.

  • The server limit is about 6 ships. One of them is yours, the servers are rarely full, merging all the time as well, so let's say that there are 3 other ships on average with you.

    There are 4 main areas - NW, NE, S + Devil's Roar. You can spend hours doing things without meeting anyone, especially if you actively avoid other players.

    There are also many things players do - learning the game, free sailing, voyages (cargo runs half the time at sea posts and outposts), clouds, hunting megs/skeletons/krakens, achievements, athenas, social / pve alliances and then pvp with a small subset of griefers.

    I seriously doubt half of them are toxic - I am a MMORPG player, mostly sailing solo, since Christmas I clock about 6 hours a day in the game - because it's bloody fun. The number of toxic players I met - 1 group that was mildly harassing a young girl with stupid remarks. I get in a pvp fight about once every two - three hours. I don't know where are all the griefers at - maybe in the distance because the safe option is to avoid the other players as much as possible when you have things to lose.

    I have noticed that the alliance flag increases the chance of pvp tho... but most of the alliances are fine.

    Just my anecdotal experience.

  • @leyvin Ahoy matey!

    Please be careful with the language you use when posting on the forum. I have have had to edit your post as it does not comply with the forum rules, please remember to stick to these when posting in the future.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • If you're being continuously spawn killed on your own boat, you should probably be grateful. It means that the opposing crew is crazy enough to give you a fighting chance - they're not taking your treasure or sinking your ship (worst case scenario, they're slowly stealing your supplies). Spawn in with your crew at the same time, overwhelm them, and take back your ship! Playing solo? Scuttle so they can't steal your supplies, and move on.

  • @leyvin the seas are a unpredictable place. Enjoy the moment, engage in a way that you enjoy dealing with stubborn pirates.

    There are very few people that revel in constant chases and especially when they are being outplayed at every corner. The situation you describe is an extremely rare occurrence.

    This is an online multiplayer game afterall and things don't always go as you plan. No need to get angry when we point this out.

    The best and worst moments happen when we least expect them and are not planned out. In this game we lose and we win, it is the moments and stories that we bilge rats want to experience, not the spoils or empty fights.

    It is how we deal with the situation that turns them from annoying to amazing. Some of my best stories started off with relentless chases or aggressive moves by others with some salty crew members at my side.

  • @asa-bladerover Right now the game is actually under populated. The servers used to allow more players per server when the game was first released. They changed it after a month or 2 since players were complaining about never having a chance to do anything because there were ships everywhere.

    I understand what you want to say, however, I feel as if we could actually use more players per server.

  • The solution to more than half of your complaint can be summed up in one sentence: Don' trust anybody.

    As for the 'joy hunters' that kill for sport, you just have to deal with them by putting holes in their ship and them.

  • @cotu42 I would edit your thing there. Never trust a pirate that is not on your friends list really. You have to be wary of even people on your own crew as they could random in and drop loot over the side or keg the boat.

    Can't trust no one but your own friends.

  • Update:
    Oh, this is great. I see people's comments. Yes, they are more saturated, trust me to be smart enough to see the difference. Lots of before and after experience.
    I do know the difference between toxic and pvp, and trust me here to, I left out most of it, the worst of it. Even without the worst of it, these things people do to ruin someone's experience so much are enough. I'm not at all talking pirating and sinking ships, that's part of the game, if that ruins your experience, maybe not the right game for you. I've done my own share of it.
    This is an every day occurrence for my crew as one, personal example. The game was fun before December, the chance of being pirated was part of that. Now we can't set sail without being griefed by people who think their fun should come so strongly at other's expense. The toxicity, meaning the swearing and abuse, and the griefing , meaning the constant targeting despite the lack of incentive or reward other then someone gets off on it.
    Forgive me if this seems strong, but also please remember I'm discussing my opinion on a forum. Please don't assume I don't know what I'm talking about or insult my intelligence.

  • I should add, though. Some people stated their experiences or opinions that were different than mine without all that. Thank you, to those people, I appreciate it.
    Honestly, though I've considered not playing any longer due to the amount of strongly negative player experiences I've had the last couple months, which would be a same, this game promises to get even better content.

  • @shinten-rai if a crew member griefs me I report them, as that is against policy

  • @dennis-box sagte in Servers to crowded now, half of them toxic:

    How dare you bring reasoning to the forum and expose what toxic really means and whats not.

    Yes, that's outrageous! Reasoning has no place here! (Giggle)

  • @cotu42 said in Servers to crowded now, half of them toxic:

    @shinten-rai if a crew member griefs me I report them, as that is against policy

    Which doesn't resolve the problem any more than "Switch Servers" as advice.
    All it does it lead to fewer and fewer players on the Servers.

    [mod edit]
    there is also an Automated Swear Filter (which as a note, doesn't just flag and disable Swear Words,. there's actually quite a litany of perfectly reasonable words that aren't allowed now because they could "Potentially" be Offensive to "Some" people).

    [mod edit]
    Because when it comes to the behaviour in the game... what are in the In-Game Mechanics to curb said behaviour?

    Leave or Report. That's it., and those strictly speaking aren't even in-game Mechanics because that's true for EVERY Game.

    I don't WANT to see the Game Population constantly shrinking because either Players like myself just get fed up and move on to other games.
    Just as I don't want to see said "Problematic" Players simply banned form the Game and/or Xbox Live... as they won't LEARN anything... they won't stop being such "Toxic" individuals; it's just an "Out of Sight. Out of Mind." mentality.

    And because such a system is (Long-Term) Reactive., frankly I don't want any of the Children in my family exposed to such behaviour... in what is supposed to be an All-Ages Friendly Game... isn't that why the Forums are supposedly [mod edit] Moderated?
    That's the excuse I keep hearing at any rate.

    So why on earth is Rare (and the Community as a whole), so renascent to simply allowing the Game itself to be an Anarchistic Wasteland; that doesn't just allow, but frankly by designed and lack of any negative affects to said actions (beyond killing the Concurrent player base, which... yeah that's sensible... when only a handful of players left playing making it unviable to keep the game going, will people THEN admit there is an issue?!) for said individuals are in essence ENCOURAGED to Engage with the rest of the Community in such a way.

    I mean why the heck do you think the Community as a whole began to engage in a "Shoot First" or "Avoid like the Plague" policy when they play, when it comes to other Players?
    In the Beta it was hardly uncommon, to roll up to another crew … and you know be capable of being friendly.

    For a short period after a launch, this again., was a less common but still possible.
    Today... how often do you ACTUALLY come across another Crew that doesn't just instantly try to slaughter you on the spot?

    And here's the thing, we can say "Well, maybe most of these types of players are Children / Teenagers..." … "They're learning this behaviour from various Streamers" … which might be true... I don't know, none of us know... Rare refuses to release any Statistics for us to do any research or look for any empirical data that helps strengthen arguments; so instead we have to resort to Anecdotal evidence and experience.

    Still it wouldn't surprise me if such bad behaviour was stemming form the Younger Community., yet still... I'd argue it just means they're more likely (but not the only ones) who'll engage in such toxic behaviour BECAUSE there are no Consequences to their Actions.

    Just kicking people out, IS NOT a Consequence. They won't learn to be more Respectful, Friendly or Pleasant Players... they'll just be angry they were banned, create a new account and come back to do it all over again.

    It's so infuriating that none of this is being taken seriously.

  • @leyvin whoa there fella - discussion of mod action is against the forum rules. These types of posts usually result in a ban from the forum.
    I'd go ahead and edit your response matey.

    With regards to some of your other points - from personal experience I very rarely find toxic, or abusive players anymore at all and my play sessions are usually 4 to 6 hours long, so it is not a lack of time on the waves.

    Also - this game is not designed to be played by children - yes it is a specific Rare-cartoon style, but that is just the style, The content of the game has been rated to be Teen by the ESRB.

    The rest is simply a rant I feel. What would you have Rare do, other than kick people from the game/community if they are being toxic?

  • @leyvin reports will cause them to receive warnings and if enough are submitted might lead to bans etc. Which actually addresses the pirates that are doing these actions. Losing their account is a consequence, especially for younger players as they usually are invested into their characters.

    Also, this is a TEEN rated game and therefore not suited for All ages. Those ratings are there for a reason. Allowing your 8 year old to play is your responsibility not that of the developers or community.

    I believe you can mute other crews in the menu to not hear them. For a more direct solution.

    Swapping sessions is a valid way to avoid people you don't want to play with. For me it is a last resort.

    I usually just confront them on the seas and deal with them by wasting their time circling them in like a 4 square area and watching them trying to board and making fun of them or of with a full crew just go for a frontal attack.

    It is an open multiplayer game and there people out there that love being $!/@€×¥ (fill in what you like). Welcome to the internet.

    I have played this game a lot and I come across it from time to time, but is isn't half the servers or a daily experience. Most people complain about general PvP, sinking someone or killing them is not toxic behavior if done in silence or with ingame banter in my opinion.

    I have shouted once while taking over a galleon with a gilded voyage on their table after spotting them at an island for 15 mins: "where is all your treasure!?? Give me your treasure! The BOOTY! WHERE IS IT! I want your booty" while I was slicing through them one by one. We sank them and searched the island in vain, we didn't bother them after that even though we spotted them like 10 mins later. It didn't seem profitable and the fight wasn't really good enough for a redo.

    I expressed my frustration of them not having loot (and they were not extremely friendly), as I tend to try and get something from pvp and the time spent at the island should have been more than enough to get something done. I genuinely didn't understand how they didn't have anything. Usually I am just silent or talking to my crew regarding the battle at hand if using game chat. I can always be talked into a truce based on the terms during a fight and if I am with my buddies I have the ability to call off the assault - which happens based on the conversation we have.

    Is that toxic or just pirating?

  • @Leyvin
    I will happily report any post where someone uses the terms snowflake or sheep or any other derogatory and dehumanizing name. We are people, just like you and should be treated as such and absolutely respected, regardless of our opinions.

    Sadly, it appears the Seas are not the only place that's growing more toxic. Remember, change begins with YOU.

  • @asa-bladerover 6 ships isn't crowded, in fact they need to double that number.

  • @leyvin Please refrain from discussion of disciplinary actions on the forum, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions

    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • I agree 100% I experienced one pirate killing me repeatedly the moment I spawned. I watched him as I floated overhead and he kept shooting and stabbing me. It was creepy as if his anger was totally out of control. He did this over and over again. And there is more, for lack of a better word, and many people think this is part of the game and people shouldn't complain about intense bullying. Where several gang up and steal your ship and your loot. There is more of it now than there ever was. And when someone joins my ship my first instinct is to mistrust them. It wasn't like that in the beginning. I would always welcome someone coming aboard. The whole prevailing attitude is filled with intense bullying. Pirates have a code of honor but it is not being adhered to and if they behaved this way during the time of pirating they would be outcasts in their community. Not to be trusted

  • @bluefrog68 dang dude, necro after 2 years. this thread was dead.

  • Where is the forum to voice a complaint about toxic behavior?

  • As this thread was almost 2 years old and revived today, it will now be locked.

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our Forum Rules.

    Bumping Threads
    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. Resurrecting very old threads is also not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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