Island Hideouts - Player Bases

  • I think the game would be greatly improved if players could own a island and design there own treasure hideout or base of operations. In every good pirate tale there’s always a place where the crews hideout or stash there loot. I think the game would be relatively more fun and interesting if players could have there own place. There could be like 7-10 islands on the map which players can go to and claim the spot. Players could also customize the island and set up defenses like cannon positions or traps. On the island players can have a secret cave or building where they stash loot while on long quest or tales. Another interesting feature would be that players can upgrade there islands defense and increase traps. I believe that giving players the opportunity to own a secret hideout would be fun for everyone. I mean who wouldn’t want a secret cool pirate base. Another feature to prevent looting and players grieving one another. Is to maybe make a lock on the base that only the owner has the key to. That way he and his crew can protect the loot while gone. All together the Hideouts would be a place where players could spawn and plan there next journey on the high seas thus acting as a base of operations, players could plan tall tales, voyages, raids, and other ops on. Therefore this is my idea or concept of something i and I’m sure other players would like to see in the future. Maybe the Sea of Thieves Developers can make that happen. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions on the content please let me know or make a comment. Thank you community for your time.

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  • Players spending most of their time building a base on an island means less ships traveling the sea, and thus defeating the main purpose of the game which is to encounter other players.

    This isn't a survival title, we don't need player bases.

  • @d3adst1ck it wouldn’t be like a survival. It would just be like a island with a few cannons around and a hidden cave for players hideout. It really wouldn’t take away from the game. Just add me content. Players would only be there to store loot until the are ready to sell it(incase some attacks them on a journey). It’s more of a place to choose your next voyage, or go on your next tall tale. Not much would be taken away as 90% of the time you are on the water. 5% your on a island. 5% your at the outpost. I still stand and think this is a good idea. That l you for your input.

  • @daog-glizzy said in Island Hideouts - Player Bases:

    I think the game would be greatly improved if players could own a island and design there own treasure hideout or base of operations. In every good pirate tale there’s always a place where the crews hideout or stash there loot. I think the game would be relatively more fun and interesting if players could have there own place. There could be like 7-10 islands on the map which players can go to and claim the spot. Players could also customize the island and set up defenses like cannon positions or traps. On the island players can have a secret cave or building where they stash loot while on long quest or tales. Another interesting feature would be that players can upgrade there islands defense and increase traps. I believe that giving players the opportunity to own a secret hideout would be fun for everyone. I mean who wouldn’t want a secret cool pirate base. Another feature to prevent looting and players grieving one another. Is to maybe make a lock on the base that only the owner has the key to. That way he and his crew can protect the loot while gone. All together the Hideouts would be a place where players could spawn and plan there next journey on the high seas thus acting as a base of operations, players could plan tall tales, voyages, raids, and other ops on. Therefore this is my idea or concept of something i and I’m sure other players would like to see in the future. Maybe the Sea of Thieves Developers can make that happen. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions on the content please let me know or make a comment. Thank you community for your time.

    this is a shared world game private severs are sort of like one's own base but in this game loot isn't your's untill you get the gold for it so no thank you

  • @closinghare208 I respect your opinion and take that into consideration. But I believe every good pirate needs a hideout. Also theses would be public servers not private

  • @daog-glizzy said in Island Hideouts - Player Bases:

    @closinghare208 I respect your opinion and take that into consideration. But I believe every good pirate needs a hideout. Also theses would be public servers not private

    true but with private severs wouldn't that sort of be the same thing and yes i get that but everyone would have a hidout on an island and it would be like d-day but with hideouts and pirates

  • @closinghare208 that’s very true good sir it would almost defeat the point. But maybe the developers could work the game to where everyone on that server has a different hideout. So there won’t be any battles happening at a hideout.

  • @daog-glizzy said in Island Hideouts - Player Bases:

    @closinghare208 that’s very true good sir it would almost defeat the point. But maybe the developers could work the game to where everyone on that server has a different hideout. So there won’t be any battles happening at a hideout.

    yeah but if it's on an island and one has to go to said island where a hideout is on then people would just hoard loot like the gold hoarders

  • @closinghare208 well what if you could only store loot while the quest, voyage, or tall tale was in play. And then when it finishes the loot at your hideout gets sold. Or the game makes you go get your loot and sell it.

  • @daog-glizzy there is early beta footage of hideouts, but the dev's decided against it because they wanted the focus on your ship not an island

  • Maybe have the ship be the base. You could go to the bilge rats for upgades and maybe have some sort of safe upgrade that needs to be broken to get the loot.

  • @captain-fob4141 I heard about that :(

  • @basicdust822138 that’s a good idea man

  • @daog-glizzy Thank I´ev had the idea for a while now I was thinking of 1 or two for each faction the safe would be for gold hoarders.

  • @basicdust822138 I support your idea bro. I’m with you

  • @daog-glizzy Thanks.


    Not to put a damper on it but with 7000+ servers active with even only 100,000 players playing there is a danger more than one crew might have chosen the same spot, or more likely 100 crews have chosen the same spot.

    You get server merged fairly often and join a new one with every new game. It's easy to think the seas are deserted with the 6 ship per server thing but if we were all on one it would be choc-a-block so it's unworkable.

    If it was like going to the ferry or Athena's it could work but i'd rather sail and adventure.

    Islands are mainly for digging things up and killing skellies on.

  • Your ship is a moving fortress. Hideout on water. I think we’re good.

  • @daog-glizzy ngl, i have thought about the idea quite a bit.

    something kinda like the PL hideout only more personal. sadly i doubt the devs will ever do something like that seeing as they prefer to actually make more stuff that you do out on the seas. which is a shame cause i think it would be really neat to have a personal hideout where you could see all your pets and decorate to your liking. but i doubt it will come to pass...

  • Pray for captaincy.

  • @daog-glizzy said in Island Hideouts - Player Bases:

    @closinghare208 well what if you could only store loot while the quest, voyage, or tall tale was in play. And then when it finishes the loot at your hideout gets sold. Or the game makes you go get your loot and sell it.

    ok that sounds better to me

  • There's already plenty of islands with caves and cannons on that you could use as your base if you wish.
    I've come across a few players that have laid claim to islands and request a payment for digging up treasure or killing skellies on their island. One even went so far as being our guide and making sure we knew where our next clue was, bringing food and things we may need.
    Side note: you can meet some real characters on the seas!

  • Instead of designing an entire base, how about private lockers in the Pirate Legend Hideout that would allow you to store supplies (limit of 10 of each item type) and quests (Limit of 8) that are unrelated to voyages (So you couldn't just store an Athena map or other cruise quest maps for later use, but you could stash that Pig Delivery quest or skellie bounty or riddle map you found in a barrel) and the items in the locker are saved when you log out and reloaded when you log back in.

    This would give Pirate Legends some kind of actual reward for becoming a pirate legend, without giving them any advantage in combat at all. And you could take a break for dinner and come back to finish your random quests later.

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